Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Your Gubmints in Action

Your Gubmints in Action

. . . Now, research is of critical importance to the advancement of knowledge and national progress, although in these strained economic times one would hope sparse cash would be awarded prudently and sparingly.

That $823,200. was granted to that UCLA research team for the purpose of teaching “uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex. The genitalia-washing program is part of a larger $12-million UCLA study . . . [but] only the penis-washing study received money from the 2009 economic stimulus law:” http://tiny.cc/q1d2j

It’s very heartening to know that our taxes are being well spent prudently and sparingly and that African men may have cleaner penises as a result, a goal way up there on the wish list of most Americans.

Meanwhile, a devil must have gone down to Georgia and taken up residence in the DeKalb County code enforcement office. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1897)

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