Saturday, September 18, 2010

Christine O'Donnell and Rampaging RINOs

Christine O'Donnell and Rampaging RINOs

. . . However, this is not about the Tea Party. This is about a Tea Party candidate and her campaign for the Republican Party nomination for the office of United States Senator from the great state of Delaware, Christine O’Donnell.

No relation to Rosie, thank God! Christine is an attractive and personable New Jersey native who has articulated very distinctive and, for 2010, somewhat unorthodox views which put her at odds with the RINO establishment types. Many of them would be more at ease with a Rosie O’Donnell candidacy than with Christine O’Donnell’s.

Christine’s conservative views with regard to personal chastity as well as vicious personal attacks are now being used to defeat her in the same way they were used against Sarah Palin, an early and prime supporter.

That’s a good thing, really. A sure sign of liberal-Democrats’ gut fear of a candidate is the gutter level of their attacks.

Whether it was Christine’s personal philosophy and viewpoints or her Tea Party endorsement and backing that effectively turned off the RINOs, she was treated as a virtual pariah by the establishment types before the primary with RINO stalwart and former Delaware governor, “moderate” Mike Castle. Castle could never seem to figure out if he was a Democrat or Republican yet he was backed by the RINOs. . .

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