Saturday, June 25, 2011

Obama's Intellectual Stammers, Gaffes, and Ignorance

Obama's Intellectual Stammers, Gaffes, and Ignorance

I recently heard a snippet from an LA Times op-ed by Obamapologist Meghan Daum titled, “Obama’s Fast Brain vs. Slow Mouth” in which Daum offered an explanation/defense/excuse for our president’s inclination to employ a multiplicity of “umms” and “uhs” when he speaks without, and sometimes with, his trusty teleprompters.

As the article title suggests, Obama is so brilliant that his sluggish mouth is simply incapable of keeping up with his stupendous brain–not a nice thing to say about anyone, least of all a president– and he is reduced to “an intellectual stammer.” She didn’t attribute the president’s oratorical ineptness to stuttering but to “stammering,” which is pretty much the same speech defect as exhibited by the future King George VI in “The King’s Speech.”

I don’t know Ms. Daum and I wouldn’t suggest she is so enthralled with Barack Hussein Obama that she would be thrilled to give him oral sex as Time writer Nina Burleigh generously offered her idol, Bubba Clinton, in 1998. She just, evidently, idolizes her hero and settled for apologizing for Obama’s speech patterns. Notably, she omits comment on his equally-annoying, constant filler ”y’know” and “ya know.”

The chief problem with Daum’s apologia is that our gifted, constitutional-scholar leader’s speech issues aren’t confined to his repetitive “umms,” “uhs,” “y’knows,” or to some fabricated “intellectual stammer.” The absurdity of her premise is only emphasized by her comparison of the president to ”the godfather of the intellectual stammer,” the late, great, and incontestably brilliant, William F. Buckley. (

Absent his handlers and their scripted, teleprompted, words of wisdom, Obama hasn’t the foggiest notion of what to say so “umms,” “uhs,” and “y’knows” afford him time to ruminate a wee bit, to intellectually stammer and fill the brain gap before he is forced to expound. He frequently does that by committing outrageous gaffes which are even more grievous than stammering.

Barack Hussein Obama’s gaffes, his often stupid, inane, inappropriate, and inarticulate statements and misstatements are legion, even if Letterman’s writers can’t bring themselves to mock them as he still does with G.W. Bush’s “Bushisms.” They and Leno’s lackeys, two and a half years after President Bush left office, are still stuck on GWB’s gaffes and oblivious to every time Obama sticks his presidential foot into his mouth.

Unlike GWB’s records–which showed he outshone Al Gore at Yale–we never have gotten the chance to peruse BHO’s college and law school transcripts so one has to wonder how smart this most brilliant president ever to occupy the White House really is. . .

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