Thursday, September 2, 2010

What's a Mother to Do? Part Two: Saving Sheriff Joe

What's a Mother to Do? Part Two: Saving Sheriff Joe

Mother’s Problem Number Two: Saving Sheriff Joe

For those unacquainted with Sheriff Joe, i.e., Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, he’s the law enforcement official most hated by the Mexican drug cartels who have put a million dollar bounty on his head because he’s afflicted with an odd quirk: He insists on doing his job and enforcing the immigration laws of the State of Arizona and the United States of America.

Sheriff Joe is also the law enforcement official most hated by the Obama administration and Eric Holder’s Justice Department who haven’t, as yet, put a bounty on his head and instead harass and threaten him for the same reason, his odd quirk about doing his job and enforcing the immigration laws of the State of Arizona and the United States of America.

It’s as presumptuous of me to suggest saving the tough and independent Sheriff Joe as it is for the DOJ to suggest he cease and desist from repeatedly rounding up Mexican and other illegal aliens in his state and incarcerating them in his tent prison. There they are decked out in pretty pink garb, served adequate but far from sumptuous meals, and expected to behave as prisoners, not as indulged guests of the state.

It’s presumptuous but I’ll do it anyway.

Long a burr under the saddles of everyone from the ACLU to La Raza to every other illegal alien rights group in the nation, Sheriff Joe, the self-described “America’s toughest sheriff,” was issued a second ultimatum last week insisting he “comply with a Justice Department request to explain his office’s ‘operations, policies and procedures’ involving the arrest and detention of Hispanics.” . . .

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