Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Jew Defends Christianity

A Jew Defends Christianity

Since many Christians don’t seem to have the gumption or wherewithal to do it, it’s refreshing to see anyone defending Christianity. When the defender happens to be a jew, it approaches breathtaking.

Emeritus professor of political science and former head of the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association, Abraham H. Miller does just that in “Christianity: First Line of Defense for the West?” Published on PajamasMedia.com, the article posits a rarely-seen truth, that ”The one solid, inescapable organizing principle that stands as the bulwark against radical Islam is Christianity.”

Miller defends Christianity and Christians, real Christians, that is, people who “who get up every morning and genuinely reflect on how they could become better people by becoming more like Jesus,” on many bases. Those bases include exposing the hypocrisy and intolerance which allows pseudo-sophisticates like late night comics and even his fellow jews to preach tolerance for Muslims at the same time they ridicule the “moral clarity” and “moral precision” of Christianity on such matters as abortion and racial discrimination.

As Miller writes, ”I have never seen a Christian blow himself up on a bus full of innocent people, declare holy war on the unbeliever, or stone a congregant for adultery.” Nor has he seen “Jesus followers that crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center . . . [nor] Jesus followers who attack Jews on the streets of Paris so frequently and violently.”

Yet, Christians and never Muslims are pilloried and mocked regularly by America’s and Europe’s pseudo-sophisticates.

Miller points the finger of hypocrisy at members of his own faith . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2382)

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