Serious Conundra on Nukes and Murder
You just never know about nukes and murder and the issues they are capable of causing.
National Geographic reported recently on a real conundrum for Al Gore and his global warming set: Global warming could be easily alleviated with just a little nuclear war. The planet wouldn’t even have to endure a nuclear winter resulting in massive starvation and disease, just a relatively non-catastrophic explosion of, say, 15 million tons of tnt-equivalent bombs.
There would, though, be significant negatives associated with those mini-nukes namely that, “Even a regional nuclear war could spark ‘unprecedented’ global cooling and reduce rainfall for years, according to U.S. government computer models. Widespread famine and disease would likely follow, experts speculate:”
The title of the National Geographic piece, “Small Nuclear War Could Reverse Global Warming for Years,” almost suggests Al and his cohorts would relish that scenario, since reversal of global warming is their goal, no? However, such an eventuality would also put them out of business, thereby creating that conundrum. The Warmists would have to weigh the global benefits of nuclear detonations against the detriments to their wallets.
Then, again, they’re a flexible bunch. They can even twist cold winters into proofs of a warming planet, They would probably establish a start-up dedicated to reaping profits from the nuclear devastation.
What WILL Al and his jolly warmists do?
And what will the country do if President Barack Hussein Obama were ever shot?
That bodacious query . . .
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Un-Fan Club Chimes In
The Un-Fan Club Chimes In
Blogsite comments are the lifeblood of a blog. They can also be entertaining. The following are a few received recently, printed verbatim with editorial commentary in brackets and italics where visible.
From “lonsberg” comes a very dubious accolade in reference to “What’s With All the Jew-Bashing?” (
“I like your site–a lot. Still, I think you too are a kook when it comes to Israel and the Jews. You betray yourself with the Versaille bit. [Pardonnez-moi? Hitler rose to power by railing against the Treaty of Versailles and linking the ascendancy of Jews with Germany's economic catastrophe.] Versaille had nothing to do with the rise of Naziism–it was just a cheap way to score points with the disgruntled workies and unionistas especially. [My points NEVER come cheap!] The terms of the treaty were lenient. [Lenient? In addition to conceding valuable territories, exorbitant, punitive reparations totaling the equivalent of $385 billion in today's dollars were imposed, crippling Germany's future and leading to WWII.] Its like today’s Egyptians saying that the Camp David accord is a “humiliation”. Right. And at the end, you say this is “not healthy, especially for the Jews”. You are normally a cogent thinker, and writer, ]Thank you!] but this makes no sense. If you meant to say, this is “dangerous” for the Jews, why didn’t you say that? Because you have a blind spot. Unconsciously, you are saying that the Jews are not healthy, that’s why. Because you cannot admit that the Jews are fine thank you very much, that America and the Free World owes is legacy to Jewish law and ethics, and that it is society-at-large (as usual) that is going off the rails. That is what is not healthy– for you, and for all of us. [I would prefer not to be psychoanalyzed but, for the record, the "fineness" of Jews is irrelevant and my reference to "healthy" was intended euphemistically to mean that there are distinct suggestions that, if a new Holocaust is not in the making, the rise of anti-Semitism could signal even worse attacks to come which, yes, is very dangerous.]“
“Hey” extends no accolades but does wield a few brickbats re: “Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly,” . .
Blogsite comments are the lifeblood of a blog. They can also be entertaining. The following are a few received recently, printed verbatim with editorial commentary in brackets and italics where visible.
From “lonsberg” comes a very dubious accolade in reference to “What’s With All the Jew-Bashing?” (
“I like your site–a lot. Still, I think you too are a kook when it comes to Israel and the Jews. You betray yourself with the Versaille bit. [Pardonnez-moi? Hitler rose to power by railing against the Treaty of Versailles and linking the ascendancy of Jews with Germany's economic catastrophe.] Versaille had nothing to do with the rise of Naziism–it was just a cheap way to score points with the disgruntled workies and unionistas especially. [My points NEVER come cheap!] The terms of the treaty were lenient. [Lenient? In addition to conceding valuable territories, exorbitant, punitive reparations totaling the equivalent of $385 billion in today's dollars were imposed, crippling Germany's future and leading to WWII.] Its like today’s Egyptians saying that the Camp David accord is a “humiliation”. Right. And at the end, you say this is “not healthy, especially for the Jews”. You are normally a cogent thinker, and writer, ]Thank you!] but this makes no sense. If you meant to say, this is “dangerous” for the Jews, why didn’t you say that? Because you have a blind spot. Unconsciously, you are saying that the Jews are not healthy, that’s why. Because you cannot admit that the Jews are fine thank you very much, that America and the Free World owes is legacy to Jewish law and ethics, and that it is society-at-large (as usual) that is going off the rails. That is what is not healthy– for you, and for all of us. [I would prefer not to be psychoanalyzed but, for the record, the "fineness" of Jews is irrelevant and my reference to "healthy" was intended euphemistically to mean that there are distinct suggestions that, if a new Holocaust is not in the making, the rise of anti-Semitism could signal even worse attacks to come which, yes, is very dangerous.]“
“Hey” extends no accolades but does wield a few brickbats re: “Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly,” . .
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What's With All the Jew-Bashing?
What's With All the Jew Bashing?
There’s a certain undercurrent out there which seems more and more to be bubbling up to surface current status and it’s not good news for those of the Jewish extraction.
In Europe, where anti-Semitism reached its apogee in Germany and Austria following the punitive features of the Treaty of Versailles and the rise of Naziism, England has now become a hotbed of violence against Jews and the ADL is reporting significant anti-Semitism in France, Poland, and Hungary, as well as in Germany and Austria.
Here at home, Mel Gibson’s drunken tirade against a Jewish cop in Malibu in 2006 in which he allegedly said, “F**king Jews . . The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” made headlines worldwide and his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva dug his Hollywood hole even deeper when she revealed he once said, ”I want Jew blood on my hands.” Gibson is now gone, Oksana is suing him, he’s countersuing, and the cop, Deputy James Mee, is suing the LAPD.
Anyone else need a scorecard? It never seems to end, not just the court battles but the tirades.
Last summer, the leftist and Buddhist movie director Oliver Stone seemed to be channeling Gibson when he said, “Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people.”
Stone asked then answered his own question, “Why such a focus on the Holocaust then? The Jewish domination of the media. . ."
There’s a certain undercurrent out there which seems more and more to be bubbling up to surface current status and it’s not good news for those of the Jewish extraction.
In Europe, where anti-Semitism reached its apogee in Germany and Austria following the punitive features of the Treaty of Versailles and the rise of Naziism, England has now become a hotbed of violence against Jews and the ADL is reporting significant anti-Semitism in France, Poland, and Hungary, as well as in Germany and Austria.
Here at home, Mel Gibson’s drunken tirade against a Jewish cop in Malibu in 2006 in which he allegedly said, “F**king Jews . . The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” made headlines worldwide and his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva dug his Hollywood hole even deeper when she revealed he once said, ”I want Jew blood on my hands.” Gibson is now gone, Oksana is suing him, he’s countersuing, and the cop, Deputy James Mee, is suing the LAPD.
Anyone else need a scorecard? It never seems to end, not just the court battles but the tirades.
Last summer, the leftist and Buddhist movie director Oliver Stone seemed to be channeling Gibson when he said, “Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people.”
Stone asked then answered his own question, “Why such a focus on the Holocaust then? The Jewish domination of the media. . ."
Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly
Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly
We should all treasure the United Nations. As its website proclaims, “It’s your world!” According to that website, “The U.N. has 4 main purposes
To keep peace throughout the world;
To develop friendly relations among nations;
To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;
To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.”
What rational being, what American, what Zambizean or Moldavian or Kazakhstanian could take issue with that lofty dedication to peace, friendliness, respect, and harmony among nations, none of which the U.N. has come even close to realizing?
Forget the origins of the U.N., the sleazey ngotiations that led to its founding, the able assistance in that endeavor of convicted Soviet spy and perjurer, Alger Hiss. Forget its repetitive, abject failures in the 66 years of its existence, the presence of China, Cuba, and Libya on its “Human Rights Council,” its consistently anti-Americanism over the years. The U.N. is “our world.”
The United Nations began with 51 nations after World War II and has now blossomed into a bloated membership of 192 countries, most of which have, if not outright contempt for its chief benefactor, the United States, a studied, diplomatic disregard for our interests.
Despite all the negatives, the U.N. has evolved into the international organization par excellence, the organization that has been impotent in ending the unending wars since WWII, the last best hope for mankind. Oh, it also dispatches kids on Halloween to beg for UNICEF money.
The U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon of the Republic of South Korea, just announced an exciting new initiative.
For some historical perspective, Mr. Ban succeeded Ghanian Kofi Annan. Annan had followed Egypt’s D.r. Boutros Boutros-Ghali and personally presided over the genocide in Rwanda. He was rewarded for that disservice with the office of Secretary General. Wearing his new hat, he oversaw a U.N. sex harrassment scandal, the Oil-for-Food Scandal, and his son, Kojo Annan raking off millions in that mess.
Kofi was again rewarded, with a Nobel Peace Prize.
Anyway, in recognition of the United Nations’ “World Day of Social Justice,” . . .
We should all treasure the United Nations. As its website proclaims, “It’s your world!” According to that website, “The U.N. has 4 main purposes
To keep peace throughout the world;
To develop friendly relations among nations;
To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;
To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.”
What rational being, what American, what Zambizean or Moldavian or Kazakhstanian could take issue with that lofty dedication to peace, friendliness, respect, and harmony among nations, none of which the U.N. has come even close to realizing?
Forget the origins of the U.N., the sleazey ngotiations that led to its founding, the able assistance in that endeavor of convicted Soviet spy and perjurer, Alger Hiss. Forget its repetitive, abject failures in the 66 years of its existence, the presence of China, Cuba, and Libya on its “Human Rights Council,” its consistently anti-Americanism over the years. The U.N. is “our world.”
The United Nations began with 51 nations after World War II and has now blossomed into a bloated membership of 192 countries, most of which have, if not outright contempt for its chief benefactor, the United States, a studied, diplomatic disregard for our interests.
Despite all the negatives, the U.N. has evolved into the international organization par excellence, the organization that has been impotent in ending the unending wars since WWII, the last best hope for mankind. Oh, it also dispatches kids on Halloween to beg for UNICEF money.
The U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon of the Republic of South Korea, just announced an exciting new initiative.
For some historical perspective, Mr. Ban succeeded Ghanian Kofi Annan. Annan had followed Egypt’s D.r. Boutros Boutros-Ghali and personally presided over the genocide in Rwanda. He was rewarded for that disservice with the office of Secretary General. Wearing his new hat, he oversaw a U.N. sex harrassment scandal, the Oil-for-Food Scandal, and his son, Kojo Annan raking off millions in that mess.
Kofi was again rewarded, with a Nobel Peace Prize.
Anyway, in recognition of the United Nations’ “World Day of Social Justice,” . . .
FDR and Union Tyranny
FDR and Union Tyranny
As a former, retired, teacher union member whose father was a member of a company union, I don’t in the least feel hypocritical in opposing the actions of Wisconsin teachers. Bottom line is, they’re wrong, in the extreme.
When I began as a public school English teacher in the early 70′s in suburban Long Island, I had no intention of joining either the local or state unions. Even then, the state union was decidedly liberal and, in fact, there was a movement afoot to expunge the word, “union,” in favor of “association” in order to preserve a sense of teacher professionalism.
“Union” won out in that debate, not that it mattered since the umbrella organization, the National Education Association, the NEA, which partners with the American Federation of Teachers, the AFT, is a de facto union, with 3.2 million members.
In any event, during my first year I refused on principle to join the local but succumbed in my second after repeated interruptions of my class by an importuning union rep. As it turned out, I subsequently learned that the district administration, in conjunction with the union, frowned on those who didn’t join and if I hadn’t signed on I may not have had a job my third year.
With that as preface and introduction to the current education crisis in Madison, Wisconsin and elsewhere, it’s been more than disquieting to discover that I was at least in partial agreement with the greatest liberal icon in the history of liberal icons, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Not that FDR was opposed to unions or collective bargaining–far from it–but he knew the inherent dangers of public employees negotiating with governments via union representatives.
As he said, ”All government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public-personnel management. The very nature and purposes of government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with government employee organizations:”
Apparently, today’s public employee unions never got that message as to the “insurmountable limitations” and the impossibility of such situations. Nor can they seem to grasp FDR’s reminder that, in collective bargaining with governments, “The employer is the whole people,” meaning that, seated on the other side of the negotiating table, are not representatives of some greedy corporation but the American public.
Extrapolating from Roosevelt’s words, when public employee unions demonstrate and agitate and demand, they are demonstrating and agitating against “the whole people” and their demands are not being made against a mayor, governor, or president but rather against every taxpayer.
President Ronald Reagan . . .
As a former, retired, teacher union member whose father was a member of a company union, I don’t in the least feel hypocritical in opposing the actions of Wisconsin teachers. Bottom line is, they’re wrong, in the extreme.
When I began as a public school English teacher in the early 70′s in suburban Long Island, I had no intention of joining either the local or state unions. Even then, the state union was decidedly liberal and, in fact, there was a movement afoot to expunge the word, “union,” in favor of “association” in order to preserve a sense of teacher professionalism.
“Union” won out in that debate, not that it mattered since the umbrella organization, the National Education Association, the NEA, which partners with the American Federation of Teachers, the AFT, is a de facto union, with 3.2 million members.
In any event, during my first year I refused on principle to join the local but succumbed in my second after repeated interruptions of my class by an importuning union rep. As it turned out, I subsequently learned that the district administration, in conjunction with the union, frowned on those who didn’t join and if I hadn’t signed on I may not have had a job my third year.
With that as preface and introduction to the current education crisis in Madison, Wisconsin and elsewhere, it’s been more than disquieting to discover that I was at least in partial agreement with the greatest liberal icon in the history of liberal icons, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Not that FDR was opposed to unions or collective bargaining–far from it–but he knew the inherent dangers of public employees negotiating with governments via union representatives.
As he said, ”All government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public-personnel management. The very nature and purposes of government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with government employee organizations:”
Apparently, today’s public employee unions never got that message as to the “insurmountable limitations” and the impossibility of such situations. Nor can they seem to grasp FDR’s reminder that, in collective bargaining with governments, “The employer is the whole people,” meaning that, seated on the other side of the negotiating table, are not representatives of some greedy corporation but the American public.
Extrapolating from Roosevelt’s words, when public employee unions demonstrate and agitate and demand, they are demonstrating and agitating against “the whole people” and their demands are not being made against a mayor, governor, or president but rather against every taxpayer.
President Ronald Reagan . . .
Saturday, February 26, 2011
NY Republicans Still Out in Left Field
NY Republicans Still Out in Left Field
Some people are just slow learners.
The New York Republican Party establishment, in which “Rockefeller Republicans” still hold sway, falls into that category. Someone should remind them of what happened nationwide on November 2nd when a resurgent conservative movement gave notice that there was a resurgent conservative movement.
You may recall that old brand of liberal, pseudo-Republicanism dating back to the late fifties which included such illuminati as Nelson Rockefeller, Jacob Javits, and Louis Lefkowitz who were all confirmed RINOs long before the term was created. To a man, they opposed Barry Goldwater for president in 1964 and managed over the years to make the New York Republican Party indistinguishable from the Democrats.
Back in 2009, new age RINOs demonstrated they still knew how to win elections–for Democrats. Then, the New York Conservative Party nominated Doug Hoffman for Congress in a special election in the upstate 23rd CD. Backed by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party and opposed by confirmed RINO Dede Scozzafava and by GOP bigwigs, Hoffman was the clear favorite.
Long story short: Scozzafava dropped out of the race, appropriately on Halloween, endorsed Democrat Bill Owen, and Owen won by 2.3%
Fast forward to 2011 and another upstate special election, in New York’s 26th CD, the seat vacated by Chris Lee after he opted to audition as a centerfold instead of continuing as a congressman. . .
Some people are just slow learners.
The New York Republican Party establishment, in which “Rockefeller Republicans” still hold sway, falls into that category. Someone should remind them of what happened nationwide on November 2nd when a resurgent conservative movement gave notice that there was a resurgent conservative movement.
You may recall that old brand of liberal, pseudo-Republicanism dating back to the late fifties which included such illuminati as Nelson Rockefeller, Jacob Javits, and Louis Lefkowitz who were all confirmed RINOs long before the term was created. To a man, they opposed Barry Goldwater for president in 1964 and managed over the years to make the New York Republican Party indistinguishable from the Democrats.
Back in 2009, new age RINOs demonstrated they still knew how to win elections–for Democrats. Then, the New York Conservative Party nominated Doug Hoffman for Congress in a special election in the upstate 23rd CD. Backed by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party and opposed by confirmed RINO Dede Scozzafava and by GOP bigwigs, Hoffman was the clear favorite.
Long story short: Scozzafava dropped out of the race, appropriately on Halloween, endorsed Democrat Bill Owen, and Owen won by 2.3%
Fast forward to 2011 and another upstate special election, in New York’s 26th CD, the seat vacated by Chris Lee after he opted to audition as a centerfold instead of continuing as a congressman. . .
Billboards and Al Sharpton's Black Genocide
Billboards and Al Sharpton's Black Genocide
Nothing riles the Reverend Alfred Charles “Al” Sharpton more than an attack on his people, you know, those people who who throw money his way and enable him to avoid doing an honest day’s work, unless you consider 24/7 racial agitating work. That is, nothing raises his hackles as much as hard truth.
