Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hagar and the Former Vikings

Hagar and the Former Vikings

I’ve always enjoyed Hagar the Horrible, the rumpled, glutinous, fierce Viking warrior of the eponymous comic strip who, despite his highly profitable pillaging of England, is most often unappreciated by his Valkyrie-esque wife, Helga, who persistently nags him for his poor etiquette even when he returns home with multiple enemy arrows rotruding from his person.

Today’s Scandinavians could learn a great deal from Hagar.

Back when, way back when in the late eighth to the mid-eleventh centuries, during the hey-day of the Viking Age, their and Hagar’s forebears didn’t give a rat’s ass about the sensitivities of their enemies–who were just about everyone. They just plundered their way around Europe with not a care as to

Today, those intrepid Norsemen of modern-day Sweden don’t seem to think or operate that way.

Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have been rendered into shadows of their former Viking selves, Hagars without all those protruding arrows, committed to their socialistic societies, enjoying life to the fullest, praying to Odin and Thor that the modern world with all its attendant violence and terrorism will just pass them by and leave them to their Ikean pleasures.

Sadly, former Norsemen and women, it just doesn’t work that way, any more than it worked that way in the U.S. in 2001, in Bali in 2002, in Beslan and Madrid in 2004, in London in 2005, or in Mumbai in 2008.

The primary enemy on the planet today, the enemy of every non-Muslim nation on our planet, doesn’t discriminate between those nations which make nice to Islam and those who don’t. Everyone is fair game including, Sweden has discovered, the people of Stockholm . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=3048)

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