Friday, December 3, 2010

Another Day that May Live in Infamy Part One

Another Day that May Live in Infamy Part One

Almost 70 years ago, on December 7th, 1941, America sustained a total of 2,896 mostly military casualties at a little known naval base at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese navy staged a massive sneak attack. It took years but we eventually recovered from what FDR termed “a day which will live in infamy.”

More than nine years ago, on September 11th, 2001, America sustained a total of 2,977 mostly civilian deaths when 19 Islamic reprobates attacked the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. Again, it has taken years but we have substantially recovered, physically if not psychologically.

On Election Day, November 6, 2012 we may or may not be attacked again by Muslim terrorists in our seemingly endless war with Islam. Should that attack come to pass, barring the unimaginable, it still won’t pack the equivalent and immediate emotional shot to America’s gut that Japan’s unprovoked sneak attack on Pearl Harbor or even the devastating attacks of 9/11 accomplished.

Today, according to Obama, in cock-sure concurrence with Muslim-American political commentator, Fareed Zakaria, we are allegedly ready for anything including nuclear terrorism from which we are well able to “bounce back:”

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto’s nightmare of a “sleeping giant” awoke in 1941 and defeated the Axis powers less than four years later; America has yet to fully awaken to the deadly nature of the threat posed by Islam and we are still at war with the Muslim world, fighting their war instead of fighting to win.

However, whatever happens in that endless war, we will assuredly ”bounce back” because, well, because Obama has told us so, which is damned good to hear . . .

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