Reverend Al got into a royal snit over a billboard erected in New York City’s posh SoHo district which depicted a pretty, young black girl under the caption, “THE MOST Dangerous Place For An African-American IS IN THE WOMB.”
Sponsored and paid for by the anti-abortion group, Life Always, and by,, the billboard, situated half a mile from a Planned Parenthood abortion mill and erected in recognition of Black History Month, had a shelf/wall life of four days before threats by Reverend Al forced its removal.
It was deemed objectionable by Sharpton and his henchmen on the bases that it was ”an offensive and condescending effort to stigmatize and shame African-American women while attempting to discredit the work of Planned Parenthood” and “sends a message of racial profiling and discourages a woman’s right to choose.”
Offensive, condescending, stigmatizing, shameful, not to mention discrediting, profiling, and discouraging? The ironies could not be richer, the pathos no more sad. . .
Nothing riles the Reverend Alfred Charles “Al” Sharpton more than an attack on his people, you know, those people who who throw money his way and enable him to avoid doing an honest day’s work, unless you consider 24/7 racial agitating work. That is, nothing raises his hackles as much as hard truth.
Reverend Al got into a royal snit over a billboard erected in New York City’s posh SoHo district which depicted a pretty, young black girl under the caption, “THE MOST Dangerous Place For An African-American IS IN THE WOMB.”
Sponsored and paid for by the anti-abortion group, Life Always, and by,, the billboard, situated half a mile from a Planned Parenthood abortion mill and erected in recognition of Black History Month, had a shelf/wall life of four days before threats by Reverend Al forced its removal.
It was deemed objectionable by Sharpton and his henchmen on the bases that it was ”an offensive and condescending effort to stigmatize and shame African-American women while attempting to discredit the work of Planned Parenthood” and “sends a message of racial profiling and discourages a woman’s right to choose.”
Offensive, condescending, stigmatizing, shameful, not to mention discrediting, profiling, and discouraging? The ironies could not be richer, the pathos no more sad. . .
Friday, February 25, 2011
America Blowing in the Impeachment Wind
America Blowing in the Impeachment Wind
The lyrics of Bob Dylan’s 1963 ambiguous anti-war song of protest, “Blowin’ in the Wind,” conclude with the lines, “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind/The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” Regrettably, although Dylan posed some questions, he never provided any answers to the satisfaction of my obtuse mind.
It’s all the more regrettable since, if Dylan’s mind hadn’t been boiled in drugs, he would still be rambling on today and could tell us the answer when there are more winds blowing than ever before in American history.
Those winds are blowing everywhere in 2011, winds of war in the Mideast, winds of upheaval in America’s schools and streets, winds of despair and confusion in America’s economy and stock market, winds of change in Washington that only President Obama’s most ardent acolytes could ever have foreseen.
One can’t help but think that today’s winds, if not all orchestrated and manipulated from Washington, are being cultivated and fanned by the Obama administration to accomplish its near and short term goals of Obama’s re-election followed by Obama’s ultimate change, the transformation of America into the dream of his father and of his mentor, Saul Alinsky.
The precise nature of that dream has yet to be revealed although we know it involves a socialistic “workers’ paradise” predicated on a nightmarish existence in which a tyrannical Big Barack and his minions call all the shots. A rudimentary rule for any tyrant is to dictate designated exceptions in laws or to order by executive fiat an existing law null and void.
The administration’s latest effort in that regard was to undermine the rule of law in the country by “deciding” not to defend an established statute, the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA.
That action, or inaction, was not only an abrogation of Constitutional mandates but also a reinforcement of a precedent previously set when Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder “decided” that civil rights laws and penalties only attach to white people and not to black revolutionaries in the New Black Panther Party.
When the Obama administration announced on Wednesday that it had withdrawn its legal support for DOMA and stated that the law is unconstitutional and therefore the Justice Department is under no obligation to defend it, Obama and Holder effectively threw out a law on the books for 15 years. Hypocritically contending he was still “grappling” with the concept of gay marriage instead of forthrightly admitting he was actually catering to the demands of his gay constituency, the Grappler in Chief thus assumed the role of a one-man Supreme Court.
Chief DoJ lackey, AG Holder, explained the president’s position . . .
The lyrics of Bob Dylan’s 1963 ambiguous anti-war song of protest, “Blowin’ in the Wind,” conclude with the lines, “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind/The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” Regrettably, although Dylan posed some questions, he never provided any answers to the satisfaction of my obtuse mind.
It’s all the more regrettable since, if Dylan’s mind hadn’t been boiled in drugs, he would still be rambling on today and could tell us the answer when there are more winds blowing than ever before in American history.
Those winds are blowing everywhere in 2011, winds of war in the Mideast, winds of upheaval in America’s schools and streets, winds of despair and confusion in America’s economy and stock market, winds of change in Washington that only President Obama’s most ardent acolytes could ever have foreseen.
One can’t help but think that today’s winds, if not all orchestrated and manipulated from Washington, are being cultivated and fanned by the Obama administration to accomplish its near and short term goals of Obama’s re-election followed by Obama’s ultimate change, the transformation of America into the dream of his father and of his mentor, Saul Alinsky.
The precise nature of that dream has yet to be revealed although we know it involves a socialistic “workers’ paradise” predicated on a nightmarish existence in which a tyrannical Big Barack and his minions call all the shots. A rudimentary rule for any tyrant is to dictate designated exceptions in laws or to order by executive fiat an existing law null and void.
The administration’s latest effort in that regard was to undermine the rule of law in the country by “deciding” not to defend an established statute, the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA.
That action, or inaction, was not only an abrogation of Constitutional mandates but also a reinforcement of a precedent previously set when Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder “decided” that civil rights laws and penalties only attach to white people and not to black revolutionaries in the New Black Panther Party.
When the Obama administration announced on Wednesday that it had withdrawn its legal support for DOMA and stated that the law is unconstitutional and therefore the Justice Department is under no obligation to defend it, Obama and Holder effectively threw out a law on the books for 15 years. Hypocritically contending he was still “grappling” with the concept of gay marriage instead of forthrightly admitting he was actually catering to the demands of his gay constituency, the Grappler in Chief thus assumed the role of a one-man Supreme Court.
Chief DoJ lackey, AG Holder, explained the president’s position . . .
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A New Look at Segregation
A New Look at Segregation
“Segregation” is one of those buzzwords employed by social engineers and meant to stir up agita in white people who are led to believe they are complicit in some sort of crime and angst in blacks who are convinced they have been victims of discrimination. The term amounts to a shibboleth comparable to “McCarthyism” which is tossed around whenever some disloyal individual or group is caught acting disloyally.
In fact, as used today, “segregation” is less a crime of discrimination as it is a societal and geographical anomoly misused to suggest racial inequities. Those inequities exist, but not because of racism.
Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the days of Selma and Bull Connor and George Wallace are long gone and in its stead are de facto racially imbalanced schools and communities which have as little in common with the cause of earlier civil rights struggles as Rosa Parks has with Condi Rice.
It may seem simplistic to say, “It is what it is” but, in truth it is what it is and always will be as it is until blacks adopt Bill Cosby’s rejected philosophy that blacks should take full responsibility for their lives instead of blaming whites and segregation for who and what they are, for where they live, and for where they work and where their kids go to school.
A scathing study on a Census Bureau American Community survey shows that Long Island ranks as the nation’s seventh most segregated of 50 major metropolitan areas, a situation which “experts” blame on “long-standing restrictive housing patterns” which “government officials say they’re trying to address . . . through fair housing laws.”
I say, Bully for them, even if they are ignoring segregation realities, namely the lack of education, the lack of stability in black families, and the resultant lack of sufficient financial resources to enable blacks to rise above their current statuses. Add to those Bill Cosby’s view . . .
“Segregation” is one of those buzzwords employed by social engineers and meant to stir up agita in white people who are led to believe they are complicit in some sort of crime and angst in blacks who are convinced they have been victims of discrimination. The term amounts to a shibboleth comparable to “McCarthyism” which is tossed around whenever some disloyal individual or group is caught acting disloyally.
In fact, as used today, “segregation” is less a crime of discrimination as it is a societal and geographical anomoly misused to suggest racial inequities. Those inequities exist, but not because of racism.
Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the days of Selma and Bull Connor and George Wallace are long gone and in its stead are de facto racially imbalanced schools and communities which have as little in common with the cause of earlier civil rights struggles as Rosa Parks has with Condi Rice.
It may seem simplistic to say, “It is what it is” but, in truth it is what it is and always will be as it is until blacks adopt Bill Cosby’s rejected philosophy that blacks should take full responsibility for their lives instead of blaming whites and segregation for who and what they are, for where they live, and for where they work and where their kids go to school.
A scathing study on a Census Bureau American Community survey shows that Long Island ranks as the nation’s seventh most segregated of 50 major metropolitan areas, a situation which “experts” blame on “long-standing restrictive housing patterns” which “government officials say they’re trying to address . . . through fair housing laws.”
I say, Bully for them, even if they are ignoring segregation realities, namely the lack of education, the lack of stability in black families, and the resultant lack of sufficient financial resources to enable blacks to rise above their current statuses. Add to those Bill Cosby’s view . . .
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sexting Is Just the Beginning
Sexting Is Just the Beginning
The teen fad of texting–if it is just a fad–has been proven to be deadly.
As I’ve written before, “Let’s face it, as any parent or teacher knows, teenagers can be a delight, and they can be horror. It all comes with the territory, the maturation process, as teens test the limits, push the envelopes, and drive parents to drink and distraction.” In their natural lack of discretion, young people have all too often exceeded those limits and brought embarrassing and sometimes much worse unintended consequences on themselves.
One of the earliest testimonials to the deadliness of teenagers posting nude or partially nude photos of themselves on the internet was the 2008 case of pretty, vivacious Jessica Logan of Cincinnati, Ohio. At the tender age of 18, Jessica hanged herself in her bedroom after a boyfriend circulated a single compromising and revealing picture she had sent for his eyes only. She was branded “a slut, porn queen, whore” by other girls and humiliated to her death.
Regardless of the blatant hypocrisy of Jessica’s former friends who may very well also have sexted and of her ethically-challenged former beau, estimates of a few years ago were that anywhere from 22% to 50% of teens have inappropriate pictures on their cell phones, that 39% of teens have sexted, and that 48% admit to receiving sexts.
“Inappropriate,” of course, is in the eyes of the beholder and many teen beholders are unable to distinguish the difference between what is licentious and what’s appropriate often to their dismay, and instances of prosecution as puveyors of child porn.
See previous articles on sexting on this website, including “Teen Texting, Sexting, and Suicide,” in an article titled, “Sexting and Your Kids,” updated the sexting picture with new information on the consequences of sexting based on surveys from CosmoGirl, which teens read, and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, which they don’t.
According to that update, . . .
The teen fad of texting–if it is just a fad–has been proven to be deadly.
As I’ve written before, “Let’s face it, as any parent or teacher knows, teenagers can be a delight, and they can be horror. It all comes with the territory, the maturation process, as teens test the limits, push the envelopes, and drive parents to drink and distraction.” In their natural lack of discretion, young people have all too often exceeded those limits and brought embarrassing and sometimes much worse unintended consequences on themselves.
One of the earliest testimonials to the deadliness of teenagers posting nude or partially nude photos of themselves on the internet was the 2008 case of pretty, vivacious Jessica Logan of Cincinnati, Ohio. At the tender age of 18, Jessica hanged herself in her bedroom after a boyfriend circulated a single compromising and revealing picture she had sent for his eyes only. She was branded “a slut, porn queen, whore” by other girls and humiliated to her death.
Regardless of the blatant hypocrisy of Jessica’s former friends who may very well also have sexted and of her ethically-challenged former beau, estimates of a few years ago were that anywhere from 22% to 50% of teens have inappropriate pictures on their cell phones, that 39% of teens have sexted, and that 48% admit to receiving sexts.
“Inappropriate,” of course, is in the eyes of the beholder and many teen beholders are unable to distinguish the difference between what is licentious and what’s appropriate often to their dismay, and instances of prosecution as puveyors of child porn.
See previous articles on sexting on this website, including “Teen Texting, Sexting, and Suicide,” in an article titled, “Sexting and Your Kids,” updated the sexting picture with new information on the consequences of sexting based on surveys from CosmoGirl, which teens read, and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, which they don’t.
According to that update, . . .
Governor Andrew Cuomo's Morality
Governor Andrew Cuomo's Morality
In our morally ambivalent age, morality is often considered a subjective concept by which one man’s sense of immorality may be another’s lifestyle but nevertheless, even today, there are certain objective standards on which the vast majority should agree. explains that morality relates to a system of standards of right or wrong behavior which, in turn, incorporate moral standards, moral responsibility, or sense of conscience, and a moral identity and can be termed synonymous with ethics, principles, virtue, and goodness.
The only problem there involves the chicken or the egg dilemma, i.e., what comes first, morality or the conscience which dictates ethical values.
Some of us believe the act of abortion, taking a human life, is of its nature an act of immorality of the highest order. Enter government and agitators, and abortion becomes less a moral issue as a legal and human rights issue. Likewise with other contemporary issues, the question could be asked whether teachers abandoning their students, legislators abandoning their responsibilities, dictators acting like dictators, as well as men copulating with other men or women marrying women, are also acts of immorality of a lower order.
Because of the moral ambiguities intentionally created by those same teachers, legislators, dictators, and those men and women–they all seem to have some fabricated rationale for their actions–the only reasonable standard one can use in making moral judgments about any individual is the views of institutions to which those individuals have voluntarily committed themselves.
Essentially, if one joins a group of his own volition, one should adhere to its rules or get out, which brings us to Andrew Mark Cuomo, the 56th governor of the state of New York who has as much business being a member of the Catholic Church as a rabbi. . .
In our morally ambivalent age, morality is often considered a subjective concept by which one man’s sense of immorality may be another’s lifestyle but nevertheless, even today, there are certain objective standards on which the vast majority should agree. explains that morality relates to a system of standards of right or wrong behavior which, in turn, incorporate moral standards, moral responsibility, or sense of conscience, and a moral identity and can be termed synonymous with ethics, principles, virtue, and goodness.
The only problem there involves the chicken or the egg dilemma, i.e., what comes first, morality or the conscience which dictates ethical values.
Some of us believe the act of abortion, taking a human life, is of its nature an act of immorality of the highest order. Enter government and agitators, and abortion becomes less a moral issue as a legal and human rights issue. Likewise with other contemporary issues, the question could be asked whether teachers abandoning their students, legislators abandoning their responsibilities, dictators acting like dictators, as well as men copulating with other men or women marrying women, are also acts of immorality of a lower order.
Because of the moral ambiguities intentionally created by those same teachers, legislators, dictators, and those men and women–they all seem to have some fabricated rationale for their actions–the only reasonable standard one can use in making moral judgments about any individual is the views of institutions to which those individuals have voluntarily committed themselves.
Essentially, if one joins a group of his own volition, one should adhere to its rules or get out, which brings us to Andrew Mark Cuomo, the 56th governor of the state of New York who has as much business being a member of the Catholic Church as a rabbi. . .
Bush Tales from the Vacuous Side: Candy Crowley and the Professor
Bush Tales from the Vacuous Side: Candy Crowley and the Professor
What does it take for Obama’s MSM to wake up and smell reality? So consumed as they are by lingering hatred of George W. Bush, the poor things can’t see or think straight.
Take CNN’s Candy Crowley. Please. Not that she noticed but Ms. Candy had a reality check during an interview of Bush 43′s Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld who was plugging his new best-seller, Known and Unknown. Apparently she was thinking she was dealing with an Obama lackey when she tried to put words in Rumsfeld’s mouth by alleging “that in two years [Obama] has been able to return this country to a status of being liked across the world in a way that America was not liked during the Bush administration. That he has once again made America a beacon.”
That “beacon” brings to mind Ronald Reagan’s memorable, “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” If Crowley was making an attempt to compare Obama with Reagan, she should be committed.
She may have meant one of the two related definitions of “beacon” as “a source of guidance or inspiration” or “a signal fire, especially one used to warn of an enemy’s approach” but that’s unclear, although the latter has some credence. As “a source of guidance or inspiration,” her hero has been a resounding dud unless, that is, Crowley believes guiding a nation toward bankruptcy and dividing a nation along racial, economic, and cultural lines is inspiring.
Like the liberal pit bull she is, Crowley went on, ”Do you agree with that? Do you think that the U.S. is now looked at much differently than it was and much more positively than it was during your tenure?” which was tantamount in stupidity to asking if Moammar Khadafy thought he was near and dear to the hearts of Libyans.
With a studied nonchalance and more patience than most people could muster, Rumsfeld responded, “No. And I don’t think there’s data that supports that,” then added a stinging zinger, “I think he has made a practice of trying to apologize for America. I personally am proud of America.”
Aghast at his response, as any Obamian would be, Crowley soldiered on: ”Well, he seems to be quite popular overseas in a way that President Bush was not. The streets aren’t full of people burning him in effigy. There does seem to be a new–a chance to look at America in a different way than it did during the Bush administration. You don’t think that’s true:”
Ever the gentleman, Rummy politely disagreed and didn’t suggest the obvious, that Candy and her coterie try reading the newspapers rather than just DNC talking points.
A breathless exhibition of venom on, a website that makes one wonder whether leftists get nosebleeds high up in their unreal ivory towers, “Who’s the Worst President of Them All,” far surpasses Candy Crowley in both political myopia and pure vitriol in assigning Bush 43 the bottom slot in a virtual tie with James Buchanan.
