Friday, June 3, 2011

Gay "Acceptance and Inclusion"

Gay "Acceptance and Inclusion"

Sally Green, vice-president and COO of the Richmond (VA) Federal Reserve Bank says the bank wanted to make a statement demonstrating its “commitment” by flying the rainbow flag emblematic of the homosexual movement underneath Old Glory. More specifically, Ms. Green stated, “We are flying the pride flag as an example of our commitment to the values of acceptance and inclusion” during gay-proclaimed “Gay Pride Month.”

Aside from the propriety of the Federal Reserve making commitments other than those related to banking, money, or the United States of America, the gay flag raises another another salient issue: Does the gay pride movement merit “acceptance and inclusion”?

I’m aware that posing such a query will immediately evoke accusations of intolerance, bigotry, and, my favorite taunt, homophobia, which in turn leads us to a second question, namely, should not those accepted and included abide by basic norms of conduct and behavior, norms which are not patently offensive to the vast majority of Americans?

And, no, I don’t refer there to what homosexuals do in the privacy of their boudoirs, in the back seats of their vehicles, or in back alleys, or whether they do them swinging from the rafters. Rather, I refer to what they do in public, in front of mixed audiences, and whom they are trying most to influence by their activities.

Virginia State Delegate Robert G. Marshall directed a letter to Richmond Fed President Jeffrey M. Lacker in which he pointed out that the homosexual behavior “celebrated” by the bank is a class six felony in Virginia, which should have been reason enough not to have flown the gay flag.

Marshall’s contention that the bank’s action “undermines the American economy” is debatable but his view that, “You want the American people to trust your [judgment] in economic matters when your spokesperson celebrates an attack on public morals?” ( is well-taken but largely irrelevant.

Invoking morality and, by inference, religion, merely clouds the issues of “acceptance and inclusion” of the homosexual community since morality is open to interpretation and Americans profess a variety of religious beliefs. Even though most people would agree with Marshall and the other flag protestors and most religions condemn homosexual conduct, there are more fundamental reasons to oppose the flag, chiefly the physical and emotionally corruptive influence of gay activists on America’s youth.

I have often–too often–written about this subject and, frankly, it gets tedious. Fortunately, never gets tired monitoring and exposing legislative and private corruption in the Bay State where activities of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, and “questioning” groups are not only condoned by the government but facilitated and financially sponsored by the commonwealth.

The latest gay news from Massachusetts is all good, for gays in Massachusetts, not so good for anyone else, especially if Massachusetts is a bellwether for other states in the union. reports that this year’s annual Youth Pride Day “celebration” in Boston outdid itself in exhibitionist gay seduction of young people. . .

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