Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Uptightie Righties" and Gays

"Uptightie Righties" and Gays

I enjoy getting comments here and on various websites on which I re-post. Call me a masochist but I especially enjoy getting “hate mail” commentary.

First of all, comments show people are reading my posts and the hate mail proves some are being riled up, even incensed, by what I write which is a good thing since I only write the truth and they consequently prove they can’t handle the truth, to quote Col. Nathan R. Jessep.

By far, even exceeding the multitudinous compliments I count on one hand, most of the negative comments emanate from the homosexual community which take issue with factual reflections on what gays are up to in America.

In recent articles, I pointed out that outgoing Secretary of Defense Robert Gates suffered a brain lapse when he told a Marine in Afghanistan, in effect, that it was just too damned bad but Marines couldn’t opt of their enlistment because of the repeal of DADT. In another I cited a Gallup survey which showed that gays represent only a minimal percentage of 2-4% of Americans as opposed to what many Americans think.

In a third I referred to specific proof that homosexuals are targeting America’s youth but in the interests of decorus propriety, I didn’t detail the contents of a flier distributed to kids at a Bay State “youth pride” event on May 14th. One reader latched onto that propriety in ”Gay ‘Acceptance and Inclusion,’ ” (

“Dakotahgeo” wrote what cannot technically be described as hate mail but rather something more insidious, a calculated effort to discount and ridicule references made to government-supported homosexual activities in Massachusetts and thereby reduce the truth to calculated deception.

Dakotahgeo wrote, ”What I love about this particular blogspot is that while you uptighty righties spin your negative tales and stories regarding homosexuality, the pro GLBT Progressives are teaching right from wrong at a greater rate than you ever thought possible. They are not teaching the rightness or wrongness of being gay. They are teaching tolerance and respect for all people. . . and you boys are stuck. . . in a rut! It is almost embarrassingly. . . funny.” (Ellipses were Dakotageo’s.)

GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgenders) “Progressives” are, in fact, not “teaching right from wrong” and, if “They are not teaching the rightness or wrongness of being gay,” they sure are making gay-ness seem . . .

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