Glenn W. LaFantasie, which I hope to God is a pseudonym . . .
What does it take for Obama’s MSM to wake up and smell reality? So consumed as they are by lingering hatred of George W. Bush, the poor things can’t see or think straight.
Take CNN’s Candy Crowley. Please. Not that she noticed but Ms. Candy had a reality check during an interview of Bush 43′s Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld who was plugging his new best-seller, Known and Unknown. Apparently she was thinking she was dealing with an Obama lackey when she tried to put words in Rumsfeld’s mouth by alleging “that in two years [Obama] has been able to return this country to a status of being liked across the world in a way that America was not liked during the Bush administration. That he has once again made America a beacon.”
That “beacon” brings to mind Ronald Reagan’s memorable, “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” If Crowley was making an attempt to compare Obama with Reagan, she should be committed.
She may have meant one of the two related definitions of “beacon” as “a source of guidance or inspiration” or “a signal fire, especially one used to warn of an enemy’s approach” but that’s unclear, although the latter has some credence. As “a source of guidance or inspiration,” her hero has been a resounding dud unless, that is, Crowley believes guiding a nation toward bankruptcy and dividing a nation along racial, economic, and cultural lines is inspiring.
Like the liberal pit bull she is, Crowley went on, ”Do you agree with that? Do you think that the U.S. is now looked at much differently than it was and much more positively than it was during your tenure?” which was tantamount in stupidity to asking if Moammar Khadafy thought he was near and dear to the hearts of Libyans.
With a studied nonchalance and more patience than most people could muster, Rumsfeld responded, “No. And I don’t think there’s data that supports that,” then added a stinging zinger, “I think he has made a practice of trying to apologize for America. I personally am proud of America.”
Aghast at his response, as any Obamian would be, Crowley soldiered on: ”Well, he seems to be quite popular overseas in a way that President Bush was not. The streets aren’t full of people burning him in effigy. There does seem to be a new–a chance to look at America in a different way than it did during the Bush administration. You don’t think that’s true:”
Ever the gentleman, Rummy politely disagreed and didn’t suggest the obvious, that Candy and her coterie try reading the newspapers rather than just DNC talking points.
A breathless exhibition of venom on, a website that makes one wonder whether leftists get nosebleeds high up in their unreal ivory towers, “Who’s the Worst President of Them All,” far surpasses Candy Crowley in both political myopia and pure vitriol in assigning Bush 43 the bottom slot in a virtual tie with James Buchanan.
Glenn W. LaFantasie, which I hope to God is a pseudonym . . .
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Obamas Are What They Eat, Say, and Do
The Obamas Are What They Eat, Say, and Do
“You are what you eat” is one of those maxims we like to think sprang from the minds of modernists whereas, like most truths, it is virtually eternal dating back thousands of years to the era when Ayurveda, “the complete knowledge for long life,” was first conceived in India.
That trivia tidbit directly relates to America’s First Lady, Michelle Obama, an anti-obesity proponent currently working off excess calories on the ski trails of Vail–and setting a poor example for America’s present and future fatties. No piker when it comes to indulging at taxpayer expense, Michelle has been preaching healthy eating as her first lady legacy but doesn’t always, if ever, practice what she preaches.
Evidently no slouch either when it comes to food, Rush Limbaugh has criticized Mrs. Obama for an après-ski trip to the exclusive Restaurant Kelly Liken in Vail Village where she and her girls indulged in a pickled pumpkin salad with arugula and a braised ancho-chile short rib with hominy wild mushrooms and sauteed kale. The salad and kale didn’t bother Limbaugh nearly as much as the rib.
As the conservative commentator said, “The problem is, and I dare say this, it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice. And then we hear that she’s out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving and 141 grams of fat per serving,” an indulgence Limbaugh calls hypocrisy:
Needless to say, Kelly Liken, owner of the eponymous restaurant, sprang to Michelle’s defense as did the president’s mainstream media. “A braised short rib is a relatively lean cut of beef, braised with most of the fat cooked off. The 5-ounce serving runs about 600 calories, Liken said– a far cry from the 1,500 calories and 141 grams of fat it’s accused of. A proper 5-ounce portion of protein is what nutritionists say we should have.” And, don’t forget that yummy kale and Limbaugh’s waistline: begs to differ. In its “Foods With Lots of Fat,” that website says, “Braised short ribs are a decadent meal to enjoy at a restaurant or at home. Unfortunately, a main dish of braised short ribs packs in 1,250 calories,” a view seconded by Susan Yara on
Making matters even worse, Limbaugh . . .
“You are what you eat” is one of those maxims we like to think sprang from the minds of modernists whereas, like most truths, it is virtually eternal dating back thousands of years to the era when Ayurveda, “the complete knowledge for long life,” was first conceived in India.
That trivia tidbit directly relates to America’s First Lady, Michelle Obama, an anti-obesity proponent currently working off excess calories on the ski trails of Vail–and setting a poor example for America’s present and future fatties. No piker when it comes to indulging at taxpayer expense, Michelle has been preaching healthy eating as her first lady legacy but doesn’t always, if ever, practice what she preaches.
Evidently no slouch either when it comes to food, Rush Limbaugh has criticized Mrs. Obama for an après-ski trip to the exclusive Restaurant Kelly Liken in Vail Village where she and her girls indulged in a pickled pumpkin salad with arugula and a braised ancho-chile short rib with hominy wild mushrooms and sauteed kale. The salad and kale didn’t bother Limbaugh nearly as much as the rib.
As the conservative commentator said, “The problem is, and I dare say this, it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice. And then we hear that she’s out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving and 141 grams of fat per serving,” an indulgence Limbaugh calls hypocrisy:
Needless to say, Kelly Liken, owner of the eponymous restaurant, sprang to Michelle’s defense as did the president’s mainstream media. “A braised short rib is a relatively lean cut of beef, braised with most of the fat cooked off. The 5-ounce serving runs about 600 calories, Liken said– a far cry from the 1,500 calories and 141 grams of fat it’s accused of. A proper 5-ounce portion of protein is what nutritionists say we should have.” And, don’t forget that yummy kale and Limbaugh’s waistline: begs to differ. In its “Foods With Lots of Fat,” that website says, “Braised short ribs are a decadent meal to enjoy at a restaurant or at home. Unfortunately, a main dish of braised short ribs packs in 1,250 calories,” a view seconded by Susan Yara on
Making matters even worse, Limbaugh . . .
Monday, February 21, 2011
Two Religions: Islam and Christianity
Two Religions: Islam and Christianity
Religion is an enigmatic concept, a dangerous, formidable enigmatic concept.
Broadly defined as”any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life,” termed “the opium of the people” by the Communist, Karl Marx, no matter its definition or twisted interpretations by atheists, virtually every human being on the planet professes a belief in one form or another of religion.
Yet, religion is and seemingly always will be the root of conflict.
In the not too distant past, religion in America, notably Christian religion, was a fundamental staple of life, before the raging winds of cultural and political changes relegated the belief systems to politically incorrect scrapheaps amidst an increasing amoralism, secular humanism, irreligionism, and nihilism fostered by political and social leaders.
That societal change is rendered most portentous by the relatively recent revivification of one of the world’s most prominent religions, Islam, which, in the name of its faith and 1.2 to 1.6 billion Muslim adherents worldwide and 2.8 to 10 million Muslims in America, has declared jihad, a religious war or struggle by radical and committed Islamists against non-Islamists.
Put bluntly, we are at war and we could lose.
With America’s religious guard down, if not buried, Mohammed Atta’s last words before the horrifically successful attacks of 9/11, “Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر),” may be taken as the battle cry of Islam’s ultimate intifada against the West and they are attacking when we are the least morally prepared. Allah may not be the greatest but our god has been forgotten, if not abandoned.
Advantage: Allah.
This is not to suggest, either, that war is ever good nor that our god is necessarily superior to their god, although our god and his earthly delegates have invariably preached and striven for the right and the just, even as we mortals have often failed in those quests.
On the other hand, conquest, and death, and war and repression have never been the teachings of Christianity. They have long been standard operating dogma for Islam as promulgated by its holy prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh since the seventh century and they are proven routes to at least temporary victory.
Advantage: Muhammad.
Religion alone will not save and preserve America and Western civilization from the Muslim onslaught, . . .
Religion is an enigmatic concept, a dangerous, formidable enigmatic concept.
Broadly defined as”any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life,” termed “the opium of the people” by the Communist, Karl Marx, no matter its definition or twisted interpretations by atheists, virtually every human being on the planet professes a belief in one form or another of religion.
Yet, religion is and seemingly always will be the root of conflict.
In the not too distant past, religion in America, notably Christian religion, was a fundamental staple of life, before the raging winds of cultural and political changes relegated the belief systems to politically incorrect scrapheaps amidst an increasing amoralism, secular humanism, irreligionism, and nihilism fostered by political and social leaders.
That societal change is rendered most portentous by the relatively recent revivification of one of the world’s most prominent religions, Islam, which, in the name of its faith and 1.2 to 1.6 billion Muslim adherents worldwide and 2.8 to 10 million Muslims in America, has declared jihad, a religious war or struggle by radical and committed Islamists against non-Islamists.
Put bluntly, we are at war and we could lose.
With America’s religious guard down, if not buried, Mohammed Atta’s last words before the horrifically successful attacks of 9/11, “Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر),” may be taken as the battle cry of Islam’s ultimate intifada against the West and they are attacking when we are the least morally prepared. Allah may not be the greatest but our god has been forgotten, if not abandoned.
Advantage: Allah.
This is not to suggest, either, that war is ever good nor that our god is necessarily superior to their god, although our god and his earthly delegates have invariably preached and striven for the right and the just, even as we mortals have often failed in those quests.
On the other hand, conquest, and death, and war and repression have never been the teachings of Christianity. They have long been standard operating dogma for Islam as promulgated by its holy prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh since the seventh century and they are proven routes to at least temporary victory.
Advantage: Muhammad.
Religion alone will not save and preserve America and Western civilization from the Muslim onslaught, . . .
A Mistress, A Cop and 26 Republicans
A Mistress, a Cop, and 26 Republicans
No, the mistress, the cop, and the 26 Republicans is not a lead-in to a dirty joke and not elements of the same story, although they are related.
One thing the separate stories have in common is that each involves the unexpected: The mistress confesses that being kept isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, the cop is outed as more empathetic toward cop-murderers than to cops, and the Republicans bailed on national security.
The mistress, Cathrine Goldstein, is probably the least reprehensible of the lot. Author of Sleeping with Mortals: The Story of a New York Mistress, Goldstein is now a married Long Island mother but back in her heyday she was what some would call a whore and prostitute and worse, descriptions she understandably rejects.
A young, midwestern beauty, she “went wrong” after hitting New York City, hooked up in every way with older, usually married, always well-heeled men, and eventually came to understand that,”You feel like a goddess, seducing these men. But you quickly realize that you’re no more important than a blow-up doll:”
Goldstein may have serious difficulty explaining her youthful indiscretions to her neighbors, not to mention her kids, but, to her credit, she’s at least honest, sincere, and regretful and says, “You think it’s [a mistress' life] all glamorous, but it’s really not.”
Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy’s “Inferno,” was a bit of a rake in his own heyday which may explain why he consigned “The Lustful” to the Third Circle of Hell just below the innocents in Limbo and far from the Ninth Circle which was reserved for eternity for the souls of sinners against family, betrayers, and traitors.
I’m not consigning Goldstein anywhere but if the aforementioned cop and those 26 Republicans don’t qualify as betrayers and traitors I’ll chuck my edition of the Divine Comedy.
Former St. Petersburg, Florida police chief Goliath Davis III is neither honest, sincere, or regretful after he demonstrated that his loyalties and disturbing priorities did not lie with the law-abiding citizens of St. Pete but rather with a cop killer.
Two police officers Sgt. Thomas J. Baitinger and canine Officer Jeffrey A. Yaslowitz were murdered by career criminal Hydra Lacy, Jr. last month. Former police chief and current Senior Administrator of Community Enrichment Davis saw fit not to enrich the police community. He attended the funeral for the murderer, whose family was deeply appreciative. However, he skipped the funerals of the officers after indicating he would attend then lied about it.
Davis is black as was the cop-killer. The officers were white. Whether race was a factor in Davis’ choice of funerals is conjectural. His grievous lack of judgment and the insult to the families of the slain Baitinger and Yaslowitz were not.
Adding to the insult, the family of gunman Lacy . . .
No, the mistress, the cop, and the 26 Republicans is not a lead-in to a dirty joke and not elements of the same story, although they are related.
One thing the separate stories have in common is that each involves the unexpected: The mistress confesses that being kept isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, the cop is outed as more empathetic toward cop-murderers than to cops, and the Republicans bailed on national security.
The mistress, Cathrine Goldstein, is probably the least reprehensible of the lot. Author of Sleeping with Mortals: The Story of a New York Mistress, Goldstein is now a married Long Island mother but back in her heyday she was what some would call a whore and prostitute and worse, descriptions she understandably rejects.
A young, midwestern beauty, she “went wrong” after hitting New York City, hooked up in every way with older, usually married, always well-heeled men, and eventually came to understand that,”You feel like a goddess, seducing these men. But you quickly realize that you’re no more important than a blow-up doll:”
Goldstein may have serious difficulty explaining her youthful indiscretions to her neighbors, not to mention her kids, but, to her credit, she’s at least honest, sincere, and regretful and says, “You think it’s [a mistress' life] all glamorous, but it’s really not.”
Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy’s “Inferno,” was a bit of a rake in his own heyday which may explain why he consigned “The Lustful” to the Third Circle of Hell just below the innocents in Limbo and far from the Ninth Circle which was reserved for eternity for the souls of sinners against family, betrayers, and traitors.
I’m not consigning Goldstein anywhere but if the aforementioned cop and those 26 Republicans don’t qualify as betrayers and traitors I’ll chuck my edition of the Divine Comedy.
Former St. Petersburg, Florida police chief Goliath Davis III is neither honest, sincere, or regretful after he demonstrated that his loyalties and disturbing priorities did not lie with the law-abiding citizens of St. Pete but rather with a cop killer.
Two police officers Sgt. Thomas J. Baitinger and canine Officer Jeffrey A. Yaslowitz were murdered by career criminal Hydra Lacy, Jr. last month. Former police chief and current Senior Administrator of Community Enrichment Davis saw fit not to enrich the police community. He attended the funeral for the murderer, whose family was deeply appreciative. However, he skipped the funerals of the officers after indicating he would attend then lied about it.
Davis is black as was the cop-killer. The officers were white. Whether race was a factor in Davis’ choice of funerals is conjectural. His grievous lack of judgment and the insult to the families of the slain Baitinger and Yaslowitz were not.
Adding to the insult, the family of gunman Lacy . . .
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Obamian Vacations: Good Sign, Bad Example
Obamian Vacations: Good Sign, Bad Example
Most Americans are lucky if they can get away for for a week at the shore or in the mountains. Some cherish even a few days at a beach or just a day or two away from their daily grind. Then, again, most Americans aren’t the POTUS or the FLOTUS.
President Obama and his family are in process of setting records for vacation time and that’s a good thing at the same time it’s a terrible example.
On the one hand, for those who think he should never have been elected in the first place, any time Obama is not in Washington gives hope that he’s not able to easily compound his many failures to date with additional failures. One can always hope.
Also, his and the first family’s repetitive misuse of executive vacation perks suggest Barack must have a strong inkling that the electorate have finally come to their senses and won’t re-elect him and allow him to continue to thumb his nose at the American people. He may figure that he and his clan might as well milk his position for all its worth.
While our Clown Prince VP is sopping up the rays in Key West, Michelle Obama again took her brood to the slopes of Vail, CO, for the kidlets’ and her winter break, to get away while they can on the taxpayers’ dimes. As usual, when Michelle gets away, she does it up big time, on this occasion getting her R&R at the exclusive Sebastian Hotel on Vail Mountain where rooms range from $605 to $2,000 per night.
FLOTUS was in dire need of a vacation. She hadn’t taken one since way back in December when she and POTUS rented a Hawaiian mansion and racked up something in the area of $100,000 in expenses, compliments of those taxpayers:
Hey, look, we all deserve a break today and whenever and I don’t begrudge the Obamas their days on the slopes or in the sun or on the beaches or in Hawaii or Europe or India or England. The fact they prefer posh to places the hoi polloi may frequent simply reflects their current glory days tastes as opposed to their humble beginnings. Such tastes . . .
Most Americans are lucky if they can get away for for a week at the shore or in the mountains. Some cherish even a few days at a beach or just a day or two away from their daily grind. Then, again, most Americans aren’t the POTUS or the FLOTUS.
President Obama and his family are in process of setting records for vacation time and that’s a good thing at the same time it’s a terrible example.
On the one hand, for those who think he should never have been elected in the first place, any time Obama is not in Washington gives hope that he’s not able to easily compound his many failures to date with additional failures. One can always hope.
Also, his and the first family’s repetitive misuse of executive vacation perks suggest Barack must have a strong inkling that the electorate have finally come to their senses and won’t re-elect him and allow him to continue to thumb his nose at the American people. He may figure that he and his clan might as well milk his position for all its worth.
While our Clown Prince VP is sopping up the rays in Key West, Michelle Obama again took her brood to the slopes of Vail, CO, for the kidlets’ and her winter break, to get away while they can on the taxpayers’ dimes. As usual, when Michelle gets away, she does it up big time, on this occasion getting her R&R at the exclusive Sebastian Hotel on Vail Mountain where rooms range from $605 to $2,000 per night.
