Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Obnoxious and Presumptuous: Michelle O. and Baba W.

Presumptuous and Obnoxious: Michelle O. and Baba W.

Being obnoxious and being presumptuous often go hand in hand and both are annoying. Michelle Obama and Barbara Walters are notorious for having melded the two annoying qualities.

The ungainly “Lady O,” best known for lacking pride in her country for most of her adult life. in her current role as First Lady or FLOTUS has been trashing about for something else to make her proud and finally hit on it this year. In her unpaid but perk-stuffed role as presidential wife, she must have felt she had to do something.

Former FLOTUSES have dedicated themselves to pretending to be president, (Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Clinton)), to keeping their hats on straight, (Bess Truman and Mamie Eisenhower), to White House beautification, (Jackie Kennedy), to environmental enhancement, (Lady Bird Johnson), and to literacy, (Laura Bush).

Michelle Obama’s new found niche is fat kids.

Now, it may be true that childhood obesity is a serious problem in America but hardly the national security, indeed, national survival illusion, issue that Mrs. Obama seems to want it to be. Still, it’s a worthy project for a first lady–until she veered into the obnoxious-presumptuous sphere by believing in her self-importance and brilliance.

She veered into that sphere when, typically dropping her “g’s” in such words as “tryna” and “doin,” she lectured America on nutrition. While acknowledging it was “ultimately the responsibility of parents,” she ripped a page from Hillary’s “Village” by saying, “We can’t just leave it up to the parents:” . . .

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