Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Attempted Deconstruction of Christine O'Donnell

The Attempted Deconstruction of Christine O'Donnell

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, and vile slander and vicious bile may be the surest evidence of fear, at least on the part of leftists.

We saw that trick played out with Sarah Palin in 2008, a tactical pattern which continues to this day demonstrating continued terror of her presidential candidacy in 2012. We’re witnessing comparable leftist slander and bile now with respect to the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Delaware, Christine O’Donnell and, indeed, of the whole Tea Party Movement.

That tactic of marginalization, defamation, and demonization of opponents is excerpted from the Saul Alinsky playbook. It’s not mere coincidence that our president was an ardent admirer of Alinsky during his days as director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago and earlier when he wrote an article which became chapter four in After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.

Like stealth assassins, the Alinsky-ites move from candidate to candidate, from intended victim to intended victim, and it’s not surprising that, with the aid and comfort of the mainstream media, the left has now drawn a bead on Christine O’Donnell in what can only be called a literal witch hunt.

“At the prompting of New Age guru Jean Houston, [she] engaged in fantasy chats with [Eleanor] Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi, two of [her] heroes:”

No, that wasn’t Ms. O’Donnell who conversed with people long dead, that was former First Lady, current Secretary of State, and perpetual wannabe president, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Those “chats,” seances, if you will, were conducted by Mrs. Clinton in the White House when she was in her mid-forties or early fifties.

I mention age only because Christine O’Donnell has admitted to her grave sin of “dabbling” in Wicca, in witchcraft–while she was a teenager in high school, those years when teenagers “dabble” in the most godawful, silly ideas and activities for which their natural immaturity is a valid defense.

Hillary was a full-fledged adult with no adolescent defense for being weird yet she escaped any serious derision or calumny. Christine is being defamed and ridiculed for her youthful silliness of a quarter century ago while she was studying earth science and intermediate algebra and sheepishly giggling in the school library when the school jocks strolled by. . .

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