FLOTUS was in dire need of a vacation. She hadn’t taken one since way back in December when she and POTUS rented a Hawaiian mansion and racked up something in the area of $100,000 in expenses, compliments of those taxpayers:
Hey, look, we all deserve a break today and whenever and I don’t begrudge the Obamas their days on the slopes or in the sun or on the beaches or in Hawaii or Europe or India or England. The fact they prefer posh to places the hoi polloi may frequent simply reflects their current glory days tastes as opposed to their humble beginnings. Such tastes . . .
All of You Are Black! Go to Hell! Obama Is a Hitler!
All of You Are Black! Go to Hell! Obama Is a Hitler!
There are certain things we ought not say in America’s post-racial, post-incivilty era. “All of you are black. Go to hell!” is one of them.
Good grief! Would anyone ever say that? Could an elected white official ever say that? Well, no, and none did.
However, at a Dallas County Court Commission meeting, black commissioner John Wiley Price did say to various people present, “All of you are white. Go to hell!” and, for emphasis, repeated the hell command three more times. After a member of the audience rebuked him for his language and said, “You should be ashamed!” Price’s unoriginal rejoinder was, “I’m not ashamed! Go to hell!”
The Dallas brouhaha was precipitated by an exchange in which Price was indirectly referred to as a “mullah” for allegedly forcing out of office a 24 year veteran election administrator. Price took offense at being termed a Muslim leader or warlord and retaliated by telling white people what he thought of them, a flagrant insult for which he later refused to apologize nor to retract.
See clips of the initial confrontation and Price’s subsequent obscenity-laden rebuttal, both of which suggest America hasn’t yet entered those new Obama eras of post-racialism and post-incivility, here:
Even more grossly uncivil rhetoric is being spewed in Wisconsin where the president hasn’t been compared to Adolph Hitler but where Wisconsin’s new Republican Governor Scott Walker is being subjected to attacks that are equally repugnant.
Teacher and other union labor leaders have compared Walker to Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hosni Mubarak and, just as Commisioner Price sought to accent his hell comment, Walker has been depicted on signs ”with a cross-hairs rifle sight over his face.”
The public employee protests in Madison and throughout Wisconsin have become so dire, and dirty and farcical, that even the chairman of the state’s Democrat Party, Mike Tate, has condemned them as unacceptably extreme without mentioning that his party, along with the Democrat National Committee, President Obama’s political apparatus, the Service Employees International Union, and other outside forces with political and social agendas of their own, have been stoking the Wisconsin unrest and working to take the chaos on the road to Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota.
State Democrat legislators adding farce to the mix by running away and hiding and teachers calling in sick by the thousands leaving the students they claim to care for either out in the cold or joining demonstrations they don’t understand didn’t perturb Chairman Tate.
However, he drew the line with what his Press Secretary Graeme Zielinski described as inflammatory signs, then drew another, politically-correct, line . . .
There are certain things we ought not say in America’s post-racial, post-incivilty era. “All of you are black. Go to hell!” is one of them.
Good grief! Would anyone ever say that? Could an elected white official ever say that? Well, no, and none did.
However, at a Dallas County Court Commission meeting, black commissioner John Wiley Price did say to various people present, “All of you are white. Go to hell!” and, for emphasis, repeated the hell command three more times. After a member of the audience rebuked him for his language and said, “You should be ashamed!” Price’s unoriginal rejoinder was, “I’m not ashamed! Go to hell!”
The Dallas brouhaha was precipitated by an exchange in which Price was indirectly referred to as a “mullah” for allegedly forcing out of office a 24 year veteran election administrator. Price took offense at being termed a Muslim leader or warlord and retaliated by telling white people what he thought of them, a flagrant insult for which he later refused to apologize nor to retract.
See clips of the initial confrontation and Price’s subsequent obscenity-laden rebuttal, both of which suggest America hasn’t yet entered those new Obama eras of post-racialism and post-incivility, here:
Even more grossly uncivil rhetoric is being spewed in Wisconsin where the president hasn’t been compared to Adolph Hitler but where Wisconsin’s new Republican Governor Scott Walker is being subjected to attacks that are equally repugnant.
Teacher and other union labor leaders have compared Walker to Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hosni Mubarak and, just as Commisioner Price sought to accent his hell comment, Walker has been depicted on signs ”with a cross-hairs rifle sight over his face.”
The public employee protests in Madison and throughout Wisconsin have become so dire, and dirty and farcical, that even the chairman of the state’s Democrat Party, Mike Tate, has condemned them as unacceptably extreme without mentioning that his party, along with the Democrat National Committee, President Obama’s political apparatus, the Service Employees International Union, and other outside forces with political and social agendas of their own, have been stoking the Wisconsin unrest and working to take the chaos on the road to Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota.
State Democrat legislators adding farce to the mix by running away and hiding and teachers calling in sick by the thousands leaving the students they claim to care for either out in the cold or joining demonstrations they don’t understand didn’t perturb Chairman Tate.
However, he drew the line with what his Press Secretary Graeme Zielinski described as inflammatory signs, then drew another, politically-correct, line . . .
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Saggy Pants and Black History Month
Saggy Pants and Black History Month
The city fathers and mothers of Long Beach, CA, have taken it upon themselves to neaten up certain young Long Beach residents by insisting that they “pick ‘em up and keep ‘em up,” (“em” being their pants.)
More precisely, “Bishop William Ervin along with Carson City Councilman Mike Gipson are calling on black children and teens to ‘pull up their pants on their waist’ as a sign of respect during Black History Month.” As a white elder, that insistence is as perplexing as Black History Month.
What Bishop Ervin and Councilman Gipson seem to be implying is that young black boys and men–young black girls and women seem to know where their waistlines are–are somehow demeaning black history by exhibiting their underwear. That fashion statement, whatever the nature of that statement is, and that concern, are baffling since there are so many other black issues the bishop and councilman could be addressing.
Other words of wisdom offered for black youths by the Long Beach community include, “You can have the swag without the sag” and a reminder that “the [pants-uplifting] plan is not just for cultural purposes, but may have legal benefits as well: sagging pants are often used for profiling purposes by law enforcement agencies:”
The “cultural purposes” reference eludes me but the lesson is that you can swagger without the sagger and if you insist on the sag look, you risk being arrested during, before, and after Black History Month.
I doubt many black youths are being arrested for saggy pants but untold numbers are being arrested for burglaries, robberies, aggravated assaults, rapes, motor vehicle thefts, gun possession, etc.
It’s unfortunate that Ervin, Gipson, and the other community leaders didn’t see fit to caution them on that aspect of life . . .
The city fathers and mothers of Long Beach, CA, have taken it upon themselves to neaten up certain young Long Beach residents by insisting that they “pick ‘em up and keep ‘em up,” (“em” being their pants.)
More precisely, “Bishop William Ervin along with Carson City Councilman Mike Gipson are calling on black children and teens to ‘pull up their pants on their waist’ as a sign of respect during Black History Month.” As a white elder, that insistence is as perplexing as Black History Month.
What Bishop Ervin and Councilman Gipson seem to be implying is that young black boys and men–young black girls and women seem to know where their waistlines are–are somehow demeaning black history by exhibiting their underwear. That fashion statement, whatever the nature of that statement is, and that concern, are baffling since there are so many other black issues the bishop and councilman could be addressing.
Other words of wisdom offered for black youths by the Long Beach community include, “You can have the swag without the sag” and a reminder that “the [pants-uplifting] plan is not just for cultural purposes, but may have legal benefits as well: sagging pants are often used for profiling purposes by law enforcement agencies:”
The “cultural purposes” reference eludes me but the lesson is that you can swagger without the sagger and if you insist on the sag look, you risk being arrested during, before, and after Black History Month.
I doubt many black youths are being arrested for saggy pants but untold numbers are being arrested for burglaries, robberies, aggravated assaults, rapes, motor vehicle thefts, gun possession, etc.
It’s unfortunate that Ervin, Gipson, and the other community leaders didn’t see fit to caution them on that aspect of life . . .
Updates on Madison: Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Chaos
Updates on Madison: Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Chaos
Confronted with deficits approaching $125,000,000,000, some politicians are attempting to make it go away by implementing stringent, emergency measures. Others are attempting to convert emergencies into catastrophies.
The Presidential Usurper: When is the last time a president of the United States intruded himself into local governmental affairs? Why, when President Obama made a total ass of himself in the infamous Cambridge Sgt. Jim Crowley-Prof. Skippy Gates Affair. Before apologizing, Obama alleged that Cambridge cops “acted stupidly” in arresting the racist Gates and had to call his “beer summit” at the White House to patch things up and cover his gaffe.
Prior to that debacle, it was rare indeed that a president got involved in local issues but this president, perhaps unaware that governors governed states and not presidents, has done it again in Madison, Wisconsin.
In conjunction with the DNC, which also has no business interfering in the struggle pitting Wisconsin public unions against Wisconsin taxpayers, Obama jumped in blindly and feet first to take sides on behalf of a major consituency, the union vote, versus new Republican Governor Scott Walker representing fiscal sanity in the Badger State:
Who needs sanity when votes are at stake? What follows this gaffe, a cheese summit?
General Jackson Once More Into the Fray: No, that’s not a reference to Old Hickory, Gen. Andrew Jackson, but to the Old Agitator, Rev. Jesse Jackson, who never passes up a chance to stir the chaos pot and the uproar in Wisconsin is right up the alley he once said he would never walk down if young blacks were nearby.
Jackson also once berated Barack Obama for “telling niggers how to behave” and indicated that he’d like ”to cut off his nuts” because of Obama’s remarks about his own people:” Such language for a “reverend!”
Apparently, though, all is forgiven since Agitator in Chief Jackson is now joining forces with Commander in Chief Obama in the quest to vanquish Governor Walker and foist the uneasy peace of bankruptcy on the good citizens of Wisconsin.
Uninvited and unannounced but undismayed, Jackson showed up in Madison . . .
Confronted with deficits approaching $125,000,000,000, some politicians are attempting to make it go away by implementing stringent, emergency measures. Others are attempting to convert emergencies into catastrophies.
The Presidential Usurper: When is the last time a president of the United States intruded himself into local governmental affairs? Why, when President Obama made a total ass of himself in the infamous Cambridge Sgt. Jim Crowley-Prof. Skippy Gates Affair. Before apologizing, Obama alleged that Cambridge cops “acted stupidly” in arresting the racist Gates and had to call his “beer summit” at the White House to patch things up and cover his gaffe.
Prior to that debacle, it was rare indeed that a president got involved in local issues but this president, perhaps unaware that governors governed states and not presidents, has done it again in Madison, Wisconsin.
In conjunction with the DNC, which also has no business interfering in the struggle pitting Wisconsin public unions against Wisconsin taxpayers, Obama jumped in blindly and feet first to take sides on behalf of a major consituency, the union vote, versus new Republican Governor Scott Walker representing fiscal sanity in the Badger State:
Who needs sanity when votes are at stake? What follows this gaffe, a cheese summit?
General Jackson Once More Into the Fray: No, that’s not a reference to Old Hickory, Gen. Andrew Jackson, but to the Old Agitator, Rev. Jesse Jackson, who never passes up a chance to stir the chaos pot and the uproar in Wisconsin is right up the alley he once said he would never walk down if young blacks were nearby.
Jackson also once berated Barack Obama for “telling niggers how to behave” and indicated that he’d like ”to cut off his nuts” because of Obama’s remarks about his own people:” Such language for a “reverend!”
Apparently, though, all is forgiven since Agitator in Chief Jackson is now joining forces with Commander in Chief Obama in the quest to vanquish Governor Walker and foist the uneasy peace of bankruptcy on the good citizens of Wisconsin.
Uninvited and unannounced but undismayed, Jackson showed up in Madison . . .
Friday, February 18, 2011
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie: The Continuing Lies of Bernard Madoff
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie: The Continuing Lies of Bernard Madoff
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie.
If there’s anything good that can be said about Bernard Lawrence ”Bernie” Madoff it’s that he takes care of his own, even if that means lying through his teeth to the bitter end and being buried with the truth.
The end is near for the travails of the 72 year old Bernie; he has a mere 148 years to go on his 150 year sentence and he could be out in just 129 years. He should be able to serve that time standing on his head.
Whatever he stands on, the man who put to shame Charles Ponzi who is credited with inventing the modern Ponzi scheme and who merely swindled piddling millions out of his investors as opposed to Madoff’s billions, Bernie is loyal to friends and family. The tens of thousands of other investing dolts, not so much but he covers for buddies and (close) relatives.
A distinguishing characteristic of those favored few coverees is that they seem to be an incredibly stupid lot. As opposed to bankers at J.P. Morgan-Chase who, according to Bernie, had to know that their incredible profits reaped from investments with Madoff’s Sterling Equities and from other Madoff enterprises were based on fraud, some select few others were so intellectually-challenged that they had no clue as to what was going on.
Good bud Fred Wilpon, owner of the New York Mets, Wilpon’s son Jeff, and partner Saul Katz were allegedly babes in the woods insofar as his schemes were concerned. Fred must have thought his $300,000,000. in investment profits, earned in good economic times and bad, represented manna from heaven and was not derived . . .
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie.
If there’s anything good that can be said about Bernard Lawrence ”Bernie” Madoff it’s that he takes care of his own, even if that means lying through his teeth to the bitter end and being buried with the truth.
The end is near for the travails of the 72 year old Bernie; he has a mere 148 years to go on his 150 year sentence and he could be out in just 129 years. He should be able to serve that time standing on his head.
Whatever he stands on, the man who put to shame Charles Ponzi who is credited with inventing the modern Ponzi scheme and who merely swindled piddling millions out of his investors as opposed to Madoff’s billions, Bernie is loyal to friends and family. The tens of thousands of other investing dolts, not so much but he covers for buddies and (close) relatives.
A distinguishing characteristic of those favored few coverees is that they seem to be an incredibly stupid lot. As opposed to bankers at J.P. Morgan-Chase who, according to Bernie, had to know that their incredible profits reaped from investments with Madoff’s Sterling Equities and from other Madoff enterprises were based on fraud, some select few others were so intellectually-challenged that they had no clue as to what was going on.
Good bud Fred Wilpon, owner of the New York Mets, Wilpon’s son Jeff, and partner Saul Katz were allegedly babes in the woods insofar as his schemes were concerned. Fred must have thought his $300,000,000. in investment profits, earned in good economic times and bad, represented manna from heaven and was not derived . . .
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Madness in Madison
Madness in Madison
It’s not quite at the level of the madness in the Mideast nor tantamount to the madness of King George but what’s happening in Madison, Wisconsin and elsewhere in the Badger State is getting close.
The newly-elected Republican governor of the home of the cheeseheads, Scott Walker, has proposed changes in teachers’ collective bargaining rights which, based on union interpretations, would reduce Wisconsin’s teachers to the level of vassals of the state. A more reasonable view of Walker’s plan is that it would save Wisconsin from its fiscal insanity and a declaration of bankruptcy.
With New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie as a model, Walker has also dared to take on the powerful teacher union and impose common sense constraints which would accomplish nothing more than getting public employee and teacher salary and benefits more in line with private sector pay and bennies.
Time was, many decades ago now, people entered government service and the teaching profession with full knowledge that they would be compensated less monetarily in return for greater job security.
Times change.
Today, thanks to the power of unions, workers in the public sector have been thriving even as their privately-employed counterparts have faced cutbacks, dismissals, reduction in pay scales, and elimination of health and other benefits. It was equitable in the past that teachers, et al. were able to trade off pay for job security. Now that they have far surpassed the private sector in monetary compensation, earning up to triple private salaries while still retaining employment security and almost unlimited benefits, it’s equitable that they help level the playing field.
The new governor’s practical and hardly revolutionary proposals have been met with outrage and lies by the unions yet they merely provide . . .
It’s not quite at the level of the madness in the Mideast nor tantamount to the madness of King George but what’s happening in Madison, Wisconsin and elsewhere in the Badger State is getting close.
The newly-elected Republican governor of the home of the cheeseheads, Scott Walker, has proposed changes in teachers’ collective bargaining rights which, based on union interpretations, would reduce Wisconsin’s teachers to the level of vassals of the state. A more reasonable view of Walker’s plan is that it would save Wisconsin from its fiscal insanity and a declaration of bankruptcy.
With New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie as a model, Walker has also dared to take on the powerful teacher union and impose common sense constraints which would accomplish nothing more than getting public employee and teacher salary and benefits more in line with private sector pay and bennies.
Time was, many decades ago now, people entered government service and the teaching profession with full knowledge that they would be compensated less monetarily in return for greater job security.
Times change.
Today, thanks to the power of unions, workers in the public sector have been thriving even as their privately-employed counterparts have faced cutbacks, dismissals, reduction in pay scales, and elimination of health and other benefits. It was equitable in the past that teachers, et al. were able to trade off pay for job security. Now that they have far surpassed the private sector in monetary compensation, earning up to triple private salaries while still retaining employment security and almost unlimited benefits, it’s equitable that they help level the playing field.
The new governor’s practical and hardly revolutionary proposals have been met with outrage and lies by the unions yet they merely provide . . .
Mayor Boomboom and His Berkeley Soulmates
Mayor Boomboom and His Berkeley Soulmates
Shakespeare said it first in Twelfth Night: “Some [people] are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.” At the risk of mortally wounding the immortal words of the Bard, “Some people and institutions presume to greatness, some achieve greatness on false pretenses, and some are simply hypocrites despite their achievements.”
