Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Shock–and awe–are relative terms. Some people can be shocked if they witness a purse-snatching, others won’t be even mildly shocked by a gruesome mass murder. The following have been shockers to at least some individuals:

Abortion Video–Missy Reilly Smith has had two abortions and, like Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, is now a dedicated pro-lifer. She is also a candidate for the position of D.C. delegate to the House of Representatives, a post long-held in a lockhold by Elizabeth Holmes Norton.

Smith figured that since she had been there and done that that she was well-qualified to acquaint women, teens, and others with something most people either don’t know or don’t want to know, namely what really happens to pre-born babies when an abortion is committed.

Accordingly, as part of her campaign, Smith ran 30 second spots on local television stations in the Washington area which graphically demonstrated the so-called “products of abortion,” an act she rightly terms “murder.” The spots are so graphic that the stations, legally required by federal law to air, felt compelled to introduce with a 15 second disclaimer. YouTube banned them as “shocking and disgusting.”

Smith’s ads come with her impassioned voice over speaking on behalf of both women and babies: “I was told it’s not a baby. They lied to me. They exploited me, she swears. “Then I learned the truth and I’ve suffered for years. And believe me I am angry. My heart has been ripped out. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Norton–they all support the murder of babies and the abuse of women by abortion. It’s time to make child killing illegal again.”

The spots can be viewed on Smith’s website . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2376)

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