Sunday, December 5, 2010

Flashmob or no Flashmob, This Was Beautiful!

Flashmob or No Flashmob, This Was Beautiful!

It was hardly the usual venue, with bright Arby’s and McDonald’s and Subway signs in the background and in the midst of Christmas/holiday shopping, when some Connecticut shoppers recently got the all-time treat of their shopping lives.

Unannounced and on silent cue, 300 highly-gifted performers in a so-called “Christmas Flashmob,” some with fresh young faces, some with lined older faces, rose to their feet interrupting the usual holiday music fare being piped into a mall cafeteria in Stamford and delivered a spirited, beautiful rendition of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” that almost rivaled the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

See the complete five minute video here:

Handel’s words and music were inspiring but the real mall show, the real story, was in the delighted expressions of the unsuspecting audience munching their lunch who were not in the least upset over having their meal interrupted. In fact, most seemed hugely entertained and visibly thrilled.

Note, for example, the wide-eyed children awed at what they were witnessing, the respectful and smiling teenagers, the seated mother reaching for the hand of her young son who willingly took it, the older woman brushing aside a tear. . .

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