Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Nation Defined and Defiled

A Nation Defined and Defiled

. . . Lady Liberty’s inscription in part reads,”Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” It makes no reference nor does it imply that illegal aliens, often reprobate aliens, are invited to join us in the ongoing, 221 year old experiment in liberty that is America.

Nevertheless, that invitation has been extended to virtually everyone on Planet Earth, including those misanthropic earthlings whose primary purpose in life is to destroy us. All we used to ask is that immigrants enter the country legally and abide by our laws. It was assumed they would learn our language and willingly assimilate into our culture.

Most people would call that immigration policy suicidal, especially when many sneak in, violate our laws, and reject our language and culture. The United States calls it multiculturalism, inclusion, anything other than an asinine, national suicide policy.

This week the laughable Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection division, CBP, issued its annual report which included an admission that it has established “effective control” of only 873 miles of our 1,954 mile border with Mexico–and that’s an “improvement” over 2009! . . .

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