Sunday, December 5, 2010

The United Nations Gets Religion! (Mayan)

The United Nations Gets Religion! (Mayan)

Oh, great Ixchel, aged Mayan jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine who set the universe in motion, Lady of the Rainbow, water goddess, consort to Votan, goddess of the moon, of reason, creativity and weaving! May you shed reason and shine your light upon the dim bulbs of the United Nations!

That blessing should be granted to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change if Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the gathering, gets her wish.

Figueres invoked Ixchel in her opening statement to delegates, waxing semi-poetic as she pleaded for enlightenment from the ancient goddess: ”May she inspire you–because today, you are gathered in Cancun to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools:”

The depth and sincerity of the Costa Rican executive secretary’s prayer truly take one’s breath away, unless you consider that there was more to Ixchel than your average Mayan goddess.

She is closely associated with Chac Chel, the Mayan Young Moon Goddess who “is often depicted with a rabbit, . . . She is said to be of a merry and somewhat loose character, and rabbits are also famed for their reproductive abilities. She (as Ix Chel) had a great shrine on the island of Cozumel, one of the places to which hurricane Wilma recently caused great destruction:”

Secretary Figueres may or may not have had any intent of associating the delegates with rabbit-like, loose moral character but she certainly wasn’t inviting “great destruction” on Cancun nor upon this latest attempt to foist the farce of global warming, now known as climate change, upon the world.

There’s no need to pray for the destruction or failure of the Cancun U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, this year’s version of last year’s failure at Copenhagen. Figueres should know that it is perfectly capable of failing, imploding, self-destructing on its own, the fate of most U.N. initiatives.

(See “Arrogance on the East River,”, for a review of 2009′s “Climate-gate” and the ensuing debacle in Denmark.) . . .

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