Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Timely Reminder from Barack: Don't Forget that White Guilt!

A Timely Reminder from Barack: Don't Forget that White Guilt!

No one will ever be able to conclusively prove the extent to which white guilt played a role in Barack Hussein Obama’s election to the presidency in 2008. What is definitely known is that 43 of every 100 whites cast their ballots for Obama in that election and that he garnered 96% of the black vote.

White guilt could be defined as that bizarre, much-denied, conscious or subconscious, feeling experienced by an untold number of white Americans that it was time to give the black man a shot at the Oval Office.

After all, white guilters somehow believed, African-Americans had been enslaved for centuries in America and the least whites could do to make amends for that societal evil would be to vote for a black man to clearly demonstrate, first, that they were free of prejudice and, second, to recompense today’s blacks for the sins of our forefathers.

It’s bizarre thinking for any white American today unless he or she were at least 147 years old and former slaveholders and the recipients of that compensation were at least the same age and former slaves since Lincoln, technically, freed the slaves in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Our president seems well aware of the white guilt phenomenon, so much so that he’s cashing in his racial chits a month ahead of the mid-term elections on November 2nd. . .

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