Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Christians and Jews and Muslims, Oh My!

Christians and Jews and Muslims, Oh My!

“The United States of America is the only country in history to have defined itself as Judeo-Christian,” according to JewishWorldReview,com, which goes on to say, “That is why American coins feature these two messages: ‘In G-d we trust’ and ‘Liberty.’ “

I think the first statement above is untrue and the second, meant to distinguish us from Christian European nations, is a non-sequitur not logically derived from the first.

The “definition” of America as “Judeo-Christian” has a fairly recent history advanced by those who wish it were so. Trusting in a “Christian God” as well as believing in liberty were foundational concepts of our Revolution and in the establishment of our Constitution and are certainly not attributable to any Jewish influence.

Granted, the Founding Fathers were well aware of the Jewish heritage and of Christianity’s relationship to that heritage and many, including Franklin, Jefferson, and Madison, were Deists or dabblers in Deism. Deism, the popular monotheistic, religious fad of the Age of Enlightenment held that God was some detached ”Supreme Architect” of the universe rather than an involved Supreme Being, a Prime Mover not a personal God.

Point is, none of the Founders ever referred to the new nation they created as Judeo-Christian. They all knew their Bible well, both Old and New Testaments, but were, at worst, closet Christians; Jefferson even wrote The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.

This is all relevant today, two and a quarter centuries later, as our president, an ambivalent Christian at best, is suspected of being a closet Muslim. If that in fact is true, he’s covered his tracks well, getting married and having his daughters christened in an ostensibly Christian church and, when his popularity plummetted and mid-term elections loomed, actually attending a D.C. church service.

Whether his trusty teleprompter was in the repair shop or he just felt flush from his recent bamboozling of the American people, Mr. Obama went to Muslim Turkey six months after his election and disabused the Turks and the world and America’s 225 million Christians of the notion that America was any longer a Christian nation. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2003)

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