Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The MSM, the DoJ, and the Death of Integrity

The MSM, the DoJ, and the Death of Integrity

Anyone who has ever harbored any doubts that the mainstream media is a left wing media, that it censors and distorts stories that conflict with its established liberal biases, that it’s a shameful embarrassment to the fundamental purposes of decent journalism should have had those doubts dispelled by the coverage, and lack of coverage, of the story that broke last Friday.

Indeed, the story has been out there for months, starting in July when Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams first revealed the seamy tale of black racism at the DoJ and that executive department’s disgraceful mishandling of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case.

Most of the MSM intentionally missed the boat on Adams’ revelations and compounded that grave journalistic sin of omission by skipping the new revelations by another Justice attorney, Chris Coates.

Coates went before the United States Civil Rights Commission and, defying the orders of his superiors, testified under oath to a whole host of negative charges against our Department of Justice. Coates swore under oath that: . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2007)

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