The esteemed, liberal mayor of New York City, Michael Rubens Bloomberg, and the city of Berkeley, California, home to the ultra-liberal University of California at Berkeley, exemplify my Shakespearean mis-quotation.
Bloomberg, less than affectionately known in some quarters as Boomboom, is the mega-wealthy presidential/gubernatorial wannabe who wields his mayoral authority as if he were a king with divine rights as opposed to being the mayor who unethically usurped his current position by subverting New York’s term limits law.
One has to wonder what drives a multibillionaire who rose from relatively humble origins as a nice, Jewish boy in Boston to be so driven by an insatiable desire for power that he rules New York City as a virtual potentate brooking no opposition. One wonders only until one understands who and what Michael Bloomberg is, namely insatiably power hungry.
Democrat, Republican, Independent Bloomberg, his party affiliation dependent on the political climate winds blow, he is also known as the Nanny Mayor obsessed with supervising the lives of his subjects and dictating to them what they should and should not do, whether it be using too much salt or consuming excessive sugar or indulging in the filthy habit of tobacco smoking indoors, outdoors, in public parks, in the fields, in the hills, and on the beaches.
In his latest demonstration of who and what he is, Bloomberg reinforced his campaign against the Second Amendment, his tireless effort to strip honest, law-abiding citizens of the right to keep and bear arms so that dishonest, law-breaking criminals would have exclusive privilege to that right.
Long a proponent of “gun control” and ignoring statistics, the megalomaniacal Bloomberg has now embarked on a new campaign, ostensibly to “fix” the broken national gun check system. He has hired a truck, emblazoned with the news, “34 Americans Are Killed with Guns Every Day,” for a 2-month tour of the country:
Shamelessly capitalizing on the Tucson murders by a confirmed whacko in January, neither Boomboom nor his truck clarify that the bulk of those murders . . .
Shakespeare said it first in Twelfth Night: “Some [people] are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.” At the risk of mortally wounding the immortal words of the Bard, “Some people and institutions presume to greatness, some achieve greatness on false pretenses, and some are simply hypocrites despite their achievements.”
The esteemed, liberal mayor of New York City, Michael Rubens Bloomberg, and the city of Berkeley, California, home to the ultra-liberal University of California at Berkeley, exemplify my Shakespearean mis-quotation.
Bloomberg, less than affectionately known in some quarters as Boomboom, is the mega-wealthy presidential/gubernatorial wannabe who wields his mayoral authority as if he were a king with divine rights as opposed to being the mayor who unethically usurped his current position by subverting New York’s term limits law.
One has to wonder what drives a multibillionaire who rose from relatively humble origins as a nice, Jewish boy in Boston to be so driven by an insatiable desire for power that he rules New York City as a virtual potentate brooking no opposition. One wonders only until one understands who and what Michael Bloomberg is, namely insatiably power hungry.
Democrat, Republican, Independent Bloomberg, his party affiliation dependent on the political climate winds blow, he is also known as the Nanny Mayor obsessed with supervising the lives of his subjects and dictating to them what they should and should not do, whether it be using too much salt or consuming excessive sugar or indulging in the filthy habit of tobacco smoking indoors, outdoors, in public parks, in the fields, in the hills, and on the beaches.
In his latest demonstration of who and what he is, Bloomberg reinforced his campaign against the Second Amendment, his tireless effort to strip honest, law-abiding citizens of the right to keep and bear arms so that dishonest, law-breaking criminals would have exclusive privilege to that right.
Long a proponent of “gun control” and ignoring statistics, the megalomaniacal Bloomberg has now embarked on a new campaign, ostensibly to “fix” the broken national gun check system. He has hired a truck, emblazoned with the news, “34 Americans Are Killed with Guns Every Day,” for a 2-month tour of the country:
Shamelessly capitalizing on the Tucson murders by a confirmed whacko in January, neither Boomboom nor his truck clarify that the bulk of those murders . . .
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Natalie Munroe, the First Amendment, and American Education
Natalie Munroe, the First Amendment, and American Education
Years ago, a tenured teaching colleague saw his dark hair turn albino white over the course of weeks when he was harassed with a vengeance by school administrators.
Inspired by an admittedly inappropriate remark in his classroom about Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini who had overseen the seizure of Americans in their Tehran embassy, school administrators used the remark as a pretext to drive the social studies teacher to distraction not because of what he said but because they wanted to get rid of him. He was considered a non-team player because he had also voiced disagreement with the administration and that was simply unacceptable.
The teacher, who was driven nearly insane by daily observations and repetitive conferences with vengeful administrators, eventually succumbed to stress-related diseases and was forced into a disability retirement, at age 46.
Things haven’t changed much in public education.
Pennsylvania’s Central Bucks East High School English teacher Natalie Munroe, 30, brought to mind something that former colleague said during his unremitting torment. He said that teachers left their right to freedom of speech at the door when they entered our high school. Ms. Munroe didn’t badmouth an ayatollah but is facing similar harassment and denial of her First Amendment rights for badmouthing some of her students in an online blog.
I don’t know Ms. Munroe but, regardless of what comments she posted–during her free time and anonymously but with her picture–her explanation that, “There are serious problems with our education system today,” is right on the money.
She elaborated by saying that, “the way that schools and school district and students and parents take teachers who enter the education field full of life and hope and a desire to change the world and positively impact kids, and beat the life out of them and villainize them and blame them for everything,” needs airing in the light of day.
Among other reflections on her students, Ms. Munroe referred to a select few as ”rude, lazy, disengaged whiners . . . rat-like . . . [one who] dresses like a streetwalker . . . frightfully dim . . .
Years ago, a tenured teaching colleague saw his dark hair turn albino white over the course of weeks when he was harassed with a vengeance by school administrators.
Inspired by an admittedly inappropriate remark in his classroom about Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini who had overseen the seizure of Americans in their Tehran embassy, school administrators used the remark as a pretext to drive the social studies teacher to distraction not because of what he said but because they wanted to get rid of him. He was considered a non-team player because he had also voiced disagreement with the administration and that was simply unacceptable.
The teacher, who was driven nearly insane by daily observations and repetitive conferences with vengeful administrators, eventually succumbed to stress-related diseases and was forced into a disability retirement, at age 46.
Things haven’t changed much in public education.
Pennsylvania’s Central Bucks East High School English teacher Natalie Munroe, 30, brought to mind something that former colleague said during his unremitting torment. He said that teachers left their right to freedom of speech at the door when they entered our high school. Ms. Munroe didn’t badmouth an ayatollah but is facing similar harassment and denial of her First Amendment rights for badmouthing some of her students in an online blog.
I don’t know Ms. Munroe but, regardless of what comments she posted–during her free time and anonymously but with her picture–her explanation that, “There are serious problems with our education system today,” is right on the money.
She elaborated by saying that, “the way that schools and school district and students and parents take teachers who enter the education field full of life and hope and a desire to change the world and positively impact kids, and beat the life out of them and villainize them and blame them for everything,” needs airing in the light of day.
Among other reflections on her students, Ms. Munroe referred to a select few as ”rude, lazy, disengaged whiners . . . rat-like . . . [one who] dresses like a streetwalker . . . frightfully dim . . .
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Weeping, Whooping Whoopi
Weeping, Whooping Whoopi
Leftists-liberals-progressives are a spoiled bunch.
They’re not necessarily spoiled as in the old joke in which a young girl passes by a couple of old dudes and one says, “That’s my granddaughter” and the other asks, “Is she spoiled?” and the first old dude says, “Nah, she just smells that way” but leftists-liberals-progressives are nonetheless spoiled.
They may also smell bad but their chief issue nowadays is that they’re so accustomed to commoners and the mass media supplicating themselves on their altar that any real or assumed departure from that supplication is deemed insurrectionist.
Take Whoopi Goldberg. Personally, I’ll pass on taking Whoopi anywhere, anytime, and in any circumstances but, sad to say, the Whoopster is perturbed. She’s rather p*ssed that she was overlooked in an article by Manohla Dargis and A. O. Scott that cited several black Oscar winners over the last 71 years but which didn’t mention her.
What Goldberg didn’t factor into her complaint was that she may be a celebrity of sorts thanks to Hollywood affirmative actions which led to her starring role on “The View” but the bottom line is that she is still a vulgar, offensive, sad excuse for a woman, qualities she regularly exhibits on television.
However, before examining Whoopi’s poorly-disguised racist rant–against the New York Times, no less!–let’s review the record of black entertainers in America.
Back in 1996, black agitator Jesse Jackson decided that the entertainment industry was shortchanging African Americans, as I think they were known then, and compared their treatment to Jews in Nazi Germany. Graciously, he made no reference to gas chambers.
Jackson composed “An Open Letter to the Entertainment Community” to air his many grievances . . .
Leftists-liberals-progressives are a spoiled bunch.
They’re not necessarily spoiled as in the old joke in which a young girl passes by a couple of old dudes and one says, “That’s my granddaughter” and the other asks, “Is she spoiled?” and the first old dude says, “Nah, she just smells that way” but leftists-liberals-progressives are nonetheless spoiled.
They may also smell bad but their chief issue nowadays is that they’re so accustomed to commoners and the mass media supplicating themselves on their altar that any real or assumed departure from that supplication is deemed insurrectionist.
Take Whoopi Goldberg. Personally, I’ll pass on taking Whoopi anywhere, anytime, and in any circumstances but, sad to say, the Whoopster is perturbed. She’s rather p*ssed that she was overlooked in an article by Manohla Dargis and A. O. Scott that cited several black Oscar winners over the last 71 years but which didn’t mention her.
What Goldberg didn’t factor into her complaint was that she may be a celebrity of sorts thanks to Hollywood affirmative actions which led to her starring role on “The View” but the bottom line is that she is still a vulgar, offensive, sad excuse for a woman, qualities she regularly exhibits on television.
However, before examining Whoopi’s poorly-disguised racist rant–against the New York Times, no less!–let’s review the record of black entertainers in America.
Back in 1996, black agitator Jesse Jackson decided that the entertainment industry was shortchanging African Americans, as I think they were known then, and compared their treatment to Jews in Nazi Germany. Graciously, he made no reference to gas chambers.
Jackson composed “An Open Letter to the Entertainment Community” to air his many grievances . . .
Fun and the Muslim Brotherhood
Fun and the Muslim Brotherhood
One of the “funnest,” as kids say, things about blogging is the “eejits,” as some Irish say, who crawl out of the woodwork in response to the blogs even when they’re not very funny.
I recently posted an article, “National Insecurity, Compliments of the CIA and ODNI,” which pointed out the failures of America’s national security failures, particularly the ineptitude of CIA Director Leon Panetta and James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence:
Tangential to the gist of the article were references to the Muslim Brotherhood and its connection to Hamas, حماس Ḥamās, an acronym of حركة المقاومة الاسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamat al-Islāmiyyah, or “Islamic Resistance Movement,” a radical Palestinian Islamist political organization noted for its terroristic activities, rocket attacks against Israel, and use of such tactics as employing children as human shields and as soldiers.
Also tangential were comments on Hezbollah, حزب الله ḥizbu-llāh(i), the “Party of God,” a paramilitary jihadist group dedicated to the same purposes as Hamas which favors suicide bombings and kidnapping to achieve its ends.
While not specifically defending either Hamas or Hezbollah, in a comment, “8monikal” took great exception to my negative tone toward the Muslim Brotherhood and to my linkage of the MB to both of those Islamic, terrorist barbarians. His/her verbatim comment–”8monikal” is undoubtedly a male since Islam frowns on females even going to the outhouse without permission no less commenting on blogs–follows in its entirety:
“The Muslim brotherhood is affiliated to neither Hezbollah nor Hamas and it does not have a bloody history. Where did you get your lies? Was it from some bigot or did you make them up yourself. . .
One of the “funnest,” as kids say, things about blogging is the “eejits,” as some Irish say, who crawl out of the woodwork in response to the blogs even when they’re not very funny.
I recently posted an article, “National Insecurity, Compliments of the CIA and ODNI,” which pointed out the failures of America’s national security failures, particularly the ineptitude of CIA Director Leon Panetta and James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence:
Tangential to the gist of the article were references to the Muslim Brotherhood and its connection to Hamas, حماس Ḥamās, an acronym of حركة المقاومة الاسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamat al-Islāmiyyah, or “Islamic Resistance Movement,” a radical Palestinian Islamist political organization noted for its terroristic activities, rocket attacks against Israel, and use of such tactics as employing children as human shields and as soldiers.
Also tangential were comments on Hezbollah, حزب الله ḥizbu-llāh(i), the “Party of God,” a paramilitary jihadist group dedicated to the same purposes as Hamas which favors suicide bombings and kidnapping to achieve its ends.
While not specifically defending either Hamas or Hezbollah, in a comment, “8monikal” took great exception to my negative tone toward the Muslim Brotherhood and to my linkage of the MB to both of those Islamic, terrorist barbarians. His/her verbatim comment–”8monikal” is undoubtedly a male since Islam frowns on females even going to the outhouse without permission no less commenting on blogs–follows in its entirety:
“The Muslim brotherhood is affiliated to neither Hezbollah nor Hamas and it does not have a bloody history. Where did you get your lies? Was it from some bigot or did you make them up yourself. . .
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Evil that Is George Soros
The Evil that Is George Soros
Evil has been defined as “morally reprehensible.” That definition fails to do justice to the evil that is George Soros.
There are few words more pejorative and demeaning than the word “evil.” The word conjures up disturbing, devilish visions of unremitting wickedness and abject immorality. ”Evil” should not be used lightly but when deeds or individuals defy more benign description it must be used. György Schwartz, aka George Soros, is evil incarnate.
Variously described as a financier and philanthropist, on his website, and as a bizarre, manipulative, nefarious, soul-less psychopath and criminal anarchist by more objective sources, Schwartz-Soros, a Hungarian-born Jew, actually facilitated the Nazi occupation of his native country and persecution of his fellow Jews, an insidious propensity for treachery and treasonous behavior he later brought to England and America.
Even before young György’s father renounced Judaism, György capitalized on the Holocaust-in-progress by collaborating with the Nazi occupiers in Hungary. Fully aware they were being transported to their deaths, he helped facilitate the shipment of Jews to concentration camps in order to confiscate their property. As if abandoning his heritage, his people, and his nation weren’t sufficiently evil, just last month Soros freely confessed he didn’t give a damn about anything he did and offered no regrets for his actions.
Some 437,000 Hungarian Jews were “deported,” mostly to Auschwitz. See a summary of Soros’ Nazi-era dealings and lack of remorse for the suffering he helped cause here:
In an article titled, “George Soros, Nazi Obsessive,” Kyle-Anne Shiver discusses Soros’–and his equally-amoral father’s–financial skullduggeries in Budapest and cites some of György’s recent descents into evil in America. His senseless, repugnant comparisons of President George W. Bush to Hitler, after young György had prospered as a Nazi enabler, and his attack machine,’s, vicious abuse of General David Petraeus as “General Betrayus” only emphasized Soros’ character flaws and deficits as a human being.
On what basis Soros felt qualified to call himself one of “us,” as an American, is as much an enigmatic evil as Soros.
What Shiver does not emphasize in her excellent article is the overriding danger and threat George Soros poses for the nation he presumptuously calls his own. She goes much too easy on him. She quotes him telling a reporter in 2003 the many reasons he despised GWB and saying, “My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me” to Bush’s alleged Nazi proclivities:
The thought of Soros being “sensitized” to anything aside from Soros is beyond absurd.
Shiver contends that Soros “has a Nazi problem,” which he does, as well as severe and chronic ethical and moral problems. Anyone who can say, as Soros did later in life, that the year 1944 during which he aided, abetted, and profited from the mass . . .
Evil has been defined as “morally reprehensible.” That definition fails to do justice to the evil that is George Soros.
There are few words more pejorative and demeaning than the word “evil.” The word conjures up disturbing, devilish visions of unremitting wickedness and abject immorality. ”Evil” should not be used lightly but when deeds or individuals defy more benign description it must be used. György Schwartz, aka George Soros, is evil incarnate.
Variously described as a financier and philanthropist, on his website, and as a bizarre, manipulative, nefarious, soul-less psychopath and criminal anarchist by more objective sources, Schwartz-Soros, a Hungarian-born Jew, actually facilitated the Nazi occupation of his native country and persecution of his fellow Jews, an insidious propensity for treachery and treasonous behavior he later brought to England and America.
Even before young György’s father renounced Judaism, György capitalized on the Holocaust-in-progress by collaborating with the Nazi occupiers in Hungary. Fully aware they were being transported to their deaths, he helped facilitate the shipment of Jews to concentration camps in order to confiscate their property. As if abandoning his heritage, his people, and his nation weren’t sufficiently evil, just last month Soros freely confessed he didn’t give a damn about anything he did and offered no regrets for his actions.
Some 437,000 Hungarian Jews were “deported,” mostly to Auschwitz. See a summary of Soros’ Nazi-era dealings and lack of remorse for the suffering he helped cause here:
In an article titled, “George Soros, Nazi Obsessive,” Kyle-Anne Shiver discusses Soros’–and his equally-amoral father’s–financial skullduggeries in Budapest and cites some of György’s recent descents into evil in America. His senseless, repugnant comparisons of President George W. Bush to Hitler, after young György had prospered as a Nazi enabler, and his attack machine,’s, vicious abuse of General David Petraeus as “General Betrayus” only emphasized Soros’ character flaws and deficits as a human being.
On what basis Soros felt qualified to call himself one of “us,” as an American, is as much an enigmatic evil as Soros.
