Tuesday, September 28, 2010

School Bullying, Gays, and Asher Brown

School Bullying, Gays, and Asher Brown

School bullying is as indefensible as school cheating, and as common.

Bullying, especially among boys, (girls usually have more devious methods of harassment), is as much a part of the school experience as that cheating. It’s always been and probably always will be.

I can visualize young Greek boys sitting on the grass in the Athenian sun as Socrates attempted to share with them, using the Socratic Method, of course, his views of knowledge and virtue as the rambunctious Plato taunted Demetrius because his tunic was torn.

Asher Brown, a student at Hamilton Middle School outside Houston was probably bullied for most of his childhood but especially during his two years at Hamilton. He was different and differences, departures from the norm, often bring out the nasties in some kids. Things got so nasty for Asher that he went home, grabbed his stepfather’s 9mm baretta and shot himself in the head. He left no suicide note.

As his stepfather explained, “My son put a gun to his head because he couldn’t take what he was hearing and the constant teasing.”

Asher’s grieving parents say Hamilton administrators had looked the other way as their son was “bullied to death.” They say their son had “come out” to them over the summer and that they readily accepted his new status, his self-identification–at the very unripe age of 13–as a homosexual. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2013)

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