Thursday, September 2, 2010

Updates: The Mosque and the Glaciers

Update: The Mosque and the Glaciers

Trying to keep up with the news nowadays is like liberals/leftists/”progressives” trying to make sense of their lives and trying to fit themselves into their advertised profile of caring, generous, sensitive lovers of humanity and all things that live on God’s green Earth.

It’s nigh near impossible.

Of course, we should strike the word “God” from that last phrase since most libs/lefts/”progs” either don’t adhere to a belief in the Almighty or don’t believe that He was in any way a participant in making the United States of America the exceptional nation that it still is despite their efforts to alter that.

We should also qualify that concern for “all things living” since pre-born babies don’t count.

Nevertheless, let’s give a shot at keeping abreast of things going on in the world on two fronts, mosques and glaciers:

The Monster Mosque and Its Monstrous Supporters:

The extraordinarily contentious issue of whether Muslims should build a mosque 2 1/2 blocks from Ground Zero where almost nine years ago other Muslims destroyed the World Trade Center and, by downing those two iconic towers, destroyed 2,996 innocent lives, was brought to a head last week when those who oppose and those who support the mosque gathered to demonstrate their opposition or support.

Islam’s constitutional right to erect such an edifice has never disputed. Islam’s discretion and sensitivity toward the feelings of 9/11 survivors and loved ones and its sensitivities toward every New Yorker or American who died a little that day are the chief issues of contention.

At those Ground Zero rallies on August 22nd, 2010, the two opposing forces met, head to head, virtually mano-a-mano. . .

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