Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pfc. Bradley E. Manning: Soldier, Homosexual, Traitor

Pfc. Bradley E. Manning: Soldier, Homosexual, Traitor

In any event, Pfc. Manning was of no mind to wait to see how the tally went. He was royally pissed at the world in general and the military and America in particular and elected to wage his own, private war.

In an expectedly-sympathetic piece on “the early struggles” of Pfc. Manning, the New York Times reveals that Manning was bullied as a kid, “bullied” being the latest buzzword to gain reader attention.

It seems that young Brad’s gaiety blossomed early and visibly and his fellow students taunted him about it during his years growing up with his mother in her native southwest Wales, taunting which complemented the bullying he received in his Crescent, Oklahoma years with his father when he was harassed “for being a geek.”

The latter just may have been related to his refusal to recite ”under God” in the “Pledge of Allegiance,” or maybe not.

Even with his angelic, baby-faced look, but keeping in mind that Lucifer, too, was once an angel, poor Bradley couldn’t catch a break wherever he went until he went into the U.S. Army where he hit upon his sure-fire solution for getting even with America for his perceived maltreatment, and his failures in life and in the Army.

After falling in love with the love of his life, a “self-described drag queen,” according to the Times, he felt he had “been isolated so long, But events kept forcing me to figure out ways to survive:”

He didn’t spell out those events but his survival skills led him to decide to steal secret government documents by the hundreds of thousands and to transmit them to the equally-disturbed Julian Assange at WikiLeaks. The rest is history.

One thing is certain, Brad won’t feel isolated ever again. . .

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