Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another Day that May Live in Infamy Part Two

Another Day that May Live in Infamy--November 6. 2012 Part Two

“Another Day that May Live in Infamy–November 6, 2012 Part One” was premised on the very reasonable idea that on the next presidential election date America would have perhaps the last best chance to reverse our current course or to sign on to the self-destructive same ol’ of the last two years. It will be America’s call to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama or not.

As stated in the previous article, “With that looming reality–a scary reality that makes Hillary look good–it is worthwhile to give consideration to what Obama Two, four more years in the White House for the man who has already wreaked general havoc with America’s economy at the same time he has undermined America’s standing in the world community, undermined Americans’ confidence in America, and undermined, perhaps irremediably, America’s future:”

The enormity of the challenges we as a people and a nation face today, challenges both domestic and international, unprecedented challenges, if not met head-on with committed fortitude and skilled leadership, could lead to consequences that are beyond imagining.

No where would those consequences be more profoundly felt than in a president’s constitutional right to nominate Supreme Court justices, subject to confirmation by the United States Senate. With his re-election, Obama would have four more years to perpetrate his agenda. With an obsequious Democrat Senate and a complaisant, like-minded SCOTUS on his side, he could influence national thought and policy for twenty or thirty years.

Two years into his tenure, Obama has accomplished nothing insofar as changing the complexion of SCOTUS. He has succeeded in getting new faces on the Court but the two people he nominated merely added more female hormones and no additional liberal votes since they replaced other liberal justices.

To believe this obsessive, ideologically-driven president isn’t chomping at his leftist bit in anticipation of making SCOTUS an Obama Court with far-reaching influence is to be oblivious of how deeply he craves judicial change to complement the radical societal and economic changes he has already implemented.

Four more years in office will undoubtedly afford him at least two and possibly more opportunities to alter both the face and the majority philosophy of the Court, alterations which would take generations to reverse, radical changes in which Obama deeply believes and which could be far more catastrophic than almost any terrorist attack.

America has demonstrated that it can recover from virtually any attack and Obama has already publicly, re-assuredly, professed his confidence that we can “bounce back” from even terrorist nuclear assaults. Recovery from 20 or 30 years of liberal dominance of SCOTUS isn’t nearly as assured which only reinforces the idea that November 6, 2012 represents a watershed, a critical election which will not only determine where we go from there but where we as a nation end up.

Our next general Election Day will be a day which will live in infamy or a day to which Americans may look back and say, “That’s when we saved the country.” Based on Obama’s track record to date, the former designation is much more probable than the latter. . .

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