Thursday, October 14, 2010

Maybe Obama Really Isn't Black Enough?

Maybe Obama Really Isn't Black Enough?

Time Magazine and the LA Times, among others, posed the daunting question in February 2007, long before the junior senator from Illinois tossed his hat into the presidential ring, “Is Obama Black Enough?” The Time article concluded with the puzzling observation that “Barack Obama’s real problem isn’t that he’s too white–it’s that he’s too black.”

Granted, the biracial Obama wasn’t as black as 50 Cent or Chris Rock but so what? Too black, too white, whatever.

The questions Time and others should have been asking were, Why in God’s holy name was this guy, Barack Hussein Obama, even being considered as “presidential material” after barely a year on the national stage? Why was a woefully inexperienced and untested individual being lionized by the MSM and touted as a possible nominee for the Democrat Party’s next entry into the presidential sweepstakes?

And, the most obvious unasked question of all, Was Obama in fact being considered precisely because he was (partially) black and because he represented the best shot people of color had to win the presidency? Did his fans view his election as a way to finally and definitively expiate their nagging white guilt?

If Obama were to be nominated simply because of the color of his skin and not the content of his character, his qualifications and suitability for the presidency of the United States, wouldn’t that be racist in Martin Luther King Jr.’s lexicon?

The very reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would later question Obama’s black identity and credentials but at least Joe Biden accepted him for what he was, even if he was the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

Wouldn’t it also be racist and blatantly discriminatory to favor any particular group or groups for special treatment because of their color? . . .

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