Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Of Birthers and Truthers, Part Two

Of Birthers and Truthers, Part Two

. . . Now that the ninth anniversary of what is easily the most godawful day in American history, September 11th, 2001, has passed without the threatened Qur’an burnings in Florida–thanks to the persuasive words and strong arms of the FBI–we can sit back and await the momentous tenth anniversary which may see a mosque overshadowing Ground Zero.

One group of people won’t be sitting back, however. The 9/11 Truthers, aka 9/11 Skeptics, aka Truth Activists, rarely sit back.

They believe in their gut that the United States government and/or President George W. Bush somehow, in some way, planned/caused/executed/allowed/consented to (choose one or more of the foregoing) the hijacking of four American airliners and flying them into the World Trade Center towers, into the Pentagon, and into the ground at Shanksville, PA.

On face value, the Truthers’ case would have to be considered the most preposterous of all conspiracy theories, the most outrageous accusations against its government by its people, a reflection of a bitterness and cynicism so complete and sinister that they could conceive of their leadership murdering 3,000 innocents to accomplish their own Machiavellian ends.

I don’t buy it but I have to admit these Truthers raise troubling and still unanswered questions about 9/11.

I started out with ingrained opinions on the Truthers but, as with the Birthers, I try to be as objective as possible, one reason being that I promised a good friend, a closet Truther, that I would strive for objectivity. . .
(Read more about Truthers at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1895)

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