Friday, December 10, 2010

Teachers in Action, in Inaction, in Perversions

Teachers in Action, in Inaction, in Perversions

Teachers, like other human beings, tend to come in all stripes and in all types. In recent decades, however, the once-esteemed teaching profession, including university profs down to elementary school instructors, seems to be attracting more and more oddballs, incompetents–and perverts than ever before.

Take, for example, 57 year old Raymond Devaughn Taylor, an adjunct at Kennesaw State University of Georgia. You are free to take him since Kennesaw no longer seems to want him after, for unknown reasons, he stripped naked in front of his accounting students who, understandably, reacted as if they were sorely in need of a barf bag.

As posed the question, “​Let’s say you’re the dean of the business school at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. And let’s say you need someone to teach accounting. Do you: A) sign up [the first applicant] even though he looks like he enjoys molesting small children and farm animals, or B) activate the university’s Perv Alert System (TM) and place the school on lockdown. The logical response is B. But for some reason, the real dean chose A. And it naturally didn’t turn out so well.”

That’s a classic understatement. Students ratted Taylor out, he was fired, arrested, and charged with public indecency: He was not charged with inducing the gag reflex in his coed students.

Then we have an unidentified teacher in Palm Beach, Florida Jaega Middle School who apparently is a devotee of extreme sports . . .

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