Monday, September 13, 2010

Of Birthers and Truthers, Part One

Of Birthers and Truthers, Part One

So much has been written and said about so-called “Birthers,” those people who question Barack Hussein Obama’s status as a “natural born citizen,” and so-called “Truthers,” those who question the official account of the events on September 11th, 2001, that it’s nearly impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The wheat, that is, the truth, is there, somewhere buried deep beneath all the chaff, the baloney and propaganda, but unearthing that truth is no simple matter for someone who has never subscribed to either the Birther or Truther alleged conspiracies.

Let’s immediately dispel the most common slander employed against the Birthers namely that they’re racists who cooked up the whole Obama birth controversy out of their antagonism toward the first black president in America’s history.

There is no substantive proof of a racist motivation on the part of Birthers. That charge of racism has been used from the beginning of Obama’s candidacy to dismiss virtually all who speak ill of the man, his beliefs, or his policies.

It’s an excellent, if underhanded, ploy when you think about it, deftly tossing the racist card into the campaign mix whenever someone criticized Obama. Rarely tossed overtly, it was more often implicit and probably garnered a few million white votes cast by those who wanted desparately to assure themselves and others that they weren’t racists.

It’s also more than curious that the MSM fell all over itself dismissing and ridiculing Birthers with no real effort to investigate their contentions and standpoint, much like they did with interrelated rumors that Obama was really a Muslim and as they subsequently did with regard to the Tea Party Movement.

That failure alone is reason enough to give at least some credence to the Birthers.

(Incidentally, there’s no substantive proof, either, that Birthers are a disturbed product of a resurrection of Hillary Clinton’s “vast, right wing conspiracy.”)

As a non-Birther, I figured going directly to the source was the best bet toward determining just how valid a case the Birthers made for their view that Barack Hussein Obama was a poseur not constitutionally-entitled to the presidency no matter how many votes he received . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to discuss the motives of the "birthers." Some believe the stuff that they read. Others make up lies. The motives of those who have lied can certainly be questioned.

For example, many birther sites claim that Obama's Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya. But this is a lie.

Obama's paternal grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. That is a deliberate misquotation by some birther sites that cut off the tape just before she was asked "Where was he born?" The answer to that question was "America,Hawaii,' which was cut off of the tape,and she said after that repeatedly that Obama was born in Hawaii "where his father was studying." And, in another interview, she said that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii.

The cutting off the tape before Obama's Kenyan grandmother answered the question, and the claim that she had said that he was born in Kenya are ONE BIG LIE.

Some other lies: The guy who claimed to have gone to Kenya and came back with a "birth certificate" from Mombassa with a footprint on it. WND showed that neither Kenya nor Mombassa used footprints on birth certificates in 1961 (and several other facts were screwy). What was the motive in forging that document?

There are people who constantly send out stories that say that Obama's case has "quietly' reached the Supreme Court. The original of that article was an April Fool's article in 2009. It claims to have been written by the Associated Press, which has denied it.

Then there is the lie about Pakistan was on a "no travel list" in 1981 so Obama had to have used a foreign passport to visit Pakistan. But Pakistan was NOT on any no travel list, so Obama or any American could visit on a US passport.

Another constant lie is that the officials in Hawaii "have not confirmed Obama's place of birth." But they have, twice, and in the most recent case saying that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. And, most recently the governor of Hawaii also confirmed.