Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rick Sanchez and CNN's Kingdom of Nay

Rick Sanchez and CNN's Kingdom of Nay

The little I saw of him, Rick Sanchez, formerly host of “Rick’s List” in CNN’s 3-5 p.m. time slot, seemed like a sincere, straightforward, personable enough sort. He was more than a tad too straightforward in a radio interview, hence the reason he’s a former host.

I don’t think I’m in danger of stereotyping when I say Sanchez, a Cuban-born American with no obvious accent, shared a common trait among latinos, that of being passionate, passionate enough to lose his cool–and his job of 6 years with CNN. He got pissed during a Serius/XM radio interview with Pete Dominick and let loose with some opinions which were considered dismissal-worthy by his CNN bosses.

Sanchez’ comments about discrimination in general, about bias against women and Hispanics in particular, and concerning Comedy Central’s “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart whom he called a bigot, probably wouldn’t have gotten him canned since there’s a provable element of truth in such accusations.

What got him bunches of free time to plug his new book, Conventional Idiocy, Why the New America Is Sick of Old Politics, was not just touching but grabbing onto the third rail with his intimations that Jews controlled the media and with such statements as, “I can’t see somebody not getting a job somewhere because they’re Jewish.”

To that last, Dominick quipped, “Well, then you’ve never been to Nebraska,” but the damage was already done.

I’ve never been to Nebraska, either, nor do I plan on traveling there in the near future or during this lifetime, so I can’t reflect on job opportunities for Jews in the Cornhusker State but I think Sanchez was speaking in generalities with that pretty accurate comment.

Less general were his views on alleged Jewish control of the media. . . .

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