Monday, December 6, 2010

Update on the Baby Pollers

Update on the Baby Pollers

Alicia and Peter Arnold of Apple Valley, a suburb of Minnesota’s Twin Cities, were in a quandary last month: Should they execute their pre-born, then 17 week baby or should they “keep it,” as if they were discussing an abandoned puppy they had picked up on the side of an Apple Valley road?

What to do? Well, what else could progressive Apple Valley-ites do but throw that extremely personal, moral, and ethical decision onto the floor of millions of internet strangers so that those strangers could determine what the Arnolds should do.

The question boiled down to abortion or life, a tough choice for the Arnolds who didn’t want their lives thrown into upheaval by some intruder in the form of an infant.

By mid-November, the Arnold baby was winning the internet tally by a score of 23,840 to 5,978. Now, . . .

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