Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gimme That Ol' Time Religion at the White House

Gimme That Ol' Time Religion at the White House

Ya think President Barack Hussein Obama smells an election coming and knows his Dems just may suffer a historic defeat on November 2? I do.

I concluded an earlier article on Barack Obama’s new-found religiosity–and it’s NOT the Islamic religion, I’ll have you know!–with the following: ”The mainstream, the center, is the source of all good things for politicians and in that center are 225,000,000 American Christians. Obama is tracking in that direction and thinks he can go ‘a hundred miles an hour’ as long as he has his plastic Jesus on board.”

That was a reference to Obama’s semi-retreat on his earlier pronouncement to the Muslim world that America was not a Christian nation, his statement last month that the U.S. is “still predominantly Christian,” his packing up the family to attend services at St. John’s Episcopal on September 14th, and telling a New Mexico audience (71% Christian) how deeply influenced he was ”by the precepts of Jesus Christ.”

See “Barack and His Amazing Technicolor Conversion,”

Someone should remind the president that Christ didn’t much care for lying hypocrites. . .

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