Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Slow Death of Multiculturalism

The Slow Death of Multiculturalism

It’s rare, very rare, for a world leader to intentionally expose himself or herself to the slings and arrows of ingrained thought and denounce a feature of that thought as something that has “utterly failed.” It’s the antithesis of political correctness yet German Chancellor Angela Merkel has chosen that rocky and treacherous path in her admission that the international social experiment known as multiculturalism is a total failure.

Multiculturalism was a grand social experiment doomed to failure by a naïveté or by a conscious awareness that it wouldn’t work because it couldn't work.

The social fad of multiculturalism is defined by the Columbia Encyclopedia as “cultural pluralism, a term describing the coexistence of many cultures in a locality, without any one culture dominating the region. By making the broadest range of human differences acceptable to the largest number of people, multiculturalism seeks to overcome racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.”

Wikipedia tweaks that definition by adding, “Multiculturalism is the acceptance or promotion of multiple ethnic cultures, . . . multiculturalists advocate extending equitable status to distinct ethnic and religious groups without promoting any specific ethnic, religious, and/or cultural community values as central. The policy of multiculturalism is often contrasted with the concepts assimilationism and social integration. Multiculturalism is seen by its supporters as a fairer system that allows people to truly express who they are within.”

Isn’t multiculturalism really a variation on the Biblical tale of the Tower of Babel? And won’t it inevitably lead to a similar fate?

Both definitions may instill warm, fuzzy feelings but both omit essential factors, notably nationalism, patriotism and realism.

Fully cognizant of those factors but committed to imposing multiculturalism on the hoi polloi anyway,. . .

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