Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pushy, Pushy, Pushy! Give Gays an Inch and They Push for a Mile!

Pushy, Pushy, Pushy! Give Gays an Inch and They Take a Mile!

Barack Hussein Obama is by far the most gay-friendly president in America’s history., a liberal website, reports that,”President Barack Obama has already named more gay men and lesbians to administration positions than any White House. . . Obama has appointed 150 gays to high-level slots at agencies, commissions, and White House staff positions compared to 140 named by President Clinton during the entire eight years of his presidency:”

That’s a prodigious number considering that Obama has only been in office for 21 months and considering that homosexuals comprise a mere 2% of America’s population.

It would seem that America’s gays have gotten more than a very equitable shake from this president, including having gays such as Kevin Jennings, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools, in very high positions. The Jennings’ appointment was tantamount to naming John Gotti as Chief Investigator of the Mafia.

Nevertheless, gays,an Obama prime constituency, third in the faithful line after African-Americans and union members, aren’t as pleased with him as one might suppose.

He captured their vote in 2008 based on his pledges to do their bidding on issues such as repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” (DADT), policy, a policy dating back to Bill Clinton’s first year as president, and promising to get rid of that dastardly Defense of Marriage Act, (DOMA), another Clinton law which basically gave a federal imprimatur to the all but universal understanding that marriage is a sacred compact between one man and one woman.

The gay lobby viewed both DADT and DOMA as discriminatory even as most of America viewed them as very reasonable and very proper.

Despite bending over backwards to satisfy his many gay friends–and that’s not a reference to any gay sex maneuvers!–Obama hasn’t as yet gotten his rubber-stamp congress to repeal DADT or DOMA.

In the collective and impatient homosexual mind, therefore, he hasn’t done nearly enough for them. And they’re letting him know about their thinking . . .

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