Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spreading Your Wealth

Spreading Your Wealth

Remember when a campaigning Obama seemed to slip when he said to Joe the Plumber, ”I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody”? That candid remark wasn’t far removed from Karl Marx’ redistribution of wealth slogan, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Obama is now ready to go after the wealth of Americans, from each according to his ability, (how much money hard working Americans have), to each according to his needs, (how much money non-working people need.)

This time around he and his faithful Dems are not going after wealthy Americans since there’s a limit on how much he can milk from them before they set up legal residences in the Caymans or Macau and flip Obama and his Dems the bird.

And it’s not really “wealth” he plans to confiscate since the objects of his planned acquisitions are not the hoards millionaires have stashed under their beds but rather the modest savings that millions of average Americans have squirreled away for decades in their 401(k)’s.

Multiply the average amount in Americans’ 401(k)’s ($66,900) by the millions of Americans who own them and you’re talking real money, BIG money that Uncle Barack has designs on and his designs have no relation to anyone’s individual retirement comfort.

Truly wealthy people such as Barack Obama and the 237 millionaires in Congress have little use for tax-deferred savings which are the savings’ domain of people with moderate and even lower incomes, monies they are doing without during their working lives so that they can have more decent retired lives.

To those thrifty souls our president is now effectively saying, “Tough nookies! We’re gonna share your ‘wealth.’ . . .

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