Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Imam Rauf, Burning Q'urans, and 9/11

Imam Rauf, Burning Q'urans, and 9/11

With the ninth anniversary of the deadly, unprovoked, sneak attack by Muslims–in PC language, the attack by a small band of disaffected Islamic militants–fast approaching, the noxious vermin are crawling out of the woodwork to do what vermin do best, spread pestilence.

Imam Rauf and the Mosque: We’ve heard a great deal of late of the particular vermin that plan to crown the great Islamic victory of September 11th, 2001 by doing what Muslims are wont to do after great victories. Islam, Muslims, have traditionally emphasized their victories by erecting monuments, grand mosques, near or on the sites of those conquests.

Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf plans to follow that tradition and add an extra-special exclamation point to the Islamic victory of 9/11 by not only building his monster mosque in proximity to the sacred ground of Ground Zero but by planning to open it, no doubt with great fanfare, ten years to the day after that great Islamic victory.

If nothing else, we have to grant Rauf the twenty first century’s Outstanding Chutzpa Award, an award conferred in recognition of his temerity, sense of ironic timing, and gross insensitivity to the still-open wounds of the survivors of 9/11 and their loved ones.

For a self-designated, peace-making bridge between Islam and the West, Rauf is astoundingly impervious to all sense of reason on his mosque, which he has every legal right to build even though by building it he will be infuriating millions of Americans.

His failure to realize that is one possibility that may be circulating in the imam’s brain.

The other possibility . . .

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