Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Fine Art of Political Flip-Flopping "by Kate Evans"

The Fine Art of Political Flip-Flopping "by Kate Evans"

Easily the most renouned political flipflopper in the last few decades was the Democrat nominee for president in 2004, Senator John Kerry, who will go down in history as the man who wanted it both ways on the Iraq War and ended up losing that election in part because he tried to flimflam the electorate.

His classic line is usually quoted as, “I voted for the war before I voted against it” but his flip-flopping went far beyond that equivocation.

He voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq in October, 2002, supported President G.W. Bush in May, 2003 and later that year contended he merely voted to “threaten” Saddam Hussein, then, 5 months after that declared to Chris Matthews that he was anti-war, saying emphatically that “I don’t believe the president took us to war as he should have, yes, absolutely.”

As he should have?

It’s not nice to try to fool Mother Nature and even less nice to try to fool the American people.

There’s a whole lot of fooling, flim-famming, flip-flopping in progress during the current election cycle chiefly on the part of Democrat candidates on the November ballot and mainly involving Obamacare.

Those Democrats who voted for the misleadingly-titled Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2009. PPAHCA aka Obamacare, heve been scurrying about seeking cover and have been downplaying, i.e., attempting to hide that vote. Those few Dems who voted against the measure are proudly touting their opposition as if it were a badge of honor. Those, like West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin who weren’t in Congress to vote yea or nay, are busily engaged in Kerry-esque flip-flopping. . .

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