Friday, September 17, 2010

Truthers' Case: Tommyrot or Substantive? The Final Installment

Truthers' Case: Tommyrot or Substantive? The Final Installment

Chiefly due to deference to a good buddy, I’ve tried to be objective over the whole 9/11 controversy, at least insofar as allegations that the United States government in general and the GWB administration in particular were complicit in that unspeakable disaster was concerned.

Not that I’m a government apparatchik or Bush idolator–I think our governments are out of control and that George W. Bush was the worst thing to happen to America and the Republican Party since Harding–but right is right and truth is truth.

Having spent a good deal of time–too much time–on this issue I can say unequivocably, without fear of contradiction, that I still don’t know the truth.

It would seem, however, that a major weapon in the fight to prove a government conspiracy, “Loose Change,” is a load of hogwash conceived originally as a fictional work and later converted into an alleged documentary for the sole purpose of making some big bucks for its writer and producers.

See “Was 9/11 an Inside Job?”

In addition, some Truthers take flights of fantasy to the level of absurdity. They would include charges that the Pentagon wasn’t struck by any aircraft and that Flight 93 never did crash in Shanksville and all of its 31 passengers were fellow conspirators whisked away by the government who consented to live somewhere in seclusion for the rest of their days.

Not bloody likely.

That said, much of the rest of the Truthers’ case is, if not gospel truth then at the minimum worthy of further investigation.

For example:

. Why were there hundreds of red-gray chips of “unignited thermite” discovered in every WTC dust sample? That’s a question raised by a highly reputable and professional group,, . . .


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