Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kinetic Inaction against Islam

Kinetic Inaction against Islam

Woodrow Wilson’s vice president Thomas Riley Marshall famously and snidely said, “What America needs is a good 5 cent cigar.” It’s doubtful that was so essential then and it’s even more dubious almost a century later but America is in dire need today and what we need has nothing to do with cigars.

First and foremost, America needs a new president but that will have to wait almost nineteen months. In the interim, for starters, America needs to wake up with regard to the true nature of Islam and to the obliviousness, if not the calculated deviousness, of America’s Left with regard to everything but, most specifically, regarding the true nature of Islam.

We’re told, contrary to common sense and powers of observation, that our nation and the West aren’t at war with Islam and anyone who believes we are should disabuse themselves of that absurd notion posthaste.

We should disregard 30 years of bloody assaults on Western interests throughout the world, forget the 3 conflicts in which we are engaged in Muslim countries, the 6,000–and counting–dead American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, the subway bombings, the interdicted attacks, the obvious war footing at our airports, and we should especially stop dwelling on September 11th, 2001!

None of those realities are evidence of any war but rather of misunderstandings and a lack of communication with the Islamic world. How do we know? President Barack Hussein Obama tells us so.

It seems Muslims haven’t yet received the memo.

In a little-publicized December, 2010 commentary, America’s resident Muslim oracle/quisling Fareed Zakaria proposed, “A Smart and Resilient Approach to Terrorism.” He suggested that America “overreacted” to 9/11 and, even more chillingly, that we should be prepared to absorb terrorist nuclear attacks after which we could “bounce back.” (

Such a view could be expected from a Muslim but not from a “Christian” president. Just coincidentally but equally-unpublicized, Barack Hussein Obama also said that we can absorb a terrorist, nuclear attack, according to Bob Woodward’s book, Obama’s Wars, (p. 363).

We know our president abhors the thought of war, as do we all. Thus, we’re fighting a “kinetic action” in Libya. Anyone else feel that’s a lie? Anyone else believe the Zakaria-Obama lessons in nuclear ”resilience” or are we being set up for catastrophe in this non-war with Islam?

Unlike our current president, George W. Bush was fully aware that America and the West were involved in an unrelenting war with Islam, even if he chose to call it a “War on Terror” for purposes of not antagonizing the Muslim world. After years of worldwide economic and military harassment of Al-qaeda by the Bush administration and implementation of that policy by the Obama administration, it’s indisputable that Al-qaeda is on the run. The Navy SEAL’s summary execution of Osama bin Laden under orders from Leon Panetta converted that run into a panic.

Al-qaeda is still alive, if not well.

The Obamians may treat the latest Muslim threat as posing minuscule danger to the nation since it merely involves cherry-picking of Americans and hardly constitutes full-fledged war . . .

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