Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Barack and His Amazing Technicolor Conversion!

Barack and His Amazing Technicolor Conversion!

Back in the old days, circa 1971 A.D., Don Imus, pre-WFAN and pre- his “nappy-headed ho’s” scandal, had a song-shtick on his morning radio show which featured the “Reverend Billy Saul Hargis,” pastor of the First Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship.

In part, the lyrics were, “Well, I don’t care if it rains or freezes/Long as I have my plastic Jesus/Riding on the dashboard of my car./ I can go a hundred miles an hour/Long as I got the almighty power/Glued up there by my pair of fuzzy dice.”

As irreverent as those lyrics were, our president may have outdone them in irreverence. He’s glued his plastic Jesus up there next to his framed picture of himself.

The same man who proclaimed to the Muslim world that America was not a Christian nation seems to have experienced a Christian epiphany comparable to that of Saul of Tarsus. Okay, Obama wasn’t knocked off his high horse and wasn’t blinded by a light but he must have had a startling epiphany nevertheless since he finally “got religion,” and the Christian religion at that!

Not one to often darken the doorways of churches since he tossed his pastor of 20 years under a Greyhound, along with the Reverend Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, Barack Obama has finally cleared the festering air as to whether he is a Muslim or a Christian: “President Obama took the issue of his faith head on Tuesday, telling residents in New Mexico that he is a ‘Christian by choice’ who came to religion later in life after being inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

Now, is that a heartfelt, sincere profession of Christian faith or what? . . .

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