Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Obama's Aunt Zeituni: Ingrate!

Obama's Aunt Zeituni: Ingrate!

What do you do with an auntie named Zeituni?

I posed that Maria-ish question back in February in “Zeituni’s Place in Obama’s Zeitgeist,” (http://tiny.cc/ncqdx), when President Barack Hussein Obama’s Aunt Zeituni Onyango was still awaiting a decision on her third request for asylum in the United States.

Onyango, a Kenyan, just like Obama’s father and much of his extended family, arrived on our shores in 2000, overstayed her visa–by about 10 years–went on welfare and lived in a homeless shelter.

She then was given priority treatment for public housing in Boston while seeking legal refuge here on the questionable basis that she would be in danger if she returned home to Kenya because she was the aunt of a U.S. president.

Unemployed, she still lives in South Boston on disability payments of $700. a month.

In any event, she insisted she didn’t want any special treatment from nephew Barack due to her familial status, and insists she didn’t get any.

Despite being fondly remembered in Obama’s Dreams from My Father, the president said that if she were living here as an illegal alien–which she was, and on the dole–”Dear Auntie Zeituni” should be deported. As he put it, ”If she has violated laws, then those laws have to be obeyed. We are a nation of laws.”

To his credit, I guess, Obama cuts no slack for relatives. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1917)

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