Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Reader's Comment on the USS Liberty Controversy

A Reader's Comment on the USS Liberty Controversy

“I assist in the USS Liberty Cover Up web site and have concluded that nothing annoys and drives the Israel First-Liberty apologist crowd nuts [as much as] facts and the mention of the deliberate attack of the ship. If you believe that the attack was without premeditation then you could easily justify that Pearl Harbor was non-intentional by the logic and reasons used by apologists.

“It should be noted that Israel accepted responsibility for the incident and paid millions to the families of those that died, those that were injured and to cover damage to the vessel itself.

“Standard apologist similar boilerplate above for years has claimed this. The families of the dead were not paid until 1968, the wounded were not paid until 1969, Ship damages of only ’six million’ were not paid until Dec. 18, 1980 until James Ennes exposed the non payment of 13 years in his 1979 book, Assault on the Liberty.

“George Ball, Kennedy and LBJ Under Secretary of State said: ‘In the end, the Israelis tendered a reluctant and graceless apology; indemnities for the victims and damaged ship were both parsimonious and slow in coming.’

“Israel’s Naval Museum in some classless and some convoluted pride displays the MTB’s bell and helm that fired the torpedo that killed 25 Liberty crew but to their credit does not advertise this or mention the attack in the display. Do they know what their vessel did that warrants such a display? . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1883)

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