What Shiver does not emphasize in her excellent article is the overriding danger and threat George Soros poses for the nation he presumptuously calls his own. She goes much too easy on him. She quotes him telling a reporter in 2003 the many reasons he despised GWB and saying, “My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me” to Bush’s alleged Nazi proclivities:
The thought of Soros being “sensitized” to anything aside from Soros is beyond absurd.
Shiver contends that Soros “has a Nazi problem,” which he does, as well as severe and chronic ethical and moral problems. Anyone who can say, as Soros did later in life, that the year 1944 during which he aided, abetted, and profited from the mass . . .
Obama: The Good, the Bad, and the Most Ugly
Obama: The Good, the Bad, and the Most Ugly
Before anyone starts thinking that there’s nothing good to say about President Barack Hussein Obama and his presidency, a major conservative website,, has come up with 10 good things about the man and his administration. Most of the good comes with qualifications but, hey, we can’t expect miracles.
Among his foreign policy/anti-terrorism positives is his fundamental adherence to the initiatives of the man he consistently derided, George W. Bush. Gitmo is still open and will remain unshuttered indefinitely since Obama hasn’t the foggiest idea of what else to do with its resident terrorists and despite his pledge to close it within a year. HumanEvents also lists as a plus Obama’s not abandoning Afghanistan and Iraq, yet, despite his commitment to cut and run.
Politically, Obama’s other plusses include his inadvertent creation of the Tea Party and his also unintentional but invaluable assistance in aiding Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives.
On the domestic front, after kicking and screaming, Obama agreed to the extension of the Bush tax cuts, albeit for only 2 years, and increased the number of deportations of illegal aliens, although the administration went after Arizona’s new, common-sense immigration law.
Finally, thanks to his repeated gaffes and other demonstrations that he is as flawed and inept as Jimmy Carter, Obama self-deflated the self-created “messiah myth,” annoyed those in his party even more leftist than he, and, in what may be the greatest good he has accomplished, his love of vacations and golf have afforded other Americans to goof off too:
However, coins generally have two sides and the flip side of the Obama coin, the national damages for which he’s indirectly or directly responsible, far outweigh any good he has achieved. . .
Before anyone starts thinking that there’s nothing good to say about President Barack Hussein Obama and his presidency, a major conservative website,, has come up with 10 good things about the man and his administration. Most of the good comes with qualifications but, hey, we can’t expect miracles.
Among his foreign policy/anti-terrorism positives is his fundamental adherence to the initiatives of the man he consistently derided, George W. Bush. Gitmo is still open and will remain unshuttered indefinitely since Obama hasn’t the foggiest idea of what else to do with its resident terrorists and despite his pledge to close it within a year. HumanEvents also lists as a plus Obama’s not abandoning Afghanistan and Iraq, yet, despite his commitment to cut and run.
Politically, Obama’s other plusses include his inadvertent creation of the Tea Party and his also unintentional but invaluable assistance in aiding Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives.
On the domestic front, after kicking and screaming, Obama agreed to the extension of the Bush tax cuts, albeit for only 2 years, and increased the number of deportations of illegal aliens, although the administration went after Arizona’s new, common-sense immigration law.
Finally, thanks to his repeated gaffes and other demonstrations that he is as flawed and inept as Jimmy Carter, Obama self-deflated the self-created “messiah myth,” annoyed those in his party even more leftist than he, and, in what may be the greatest good he has accomplished, his love of vacations and golf have afforded other Americans to goof off too:
However, coins generally have two sides and the flip side of the Obama coin, the national damages for which he’s indirectly or directly responsible, far outweigh any good he has achieved. . .
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Teachers Caught in Flagrante Dilecto
Teachers Caught in Flagrante Delicto
In a brief article on the latest female teacher who, allegedly, seduced at least 5 Ohio football-player students, Tammy on IOwnthe posed the question, “Honest to God, how do these freaks get hired in the first place?” Well, honest to God, Tammy, wake up and get a whiff of what America’s public schools are like today! The hirers are usually no better than the hirees.
See IOwntheWorld’s teacher slut gallery here:
Thirty-two year old phys ed-health teacher/athletic trainer Stacy Schuler, allegedly, taught and trained some footballers in much more than was mandated in the 3,048 student Mason High School, Cincinnati, curriculum and has been indicted on 19 felony counts of sexual battery as well as three misedemanor charges of serving alcohol to minors. Facing sentences totaling over a century if convicted of all charges, Schuler has resigned.
All the fuss and bother about Ms. Schuler’s volunteering to teach her young studs extracurricular physical ins and outs is somewhat bewildering since her off-campus sexcapades have been replicated in America’s public schools from time immemorial and in the past few decades have become almost commonplace. . .
In a brief article on the latest female teacher who, allegedly, seduced at least 5 Ohio football-player students, Tammy on IOwnthe posed the question, “Honest to God, how do these freaks get hired in the first place?” Well, honest to God, Tammy, wake up and get a whiff of what America’s public schools are like today! The hirers are usually no better than the hirees.
See IOwntheWorld’s teacher slut gallery here:
Thirty-two year old phys ed-health teacher/athletic trainer Stacy Schuler, allegedly, taught and trained some footballers in much more than was mandated in the 3,048 student Mason High School, Cincinnati, curriculum and has been indicted on 19 felony counts of sexual battery as well as three misedemanor charges of serving alcohol to minors. Facing sentences totaling over a century if convicted of all charges, Schuler has resigned.
All the fuss and bother about Ms. Schuler’s volunteering to teach her young studs extracurricular physical ins and outs is somewhat bewildering since her off-campus sexcapades have been replicated in America’s public schools from time immemorial and in the past few decades have become almost commonplace. . .
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Smelling Rats
Smelling Rats
I don’t think I’ve ever smelled a rat. Dead mice, yeah, but never a rat. I can only assume that dead rats are as olfactorily offensive as dead mice. I’ve never actually seen rats deserting a sinking ship, either, but I’m guessing they do since diving into the briny sure must beat drowning in a stinking hold.
A particularly offensive and noisome living rat is 55 year old Bill Maher. Best known for his uber-politically correct, thankfully defunct tv show on Comedy Central, “Politically Incorrect” and acting credits in such classic films as ”Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death,” Maher took up political commentary after a failed career as a stand-up comic and has finally said something worth hearing.
Considering the law of averages, it was bound to happen.
In a televised panel discussion with other nonentities, Maher first said of President Obama that, “He’s pretending to be a centrist” and suggested Obama was a hypocrite on gay marriage. He then dropped a blockbuster by saying the president was “not a Christian” as he has claimed but “a secular humanist just like his mother.”
Just incidentally, the atheistic philosophy of secular humanism rejects all faith and dogma in favor of a reliance on reason as a path toward morality, a subjective approach to life which could explain both Obama’s life and his manner of governing.
Of course, Maher found time to slam Iowa Republican caucus members as well, calling them “the children of the corn” and adding that ten of twenty five of them called Obama a Muslim. Do they know what a Muslim is?” See the 3 minute video of all the hilarity here:
Let’s just see, now. Mr. Tingles, “Hardball’s” Chris Matthews, who gets thrills up his leg in the presence of Barack Hussein Obama, recently gave support to contentions of the so-called “Birthers” that Obama wasn’t born in America by insisting the president produce his birth certificate. He was just joined by Maher in suggesting the president is a liar. . .
I don’t think I’ve ever smelled a rat. Dead mice, yeah, but never a rat. I can only assume that dead rats are as olfactorily offensive as dead mice. I’ve never actually seen rats deserting a sinking ship, either, but I’m guessing they do since diving into the briny sure must beat drowning in a stinking hold.
A particularly offensive and noisome living rat is 55 year old Bill Maher. Best known for his uber-politically correct, thankfully defunct tv show on Comedy Central, “Politically Incorrect” and acting credits in such classic films as ”Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death,” Maher took up political commentary after a failed career as a stand-up comic and has finally said something worth hearing.
Considering the law of averages, it was bound to happen.
In a televised panel discussion with other nonentities, Maher first said of President Obama that, “He’s pretending to be a centrist” and suggested Obama was a hypocrite on gay marriage. He then dropped a blockbuster by saying the president was “not a Christian” as he has claimed but “a secular humanist just like his mother.”
Just incidentally, the atheistic philosophy of secular humanism rejects all faith and dogma in favor of a reliance on reason as a path toward morality, a subjective approach to life which could explain both Obama’s life and his manner of governing.
Of course, Maher found time to slam Iowa Republican caucus members as well, calling them “the children of the corn” and adding that ten of twenty five of them called Obama a Muslim. Do they know what a Muslim is?” See the 3 minute video of all the hilarity here:
Let’s just see, now. Mr. Tingles, “Hardball’s” Chris Matthews, who gets thrills up his leg in the presence of Barack Hussein Obama, recently gave support to contentions of the so-called “Birthers” that Obama wasn’t born in America by insisting the president produce his birth certificate. He was just joined by Maher in suggesting the president is a liar. . .
Abortion: Legalized Genocide
Abortion: Legalized Genocide
“Abortion” is a term that once, and not in the very distant past, was avoided in polite conversation with the equivalent repulsion as incest, bestiality, and pedophilia. Regrettably, a regret borne of its commonality today, people can chat about abortion around the water cooler with the same detachment they would have when discussing Lindsay Lohan’s latest thievery or Charlie Sheen’s most recent hooker escapade.
Familiarity breeds insensitive callousness as well as contempt. Another factor in that contemptuous insensitivity is that millions of Americans have either had abortions or know someone–friend, neighbor, or family member–who has and a there is a tendency is to cut others some slack in their decision. Unfortunately, that tendency serves only to fuel the abortion industry.
Last week, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, the very senior senator from New Jersey indignantly and self-righteously characterized the muddled thinking of pro-abortionists when he warned Republicans, “I won’t attempt to voice my views on your family and let my family alone. Don’t go near my daughters.”
Why those who have dedicated their lives to saving the pre-born from being chop, diced, and burned by abortionists should perturb the 87 year old Lautenberg or his aging daughters or even his granddaughters is a bewilderment. He also misses the points that Pro-Lifers never go after women and that the Right to Life movement is no more personal than it is religious. It’s a question of human rights, of civil rights for the pre-born and a question of reversing the national shame that is legalized abortion.
By far the most shameless and active abortionists in the country is the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, . . .
“Abortion” is a term that once, and not in the very distant past, was avoided in polite conversation with the equivalent repulsion as incest, bestiality, and pedophilia. Regrettably, a regret borne of its commonality today, people can chat about abortion around the water cooler with the same detachment they would have when discussing Lindsay Lohan’s latest thievery or Charlie Sheen’s most recent hooker escapade.
Familiarity breeds insensitive callousness as well as contempt. Another factor in that contemptuous insensitivity is that millions of Americans have either had abortions or know someone–friend, neighbor, or family member–who has and a there is a tendency is to cut others some slack in their decision. Unfortunately, that tendency serves only to fuel the abortion industry.
Last week, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, the very senior senator from New Jersey indignantly and self-righteously characterized the muddled thinking of pro-abortionists when he warned Republicans, “I won’t attempt to voice my views on your family and let my family alone. Don’t go near my daughters.”
Why those who have dedicated their lives to saving the pre-born from being chop, diced, and burned by abortionists should perturb the 87 year old Lautenberg or his aging daughters or even his granddaughters is a bewilderment. He also misses the points that Pro-Lifers never go after women and that the Right to Life movement is no more personal than it is religious. It’s a question of human rights, of civil rights for the pre-born and a question of reversing the national shame that is legalized abortion.
By far the most shameless and active abortionists in the country is the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, . . .
UPDATES: Assange, Gore, Multiculturalism
UPDATES: Assange, Gore, Multiculturalism
It’s humbling to be correct all the time, but truth is truth. Some recent developments that reinforce and support recent articles on this website:
Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks has been wreaking havoc within the U.S. State Department and with international relations by publicizing tens of thousands of secret American documents for some months now. Assange has repeatedly proven himself to be a disreputable and irresponsible America-hater who gets off by embarrassing and undermining this country.
Now facing British charges for rape and sexual molestation, he apparently gets off in sundry other ways as well with his imitation of Johnny Appleseed by dropping his seed hither, thither, and yon around Australia. The products of his sexual dalliances with at least four women range in age from six months to 20 years of age.
In a deliciously ironic twist, that news was leaked by British police and substantiated in a tell-all book by a disenchanted former WikiLeak spokesperson Daniel Domsheit-Bergas and by other WikiLeakers. For good measure, Domsheit-Berg also references Assange’s “lack of personal hygiene and table manners [which] suggest he was ‘brought up by wolves’ and reveals his erstwhile good buddy’s “main criteria for a woman:” young and ”aware of her role as a woman,” whatever that means:
Former VP Albert Arnold Gore was a bust as vice president and in his marriage but scored big time in his crusade to spread the tainted word of global warming and earned a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his efforts. He has also earned untold riches preaching the evils of greenhouse gasses and the merits of carbon credits even as he toured and polluted the planet in his Lear jet.
Not a guy to be easily dismayed by reality, Gore never misses a climate step. . .
It’s humbling to be correct all the time, but truth is truth. Some recent developments that reinforce and support recent articles on this website:
Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks has been wreaking havoc within the U.S. State Department and with international relations by publicizing tens of thousands of secret American documents for some months now. Assange has repeatedly proven himself to be a disreputable and irresponsible America-hater who gets off by embarrassing and undermining this country.
Now facing British charges for rape and sexual molestation, he apparently gets off in sundry other ways as well with his imitation of Johnny Appleseed by dropping his seed hither, thither, and yon around Australia. The products of his sexual dalliances with at least four women range in age from six months to 20 years of age.
In a deliciously ironic twist, that news was leaked by British police and substantiated in a tell-all book by a disenchanted former WikiLeak spokesperson Daniel Domsheit-Bergas and by other WikiLeakers. For good measure, Domsheit-Berg also references Assange’s “lack of personal hygiene and table manners [which] suggest he was ‘brought up by wolves’ and reveals his erstwhile good buddy’s “main criteria for a woman:” young and ”aware of her role as a woman,” whatever that means:
Former VP Albert Arnold Gore was a bust as vice president and in his marriage but scored big time in his crusade to spread the tainted word of global warming and earned a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his efforts. He has also earned untold riches preaching the evils of greenhouse gasses and the merits of carbon credits even as he toured and polluted the planet in his Lear jet.
Not a guy to be easily dismayed by reality, Gore never misses a climate step. . .
Friday, February 11, 2011
National Insecurity, Compliments of the CIA and ODNI
National Insecurity, Compliments of the CIA and ODNI
Most objective observers knew from the outset that the Community Organizer in Chief was in way over his head when America elected Barack Hussein Obama as president based primarily on his vague promises of hope and change.
We cringed with his various czar appointments and wondered about the people he installed as protectors of our national security. Leon Panetta at age 71 was awarded the post as CIA Director even though his experience and expertise in the areas of foreign intelligence were nil and then 69 year old James R. Clapper became our Director of National Intelligence.
Panetta’s chief claim to fame were his nine terms as a California congressman from California and his 4 years as Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff. Panetta is a nothing more than a political hack. Retired Air Force Lt. General Clapper did have an intelligence background although you’d never know it.
The CIA is charged with furnishing “intelligence (or information) to the President, the National Security Council, and all other government officials who make and carry out US national security policy.” ODNI’s responsibility is to ”Ensure that timely and objective national intelligence is provided to the President, the heads of departments and agencies of the executive branch; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and senior military commanders; and the Congress.”
Both the CIA and ODNI have failed miserably in their stated missions.
Tweedledum Panetta and Tweedledee Clapper have jointly reinforced Malcolm X’s and Obama’s favorite pastor’s line about America’s chickens coming home to roost. Panetta and Clapper have also reminded Americans that very people who are supposed to be keeping abreast of national security issues haven’t the vaguest clue as to what’s going on in the world.
When those chickens roost, America could be toast, for all they know. . .
Most objective observers knew from the outset that the Community Organizer in Chief was in way over his head when America elected Barack Hussein Obama as president based primarily on his vague promises of hope and change.
We cringed with his various czar appointments and wondered about the people he installed as protectors of our national security. Leon Panetta at age 71 was awarded the post as CIA Director even though his experience and expertise in the areas of foreign intelligence were nil and then 69 year old James R. Clapper became our Director of National Intelligence.
Panetta’s chief claim to fame were his nine terms as a California congressman from California and his 4 years as Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff. Panetta is a nothing more than a political hack. Retired Air Force Lt. General Clapper did have an intelligence background although you’d never know it.
The CIA is charged with furnishing “intelligence (or information) to the President, the National Security Council, and all other government officials who make and carry out US national security policy.” ODNI’s responsibility is to ”Ensure that timely and objective national intelligence is provided to the President, the heads of departments and agencies of the executive branch; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and senior military commanders; and the Congress.”
Both the CIA and ODNI have failed miserably in their stated missions.
Tweedledum Panetta and Tweedledee Clapper have jointly reinforced Malcolm X’s and Obama’s favorite pastor’s line about America’s chickens coming home to roost. Panetta and Clapper have also reminded Americans that very people who are supposed to be keeping abreast of national security issues haven’t the vaguest clue as to what’s going on in the world.
When those chickens roost, America could be toast, for all they know. . .
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Smarmy and Sleazy, Fish Head and Chicago
Smarmy and Sleazy, Fish Head and Chicago
“Smarmy” and “Sleazy” aren’t two long-lost cousins of Dopey and Grumpy but rather words redolent with connotation and caustically pungent with multiple levels of meaning which can be used to describe any number of public figures. Defined, “smarmy” means “hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest; unctuous,” while “sleazy” is defined as “shabby, dirty, and vulgar; tawdry.”
