Monday, October 4, 2010

The Homosexual Problem with Just Cookies

The Homosexual Problem with Just Cookies

. . . Contemporaneous with gays moving into the mainstream of general American life and society has been a decided muscle-flexing as they have pushed more and more into schools and colleges to advance their agenda of insisted acceptance. That topic has been treated at great length in this space.

Encouraged by their overall success in promoting their agenda, another “push” has been in the area of promoting themselves in the commercial sector. That may be misleading since the gay strategy is more akin to forcing themselves on various businesses, “forced homosexual affirmations,” and destroying some of those enterprises in the process.

A recent instance of forcible affirmation involved a small, family-owned business in Indianapolis. “Just Cookies” had sold, what else, just cookies, (and some cupcakes), for 20 years in its store located in the city-owned City Market Building.

Americans for Truth detailed what happened when a gay group insisted on making a purchase that did not involve just cookies: ”Just Cookies was approached by some local homosexual demands group activists and asked to make a special order of cupcakes designed with homosexual rainbows for the ‘National Coming Out Day.’ This is an event sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, DC. It exists solely to encourage homosexual behavior among students and kids.

“The owners of Just Cookies [the Stockton family] declined this special order, which required their design talents being used to embrace this controversial and morally questionable event. The activists could have purchased cookies and other items off the shelf, [or could have shopped elsewhere] but wanted something specific for their event at a local university. The homosexual demands groups saw a ‘no thank you’ as ‘discrimination’ simply because the owners didn’t want any part of promoting homosexuality among kids.

“The issue really exploded this week when this news broke and the Mayor’s office took the side of the homosexual demands . . .

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