Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Have Yourself a Very Lousy Christmas!

Have Yourself a Very Lousy Christmas!

Two instances of people destined to have a lousy Christmas: Iraqi Christian refugees in Sweden and FLOTUS:

Sweden, the country that still preaches Muslim inclusion even after an Islamic terrorist tried but failed to blow up Stockholm just last week, apparently is very selective as to finding room at their inn. Iraqi Christian refugees need not apply.

Sweden’s policy toward Christian refugees my be predicated on practical, if nonsensical, reasons, namely that there’s little angst there over screwing over Christians since Christians aren’t likely to protest by planting bombs in the Swedish capital, so those irrepressible–and dumbass–Swedes “are deporting Iraqi Christians fleeing their 2000 year homeland seeking refuge in Sweden because of murderous attacks against them by Iraqi Muslims in Iraq.”

Follow the Swedish logic?

Sweden and most of Western Europe, (and, to a lesser extent, the United States), are virtually under siege by their burgeoning Islamic populations so, what to do? Well, of course, and just in time for Christmas, show those Muslims who’s in charge! Muslims.

Even as, “Muslim immigrant neighborhoods are considered ‘no go’ by Swedish police as the Muslim newcomers have established their own societies while living off generous Swedish welfare,” Mother Svea shows how little it cares about its sovereignty and integrity. “In Malmo and certain other regions in Sweden police and other political figures are quiet about violence by Swedish Muslims against Swedish Jews or else they join the leftists blaming the Jewish victims:” http://tiny.cc/s5zc7

To deal with its national immigration mess, Sweden chose the path of least resistance: “Sweden’s migration minister has refused to respond to concerns from the United Nations and the Council of Europe about Sweden’s decision to resume the deportation of [Christian] Iraqis. . . For these Christians, returning to Iraq might be a death sentence . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=3121)

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