Public figures fitting those definitions would currently include former Rep. Chris Lee who bared half his all for all the world to see, canned MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann who finally found his niche on Algore’s Current TV network which no one watches except Al Gore, and Italy’s PM Silvio Berlusconi who finds it difficult to keep his pants zipped around girls young enough to be his granddaughters.
In spite of the hefty competition, Former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Israel Emanuel jumps to mind immediately when considering both smarmy and sleazy. This, however, is not an attempt to further elaborate on those Rahm qualities, which need no elaboration, but rather an attempt to clarify what happened recently when Emanuel flirted with honesty and decency, and failed . . .
(Resd more at
“Smarmy” and “Sleazy” aren’t two long-lost cousins of Dopey and Grumpy but rather words redolent with connotation and caustically pungent with multiple levels of meaning which can be used to describe any number of public figures. Defined, “smarmy” means “hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest; unctuous,” while “sleazy” is defined as “shabby, dirty, and vulgar; tawdry.”
Public figures fitting those definitions would currently include former Rep. Chris Lee who bared half his all for all the world to see, canned MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann who finally found his niche on Algore’s Current TV network which no one watches except Al Gore, and Italy’s PM Silvio Berlusconi who finds it difficult to keep his pants zipped around girls young enough to be his granddaughters.
In spite of the hefty competition, Former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Israel Emanuel jumps to mind immediately when considering both smarmy and sleazy. This, however, is not an attempt to further elaborate on those Rahm qualities, which need no elaboration, but rather an attempt to clarify what happened recently when Emanuel flirted with honesty and decency, and failed . . .
(Resd more at
Oddities: Britain, Mexico, and Blago
Oddities: Britain, Mexico, and Blago
For at least two years, America has been living those “interesting times” referred to in the ancient Chinese proverb-curse and, if anything, those times are getting more “interesting” almost by the day. It makes one wonder what the blazes is going on.
For example, what are we and our long-time, closest ally Great Britain to make of reports that, “The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty.” That information comes from WikiLeaks and is being reported only by Britain’s The Telegraph since Obama’s MSM is ignoring it as per custom.
The Brit tabloid reports further that, “Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week,”, which gives rise to questions as to whose side is our president on and whether that “special relationship” between America and the Brits is still special to Obama.
But the news gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective.
The United States of America is the pre-eminent world power, the only superpower left standing after the U.S.S.R. crumbled thanks in large part to Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II even if libs hate to admit their invaluable assistance. To our south is the land of Estados Unidos Mexicanos, aka Mexico, a borderline Third World nation which tends to value siestas, tamales, and tortillas as highly as its oil reserves.
So, why are American citizens in our southwest begging Mexico for electrical power? . . .
For at least two years, America has been living those “interesting times” referred to in the ancient Chinese proverb-curse and, if anything, those times are getting more “interesting” almost by the day. It makes one wonder what the blazes is going on.
For example, what are we and our long-time, closest ally Great Britain to make of reports that, “The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty.” That information comes from WikiLeaks and is being reported only by Britain’s The Telegraph since Obama’s MSM is ignoring it as per custom.
The Brit tabloid reports further that, “Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week,”, which gives rise to questions as to whose side is our president on and whether that “special relationship” between America and the Brits is still special to Obama.
But the news gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective.
The United States of America is the pre-eminent world power, the only superpower left standing after the U.S.S.R. crumbled thanks in large part to Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II even if libs hate to admit their invaluable assistance. To our south is the land of Estados Unidos Mexicanos, aka Mexico, a borderline Third World nation which tends to value siestas, tamales, and tortillas as highly as its oil reserves.
So, why are American citizens in our southwest begging Mexico for electrical power? . . .
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Anthems and Conspiracies, Liberals and Caliphates
It doesn’t take long to detect a leftist and it takes even less time to detect a nimrod. Just listen to what they say and read what they write. As for leftist nimrods, which are usually interchangeable terms, they might as well carry a sign.
David Corn, a card-carrying leftist nimrod, is a case in point. Kevin Blackistone, a sports-writing nonentity, is another. The chief difference between them is that in Corn’s case he veritably oozes leftist venom through his pores and Blackistone is just a run-of-the-mill, America-hating liberal.
Like most leftists, Blackistone has issues with American traditions unless, of course, those traditions involve favored liberal causes, like flag-burning. Referring to Christina Aguilera’s botching of the national anthem at the Superbowl, he ragged on “The Star-Spangled-Banner” as not only irrelevant to sporting events when it is traditionally played or sung prior to the start of play, Blackistone also contended it has nothing to do with patriotism, either. Rather, it has “everything to do with war” and “the politics of militarism.”
His complaints are nothing more than a re-hash of anti-war rhetoric which is near and dear to the hearts of liberals and distinguishing them from us warmongering conservatives who absolutely love the idea of armies slaughtering other armies. That false, inflated sense of moral superiority is characteristic of the liberal mentality and is as flawed as everything else the left professes to believe.
“The Star-Spangled Banner” was composed by Francis Scott Key following the bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 but is anything but a glorification of war. Adopted as the nation’s anthem in 1931, the song serves as a reminder of our country’s history and the glory of our flag. The rockets and bombs “Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there . . . that star-spangled banner yet wave[d] O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
We could adopt a new national anthem, one easier to sing, but why? To please people like Blackistone? We could instead choose “Hail, Columbia!” or “America the Beautiful,” or “God Bless America,” but why? Liberals despise those sentiments, as well. And would a different anthem give patriotic Americans the same lump in the throat as do the strains of “The Star-Spangled Banner”?
Blackistone also suggested “Ballad for Americans,” a song popularized by the black Communist, Paul Robeson:
Blackistone is correct about one thing, however. Many Americans don’t know all the anthem lyrics and it is often disrespected by thoughtless sports fans when it is played. That, however, is just testimony to our schools’ failure to teach the song and to their failure to explain why audiences should demonstrate proper reverence for our flag.
David Corn is a leftist of a different color from David Blackistone, no racial pun intended.
Corn, a “progressive” author and commentator, like all “progressives” despises Glenn Beck as much as he despises Sarah Palin and thinks he has just the ticket for getting rid of one of the banes of his existence, Beck. Corn began an article on the “progressive” with an excussion into wishful thinking: “Glenn Beck is walking toward a cliff–or running, or skipping. The question is, will Fox News go flying over the edge with him, or give him a push?” . . .
David Corn, a card-carrying leftist nimrod, is a case in point. Kevin Blackistone, a sports-writing nonentity, is another. The chief difference between them is that in Corn’s case he veritably oozes leftist venom through his pores and Blackistone is just a run-of-the-mill, America-hating liberal.
Like most leftists, Blackistone has issues with American traditions unless, of course, those traditions involve favored liberal causes, like flag-burning. Referring to Christina Aguilera’s botching of the national anthem at the Superbowl, he ragged on “The Star-Spangled-Banner” as not only irrelevant to sporting events when it is traditionally played or sung prior to the start of play, Blackistone also contended it has nothing to do with patriotism, either. Rather, it has “everything to do with war” and “the politics of militarism.”
His complaints are nothing more than a re-hash of anti-war rhetoric which is near and dear to the hearts of liberals and distinguishing them from us warmongering conservatives who absolutely love the idea of armies slaughtering other armies. That false, inflated sense of moral superiority is characteristic of the liberal mentality and is as flawed as everything else the left professes to believe.
“The Star-Spangled Banner” was composed by Francis Scott Key following the bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 but is anything but a glorification of war. Adopted as the nation’s anthem in 1931, the song serves as a reminder of our country’s history and the glory of our flag. The rockets and bombs “Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there . . . that star-spangled banner yet wave[d] O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
We could adopt a new national anthem, one easier to sing, but why? To please people like Blackistone? We could instead choose “Hail, Columbia!” or “America the Beautiful,” or “God Bless America,” but why? Liberals despise those sentiments, as well. And would a different anthem give patriotic Americans the same lump in the throat as do the strains of “The Star-Spangled Banner”?
Blackistone also suggested “Ballad for Americans,” a song popularized by the black Communist, Paul Robeson:
Blackistone is correct about one thing, however. Many Americans don’t know all the anthem lyrics and it is often disrespected by thoughtless sports fans when it is played. That, however, is just testimony to our schools’ failure to teach the song and to their failure to explain why audiences should demonstrate proper reverence for our flag.
David Corn is a leftist of a different color from David Blackistone, no racial pun intended.
Corn, a “progressive” author and commentator, like all “progressives” despises Glenn Beck as much as he despises Sarah Palin and thinks he has just the ticket for getting rid of one of the banes of his existence, Beck. Corn began an article on the “progressive” with an excussion into wishful thinking: “Glenn Beck is walking toward a cliff–or running, or skipping. The question is, will Fox News go flying over the edge with him, or give him a push?” . . .
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Wisdom and Wit of Ronaldus Magnus
The Wisdom and Wit of Ronaldus Magnus
Sunday, February 6, 2011 marks the one hundredth birthday of Ronald Wilson Reagan, 33rd governor of the State of California and 40th President of the United States. Where are you now when we need you more than ever!
A conservative icon still revered by many, Republicans and Democrats alike, and still reviled by malcontent liberals/leftists/progressives, Reagan was appropriately nickanmed “Ronaldus Magnus” by Rush Limbaugh, an apt sobriquet because he was indeed a great president as well as a great man and a great American.
A human being and thus not un-flawed, Reagan, like Republican President Eisenhower before him and Republican President George W. Bush after him, was dismissed as an intellectual lightweight while in office and even after his retirement by those who could never abide a Republican much less a conservative.
The poor kid from Illinois Reagan became a radio broadcaster, actor and president of the Screen Actors Guild. He was an early liberal and Democrat. He later said he didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left him. He was a Civil Rights supporter before it was chic and always a staunch anti-Communist. He lost his bids for the Republican nomination in 1968 and 1976, never gave up, and defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980 and scored a landslide win over Walter Mondale four years later.
There’s no need here to recount the many achievements of Ronald Reagan. His life and career speak for themselves and he spoke for himself often and forcefully during that life and career as well as in the 2001 Reagan, In His Own Hand. Those collected writings in Reagan’s handwriting should have dispelled any notion that this man was his own man who clearly articulated his own, distinctive revolutionary vision for his country, and brought it about.
It is worthwhile to note that the only “scandal” with which his opponents were able to smear him, the Iran-Contra Affair, occurred largely for humanitarian reasons. The arms-for-hostages scheme essentially involved the Executive Branch selling weapons to Iran in order to free six American prisoners being held by Hezbollah with some monies used to help fund Nicaragua’s anti-Communist Contras. A medal should have been awarded.
In addition to his accomplishments, . . .
Sunday, February 6, 2011 marks the one hundredth birthday of Ronald Wilson Reagan, 33rd governor of the State of California and 40th President of the United States. Where are you now when we need you more than ever!
A conservative icon still revered by many, Republicans and Democrats alike, and still reviled by malcontent liberals/leftists/progressives, Reagan was appropriately nickanmed “Ronaldus Magnus” by Rush Limbaugh, an apt sobriquet because he was indeed a great president as well as a great man and a great American.
A human being and thus not un-flawed, Reagan, like Republican President Eisenhower before him and Republican President George W. Bush after him, was dismissed as an intellectual lightweight while in office and even after his retirement by those who could never abide a Republican much less a conservative.
The poor kid from Illinois Reagan became a radio broadcaster, actor and president of the Screen Actors Guild. He was an early liberal and Democrat. He later said he didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left him. He was a Civil Rights supporter before it was chic and always a staunch anti-Communist. He lost his bids for the Republican nomination in 1968 and 1976, never gave up, and defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980 and scored a landslide win over Walter Mondale four years later.
There’s no need here to recount the many achievements of Ronald Reagan. His life and career speak for themselves and he spoke for himself often and forcefully during that life and career as well as in the 2001 Reagan, In His Own Hand. Those collected writings in Reagan’s handwriting should have dispelled any notion that this man was his own man who clearly articulated his own, distinctive revolutionary vision for his country, and brought it about.
It is worthwhile to note that the only “scandal” with which his opponents were able to smear him, the Iran-Contra Affair, occurred largely for humanitarian reasons. The arms-for-hostages scheme essentially involved the Executive Branch selling weapons to Iran in order to free six American prisoners being held by Hezbollah with some monies used to help fund Nicaragua’s anti-Communist Contras. A medal should have been awarded.
In addition to his accomplishments, . . .
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Domestic and European Morons, Idiots, and Imbeciles
Domestic and European Morons, Idiots, and Imbeciles
. . . See the video of Elliot strutting his intellectualism here:
That exchange, which wasn’t really an exchange since Letterman wisely only laughed and didn’t exchange anything with Elliot. That rare reticence on Dave’s part may have been attributable to the fact Elliot had been shown to be moronic on Leno by being unaware that wheat was the principal ingredient of bread and was now appearing on the elitist Letterman show in a vain attempt to demonstrate that he wasn’t the moron that he is.
As schoolkids were wont to say in the old days, It takes one to know one. Perhaps Elliot thought bread was made from snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
There are morons, and idiots, and imbeciles and then there are morons, idiots, and imbeciles and whatever term best befits Chris Elliot is as irrelevant as he. Far more relevant are the morons, idiots, and imbeciles who run governments and who pretend, like Elliot, that it is not they that aren’t moronic, idiotic, and imbecilic but someone else.
Unfortunately for them, and for us, they’re the nutcases.
Unfortunately, too, there’s so much competition from the likes of Joe Biden, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, et al. that it’s difficult to choose which individual best epitomizes the categories: In the midst of the Egyptian upheaval, Clown Prince Biden weighs in and says the dictator Mubarak isn’t a dictator at all. In the midst of the coldest winter on record, charlatan Gore keeps blogging his nonsense that we’re cold because we’re warming. In the midst of failure in establishing a legacy, failed president Carter absurdly contends the nation is more polarized now than during the Civil War.
So many certifiable nitwits, so little time.
Perhaps it’s best to use the terms idiots and imbeciles more generically. As for imbecilic in the sense of being so far removed from sanity that they are positively scary, the best choice at the moment would have to be Western Europeans.
Just consider what England, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Sweden and others to a greater or lesser extent have done to themselves with regard to Islamic influences.
Whether inspired by misguided humanitarianism or in quest of cheap labor, Western Europe opened the floodgates to an influx of massive numbers of people who are noted for their propensity to reproduce. Worse, either they could not or would not assimilate into their new cultures and instead are in the process of subverting and dominating those cultures.
If deliberate national suicide isn’t a sign of imbecility, what is? . . .
. . . See the video of Elliot strutting his intellectualism here:
That exchange, which wasn’t really an exchange since Letterman wisely only laughed and didn’t exchange anything with Elliot. That rare reticence on Dave’s part may have been attributable to the fact Elliot had been shown to be moronic on Leno by being unaware that wheat was the principal ingredient of bread and was now appearing on the elitist Letterman show in a vain attempt to demonstrate that he wasn’t the moron that he is.
As schoolkids were wont to say in the old days, It takes one to know one. Perhaps Elliot thought bread was made from snips and snails and puppy dog tails.
There are morons, and idiots, and imbeciles and then there are morons, idiots, and imbeciles and whatever term best befits Chris Elliot is as irrelevant as he. Far more relevant are the morons, idiots, and imbeciles who run governments and who pretend, like Elliot, that it is not they that aren’t moronic, idiotic, and imbecilic but someone else.
Unfortunately for them, and for us, they’re the nutcases.
Unfortunately, too, there’s so much competition from the likes of Joe Biden, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, et al. that it’s difficult to choose which individual best epitomizes the categories: In the midst of the Egyptian upheaval, Clown Prince Biden weighs in and says the dictator Mubarak isn’t a dictator at all. In the midst of the coldest winter on record, charlatan Gore keeps blogging his nonsense that we’re cold because we’re warming. In the midst of failure in establishing a legacy, failed president Carter absurdly contends the nation is more polarized now than during the Civil War.
So many certifiable nitwits, so little time.
Perhaps it’s best to use the terms idiots and imbeciles more generically. As for imbecilic in the sense of being so far removed from sanity that they are positively scary, the best choice at the moment would have to be Western Europeans.
Just consider what England, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Sweden and others to a greater or lesser extent have done to themselves with regard to Islamic influences.
Whether inspired by misguided humanitarianism or in quest of cheap labor, Western Europe opened the floodgates to an influx of massive numbers of people who are noted for their propensity to reproduce. Worse, either they could not or would not assimilate into their new cultures and instead are in the process of subverting and dominating those cultures.
If deliberate national suicide isn’t a sign of imbecility, what is? . . .
Friday, February 4, 2011
Peaceful Islam in Words and Actions
Peaceful Islam in Words and Actions
Islam, the “Religion of Peace,” according to Islamists, is tolerant of all other religions, is opposed to slavery, treats women as equals, and is incompatible with terrorism, all of which contentions are also according to Muslims. In reality, none of that is true about Islam as history has proven.
For evidence, please see “The Myths of Islam,”, which details the historical truth as opposed to those intentionally-perpetrated myths. However, one need not waste time exploring the long, disturbing and disturbed history of the religion of the Prophet Mohammed in order to reveal the truth about the faith to which anywhere from 1.2 to 1,6 billion people adhere. You just have to read the news.
Take the People’s Republic of Bangladesh where Muslims comprise 80% of the population and which is considered one of the “Next Eleven,” nations believed to have the potential to become world economic leaders in the new century. One of the most densely populated countries on the planet with 164.4 million mostly poor souls scrunched into 144 square miles of water and land, Bangladesh is also in the forefront of demonstrating classic Islamic treatment of its female inhabitants and the Next Eleven must be a sorry lot if Bangladesh is a member.
In civilized nations, rape, especially the rape of a minor child, is treated as among the most reprehensible of all crimes. In Shariatpur, Bangladesh, 14 year old Hena was raped by her 40 year old cousin, Mahbub, one day. The next day she, not Mahbub, was punished by being killed.
Lest anyone jump to false conclusions, Hena wasn’t intentionally murdered as a consequence of her misdeed. It was done all very legally and properly under Islamic law when Shariatpurian villagers condemned her in a fatwa, a scholarly, sharia ruling, and sentenced her to 100 lashes. As all Muslims know, females are always responsible for being raped.
Young Hena beat the rap though, surely to the disappointment of the villagers, when she fell unconscious after a mere 80 lashes and subsequently died:
Apparently cousin Mahbub is still on the prowl. Hena is still dead. The government is all verklempt. Sharia is very much alive.
Another piece of work is the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In 2009, Iran held an “election” which is tantamount to saying Cuba or Venezuela or the old U.S.S.R. held an election. That is, it was a fraud. . .
Islam, the “Religion of Peace,” according to Islamists, is tolerant of all other religions, is opposed to slavery, treats women as equals, and is incompatible with terrorism, all of which contentions are also according to Muslims. In reality, none of that is true about Islam as history has proven.
For evidence, please see “The Myths of Islam,”, which details the historical truth as opposed to those intentionally-perpetrated myths. However, one need not waste time exploring the long, disturbing and disturbed history of the religion of the Prophet Mohammed in order to reveal the truth about the faith to which anywhere from 1.2 to 1,6 billion people adhere. You just have to read the news.
Take the People’s Republic of Bangladesh where Muslims comprise 80% of the population and which is considered one of the “Next Eleven,” nations believed to have the potential to become world economic leaders in the new century. One of the most densely populated countries on the planet with 164.4 million mostly poor souls scrunched into 144 square miles of water and land, Bangladesh is also in the forefront of demonstrating classic Islamic treatment of its female inhabitants and the Next Eleven must be a sorry lot if Bangladesh is a member.
In civilized nations, rape, especially the rape of a minor child, is treated as among the most reprehensible of all crimes. In Shariatpur, Bangladesh, 14 year old Hena was raped by her 40 year old cousin, Mahbub, one day. The next day she, not Mahbub, was punished by being killed.
Lest anyone jump to false conclusions, Hena wasn’t intentionally murdered as a consequence of her misdeed. It was done all very legally and properly under Islamic law when Shariatpurian villagers condemned her in a fatwa, a scholarly, sharia ruling, and sentenced her to 100 lashes. As all Muslims know, females are always responsible for being raped.
Young Hena beat the rap though, surely to the disappointment of the villagers, when she fell unconscious after a mere 80 lashes and subsequently died:
Apparently cousin Mahbub is still on the prowl. Hena is still dead. The government is all verklempt. Sharia is very much alive.
Another piece of work is the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In 2009, Iran held an “election” which is tantamount to saying Cuba or Venezuela or the old U.S.S.R. held an election. That is, it was a fraud. . .
child rape,
Obama's War on Science
Obama's War on Science
Our president is waging an undeclared war against “inconvenient” science.
Evidence of Obama’s subversion of apolitical scientific inquiry became apparent last summer with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NASA’s preeminent role as America’s scientific leader has been undisputed for over half a century and NASA has rewarded the nation and the world with phenomenal accomplishments including the Apollo moon program, Skylab, the International Space Station, and the Hubble telescope Space Telescope, not to mention developing Tang.
It’s been speculated that had not the United States wasted trillions over the years on useless and unproductive social boondoggles, America could already have visited and even established colonies on other planets but politicians preferred to buy votes rather than explore the universe, but that issue is tangential to Obama’s war on science.
NASA’s mission statement incorporated plans to “pioneer the future in space exploration and aeronautics research.” That was then, this is the Obama administration.
Last July, NASA’s new civilian administrator, Charles Bolden, let the cat out of Obama’s bag of tricks during an interview with Al Jazeera, the Arabic language news network, that his “foremost” mission is to improve relations with the Muslim world. He was ordered to forget all that pioneering and scientific research: “Obama wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science. . . and math and engineering:”
Granted, Muslims achieved great breakthroughs in mathematics, science, and medicine during Islam’s Golden Age. However, that gild was applied between five and eight hundred years ago and Islam’s chief advancement since then has been perfecting much more practical creations such as ied’s and land mines designed to kill and maim in its bloody worldwide jihad.
America’s greatest scientific enterprise thereby took a backseat to Obama’s twisted political expediency and bizarre effort to make Muslims “feel good” about themselves as if building up their self esteem would make them nicer people.
Obama’s attempted destruction of NASA–Bolden subsequently retracted his statement which meant he had either lied to Al Jazeera or the president had lied to him–hasn’t worked. Yet.
The bitter irony in the president trying to divert the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s scientific mission into becoming Islamic cheerleaders is highlighted by the president’s lofty words on science spoken in March, 2009 when he said, “Let’s be clear: promoting science isn’t just about providing resources–it is also about protecting free and open inquiry. It is about letting scientists . . . do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient–especially when it’s inconvenient.”
Here was his kicker: ”It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda–and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.”
Such outrageous hypocrisy!
An article on, “Obama Administration Covering Up Abortion Data,” begins by citing the above quotation . . .
Our president is waging an undeclared war against “inconvenient” science.
Evidence of Obama’s subversion of apolitical scientific inquiry became apparent last summer with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NASA’s preeminent role as America’s scientific leader has been undisputed for over half a century and NASA has rewarded the nation and the world with phenomenal accomplishments including the Apollo moon program, Skylab, the International Space Station, and the Hubble telescope Space Telescope, not to mention developing Tang.
It’s been speculated that had not the United States wasted trillions over the years on useless and unproductive social boondoggles, America could already have visited and even established colonies on other planets but politicians preferred to buy votes rather than explore the universe, but that issue is tangential to Obama’s war on science.
NASA’s mission statement incorporated plans to “pioneer the future in space exploration and aeronautics research.” That was then, this is the Obama administration.
Last July, NASA’s new civilian administrator, Charles Bolden, let the cat out of Obama’s bag of tricks during an interview with Al Jazeera, the Arabic language news network, that his “foremost” mission is to improve relations with the Muslim world. He was ordered to forget all that pioneering and scientific research: “Obama wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science. . . and math and engineering:”
Granted, Muslims achieved great breakthroughs in mathematics, science, and medicine during Islam’s Golden Age. However, that gild was applied between five and eight hundred years ago and Islam’s chief advancement since then has been perfecting much more practical creations such as ied’s and land mines designed to kill and maim in its bloody worldwide jihad.
America’s greatest scientific enterprise thereby took a backseat to Obama’s twisted political expediency and bizarre effort to make Muslims “feel good” about themselves as if building up their self esteem would make them nicer people.
Obama’s attempted destruction of NASA–Bolden subsequently retracted his statement which meant he had either lied to Al Jazeera or the president had lied to him–hasn’t worked. Yet.
The bitter irony in the president trying to divert the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s scientific mission into becoming Islamic cheerleaders is highlighted by the president’s lofty words on science spoken in March, 2009 when he said, “Let’s be clear: promoting science isn’t just about providing resources–it is also about protecting free and open inquiry. It is about letting scientists . . . do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient–especially when it’s inconvenient.”
Here was his kicker: ”It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda–and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.”
Such outrageous hypocrisy!
An article on, “Obama Administration Covering Up Abortion Data,” begins by citing the above quotation . . .
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Two Sad Jokes: A Marriage and Color-Blindness
Two Sad Jokes: A Marriage and Color-Blindness
Two vastly different stories, one involving abandonment of a marriage, one involving abandonment of the First Amendment, both linked by failed promises.
The National Enquirer which prints a lot of news the New York (PC) Times doesn’t deem fit to print, such as anything liberals find unflattering, has just revealed that the only child of Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton, Chelsea Victoria Clinton Mezvinsky, has been dumped by her hubby of six months, former Wall Street wannabe mogul, Marc Mezvinsky. He opted out of moguldom and now apparently out of marriage in favor of becoming a ski bum in Jackson Hole.
Aptly named after the swinging Chelsea section of London, Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky’s parentage seems to have had little or no influence on hubby Marc or on the couple’s marital pleges. He, allegedly, kicked the former presidential first daughter to the curb after a dispute over procreating a former-presidential-first-daughter-grandchild:
If all true, it’s hard to say who’s the winner and who’s the loser in all this: Momma Hillary who professed to wanting a grandchild more than the presidency, Chelsea who reportedly now wants an annulment, Daddy Bubba who probably doesn’t give a flying sheat about any of it, or Marc.
I’d have to award winner status to Marc and the rest of the Clinton rabble can scrabble for the remains of losership.
A definite winner is James E. Graves, Mississippi Supreme Court justice who has been renominated by President Obama for a spot on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. In view of his record, Graves’ renomination can only be seen as a transparent effort by the president to reinforce his joke of promising to institute a post-racial, color-blind new America. . .
Two vastly different stories, one involving abandonment of a marriage, one involving abandonment of the First Amendment, both linked by failed promises.
The National Enquirer which prints a lot of news the New York (PC) Times doesn’t deem fit to print, such as anything liberals find unflattering, has just revealed that the only child of Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton, Chelsea Victoria Clinton Mezvinsky, has been dumped by her hubby of six months, former Wall Street wannabe mogul, Marc Mezvinsky. He opted out of moguldom and now apparently out of marriage in favor of becoming a ski bum in Jackson Hole.
Aptly named after the swinging Chelsea section of London, Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky’s parentage seems to have had little or no influence on hubby Marc or on the couple’s marital pleges. He, allegedly, kicked the former presidential first daughter to the curb after a dispute over procreating a former-presidential-first-daughter-grandchild:
If all true, it’s hard to say who’s the winner and who’s the loser in all this: Momma Hillary who professed to wanting a grandchild more than the presidency, Chelsea who reportedly now wants an annulment, Daddy Bubba who probably doesn’t give a flying sheat about any of it, or Marc.
I’d have to award winner status to Marc and the rest of the Clinton rabble can scrabble for the remains of losership.
A definite winner is James E. Graves, Mississippi Supreme Court justice who has been renominated by President Obama for a spot on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. In view of his record, Graves’ renomination can only be seen as a transparent effort by the president to reinforce his joke of promising to institute a post-racial, color-blind new America. . .
Groundhogs, WikiLeaks, and Nukes
Groundhogs, WikiLeaks, and Nukes
Now that the annual excitement of Punxsutawney Phil is over after Phil made his shadowy prediction that we will have an early spring and then returned to his groundhog burrow and the good folk in Punxsutawney, PA turn their thoughts to more important events such as the Steelers winning the Super Bowl, it might be worthwhile to consider another prediction.
The other prediction isn’t new. It’s been made repeatedly in one form or another by various sources but, although it involves far more dire consequences than when spring will arrive, this prediction receives far less attention than does a woodchuck.
The Vancouver Sun has reported that, “Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build ‘dirty’ bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents. A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a ‘nuclear 9/11.’ “
Now, some will say that that report isn’t real news, and it isn’t since America and the rest of the world has heard over the last six months similar reports, of terrorist internet “chatter,” of Islamic plots against the West foiled and in progress, of various alerts and warnings. It’s almost as if we’re being prepped for a catastrophic “nuclear 9/11″ which our president has already said we could withstand and still be just hunky dorey.
The Sun article does add somewhat to that old news. In its article, “Al-Qaida on Brink of Using Nuclear Bomb,” it reveals that among those tens of thousands of classified American cables made public by Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks . . .
Now that the annual excitement of Punxsutawney Phil is over after Phil made his shadowy prediction that we will have an early spring and then returned to his groundhog burrow and the good folk in Punxsutawney, PA turn their thoughts to more important events such as the Steelers winning the Super Bowl, it might be worthwhile to consider another prediction.
The other prediction isn’t new. It’s been made repeatedly in one form or another by various sources but, although it involves far more dire consequences than when spring will arrive, this prediction receives far less attention than does a woodchuck.
The Vancouver Sun has reported that, “Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build ‘dirty’ bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents. A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a ‘nuclear 9/11.’ “
Now, some will say that that report isn’t real news, and it isn’t since America and the rest of the world has heard over the last six months similar reports, of terrorist internet “chatter,” of Islamic plots against the West foiled and in progress, of various alerts and warnings. It’s almost as if we’re being prepped for a catastrophic “nuclear 9/11″ which our president has already said we could withstand and still be just hunky dorey.
The Sun article does add somewhat to that old news. In its article, “Al-Qaida on Brink of Using Nuclear Bomb,” it reveals that among those tens of thousands of classified American cables made public by Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks . . .
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A How-To Guide on Child Prostitution, Compliments of Planned Parenthood
A How-To Guide on Child Prostitution, Compliments of Planned Parenthood
Scrape the bottoms of dirty, old barrels and almost invariably they are found to be filled with filthy sludge. There is no better description of Planned Parenthood of America than filthy sludge which prospers at the bottom of America’s abortion barrel.
With all due apologies to sludge, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, PP, has reached a whole new sludgy low with what can only be described as a how-to guide for pimps on the best methods of conducting their child sex slave trade.
Showing no sense of shock or recrimination, a Planned Parenthood counselor advised how best to get underage prostitutes tested for std’s, secure contraceptives, and have their babies aborted. The PP counselor also furnished free information on how to make the pimp’s enterprise “look as legit as possible,” avoid being caught, and threw in helpful advice on having their child hookers lie about their age and perform sex acts from the “waist up” after undergoing abortions.
The bemused, laughing counselor is a virtual teen Hooker Heloise . . .
Scrape the bottoms of dirty, old barrels and almost invariably they are found to be filled with filthy sludge. There is no better description of Planned Parenthood of America than filthy sludge which prospers at the bottom of America’s abortion barrel.
With all due apologies to sludge, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, PP, has reached a whole new sludgy low with what can only be described as a how-to guide for pimps on the best methods of conducting their child sex slave trade.
Showing no sense of shock or recrimination, a Planned Parenthood counselor advised how best to get underage prostitutes tested for std’s, secure contraceptives, and have their babies aborted. The PP counselor also furnished free information on how to make the pimp’s enterprise “look as legit as possible,” avoid being caught, and threw in helpful advice on having their child hookers lie about their age and perform sex acts from the “waist up” after undergoing abortions.
The bemused, laughing counselor is a virtual teen Hooker Heloise . . .
Boy Ron and Ronaldus Magnus
Boy Ron and Ronaldus Magnus
What does a gay, liberal, namesake son of a revered conservative American president do when he has nothing else to do? Why, rip his dead father, of course! And, since the son was an embarrassment to his father in life, why not also shame his mother after his father’s death?
Such is the sad excuse for a life Ronald Prescott Reagan, Ron Reagan, Jr. has been living for 52 years. Ok, he kept his mouth shut while his father, President Ronald Wilson Reagan, was still in office. After the conservative icon moved on to a well-deserved retirement at his Ranch del Cielo, Ron Jr. felt compelled to strike out on his own and make a life for himself. On the occasion of the centennial of his father’s birth, he felt further compelled to slander him.
Ron Jr.’s public life since his father’s retirement has been punctuated by his failed efforts as a danseur or ballerino or male ballerina, his vacuous efforts as a columnist with a name, his various stints as a failed talk show host, and by a job on the misbegotten and bankrupt Air America where he was lionized as an openly-gay offspring of a conservative president who held homosexuals in a similar esteem as he did most liberals, sort of a cross between Ellen Degeneres and Boy George.
During one of his Air America broadcasts, the witty Boy Ron quipped, “Limbaugh hasn’t had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration,”, a witticism that said far more about Boy Ron’s interest in erections than it did about Rush Limbaugh.
Boy Ron hit his current bottom, bottom referring to his general decadence and not a reference to Ron Jr.’s sexual proclivities, with the publication of his book, My Father at 100. describes that tome as, “A moving memoir . . .
What does a gay, liberal, namesake son of a revered conservative American president do when he has nothing else to do? Why, rip his dead father, of course! And, since the son was an embarrassment to his father in life, why not also shame his mother after his father’s death?
Such is the sad excuse for a life Ronald Prescott Reagan, Ron Reagan, Jr. has been living for 52 years. Ok, he kept his mouth shut while his father, President Ronald Wilson Reagan, was still in office. After the conservative icon moved on to a well-deserved retirement at his Ranch del Cielo, Ron Jr. felt compelled to strike out on his own and make a life for himself. On the occasion of the centennial of his father’s birth, he felt further compelled to slander him.
Ron Jr.’s public life since his father’s retirement has been punctuated by his failed efforts as a danseur or ballerino or male ballerina, his vacuous efforts as a columnist with a name, his various stints as a failed talk show host, and by a job on the misbegotten and bankrupt Air America where he was lionized as an openly-gay offspring of a conservative president who held homosexuals in a similar esteem as he did most liberals, sort of a cross between Ellen Degeneres and Boy George.
During one of his Air America broadcasts, the witty Boy Ron quipped, “Limbaugh hasn’t had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration,”, a witticism that said far more about Boy Ron’s interest in erections than it did about Rush Limbaugh.
Boy Ron hit his current bottom, bottom referring to his general decadence and not a reference to Ron Jr.’s sexual proclivities, with the publication of his book, My Father at 100. describes that tome as, “A moving memoir . . .
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