Monday, April 30, 2012

Mocking Blacks? "30 Rock" and "Amos and Andy"

Mocking Blacks?  "30 Rock" and "Amos and Andy"

In case you missed it, in the middle of its sixth season, NBC’s highly vaunted hit comedy, ”30 Rock”, which is neither a hit nor very comedic, hit rockbottom last Thursday by featuring a reversion to blackface.

If you did miss the show, you have plenty of company since almost everyone else did too.

Despite being a big fave among leftist elites, “30 Rock” has been an abysmal flop.

With Nielsen rankings starting at 102 in its initial season, climbing all the way to 94, 69, 86, then flopping back to 106 last year, its death throes could be heard last week as “Mad Men’s” guest star Jon Hamm donned black makeup in a sketch ostensibly aimed at satirizing racism in the television industry.

Confident in the liberal misconception that libs can’t be racists any more than blacks can, the live episode was more a desperate attempt to boost ”30 Rock’s” ratings by mocking African-Americans under the guise of satire.

Hamm, decked out in an afro and mimicking stereotypical black speech, would have been driven into the same entertainment oblivion as “Seinfeld’s” Michael Richards just a few years ago but, apparently, blackface is now back in vogue.

The use of blackface–white performers such as Al Jolsen coloring their faces in dark paint or charcoal makeup in order to appear as what were then called Negroes–dates back to the days of 19th century minstrel shows. Blackface, always cloaked in humor, later became symbolic of every slander committed against black people.

As it did in 2010, “30 Rock” once again revived the previously-condemned practice of whites ridiculing blacks by appearing in blackface as comedic fodder even though, along with the word “nigger,” which is also making a regrettable comeback, it has been banished as a gross example of racism.

It was a counterintuitive gambit to satirize discrimination against blacks on television since anyone who watches TV has to be aware that African-Americans have been represented in dramas, sitcoms, and commercials far in excess of their 13% of America’s population ever since Rev. Jesse Jackson complained blacks were being given short shrift in the entertainment industry. . .

Sunday, April 29, 2012

School Terrors Replace al-Qaeda Terrors

School Terrors Replace al-Qaeda Terrors

Now that “The war on terror is over,” according to a senior State Department Mideast expert, maybe the administration can now focus on winning the war against America’s school kids.

President Barack Hussein Obama never did acknowledge that the struggle against Islamic terrorists ever existed but it’s good to know it’s over and done with. Let’s just thank God he singlehandedly tracked down and executed Usama bin Laden!

Since 2012 is an election year and the National Education Association and the vast majority of America’s teachers sit firmly in his pocket, Obama can’t very well acknowledge that our public education system is in virtual shambles largely due to them, that battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of students may be more of a challenge than whipping al-Qaeda.

Just as with our victorious war on terrorism, the assault on children is taking place on various levels, from violence in schools, to administrators setting unseemly examples, to indoctrination into perversion.

Above all else, parents like to think their kids will be safe and protected when they pack them off to school every morning. Unfortunately, that’s far from the reality of what cherubs and teens encounter daily., not exactly a bastion of conservative alarmism, featured an article on violence in public schools as jointly reported by the Departments of Education and Justice. (The article wasn’t considered sufficiently newsworthy to make televised news.)

The DoE and DoJ estimate that during the 2009-2010 school year some 1,183,700 violent crimes were committed in 73.8% of schools, horrendous figures in themselves although the fact that only a mere 25% or 303,900 of those crimes were reported to the police is even more stupefying.

And the violence is far from confined to minor student altercations.

The government estimates incorporate “rape, sexual battery other than rape, physical attack or fight with or without a weapon, threat of physical attack with or without a weapon, and robbery with or without a weapon.” 

I wouldn’t presume to offer causes for rampant school violence but, as for reporting it, I can say from personal experience that failure is mostly attributable to administrators’ pusillanimity and their fear of having parents discover their lack of control and lack of discipline.

A male principal and a female assistant at the Scholars Academy in Quartzsite, Arizona demonstrated both personal lack of control and discipline at the same time they demonstrated another serious issue confronting America’s students: a lack of decorous professionalism on the part of the people who once were considered role models.

Principal Steve McClenning and assistant Billie Madewell were caught on film at Scholars passionately groping and kissing during school hours in a school office. Both McClenning and Madewell are married, though not to one another; he resigned, she was fired, and the town of Quartzsite was devastated.

Sadly, that public exhibition wasn’t nearly as disgraceful or unprofessional as much more common occurrences: teachers, male and female, seducing kids on school grounds, in parked cars, and in their homes, many of which incidents have been documented on this blog.  .  .

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Big Sticks and Big Boobs

Big Sticks and Big Boobs

There are many truisms in life–realities that need no further explanations or elaborations to be understood. For example, we all agree that ducks quack and dogs bark and cats retain humans only as pets.

There are also truisms in the entertainment and political worlds that reasonable people fully grasp as almost biblical truth. For example, we know that most entertainers hail from the liberal side of the political spectrum and that most politicians lie. Ok, to be generous, pols tend to dissemble.

Anyone who expects Dirty Dave Letterman to be objective in his political “humor” has to be very confused when Letterman inaccurately and consistently mocks Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney for being cruel to the family dog while never making even a passing, comical reference to Barack Hussein Obama’s eating dogs whose meat was “tough.”

Likewise, anyone who believes White House press flack, Jay Carney, when he says with a straight face that he “never” lies in the face of multiple and proven prevarications in defense of his boss must be bewildered over the serious possibility that virtually everything the Obama administration says and does is a lie.

Sometimes, perceived truisms merge in the entertainment and political universes when politicians inadvertently become entertainers.

All but the most braindead Democrats realize that Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was chosen for that position because he was guaranteed to play the role of the administration’s entertaining clown prince in order to deflect attention from Obama’s frequent gaffes and outright deceptions which make GWB look like a genius.

Senator Biden’s surpassed his pre-nomination ”storybook” description of Obama as ”the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” a classic put-down of blacks, when he lauded Obamacare on a live mic as “a big, #$%@-ing deal,” without the #$%@.

The clown prince may have outdone himself once again and established himself as the biggest boob ever to hold the office that John Nance Garner called “not worth a bucket of warm spit.”

This time, Biden didn’t just come across as obliviously stupid as much as he reflected the oblivious stupidity of the Obama Team who picked him in the first place. . .  (Read more at

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Who Is the Real George Zimmerman?

Who Is the Real George Zimmerman?

Amid all the twisted, biased reporting, mindless demonstrations and inflammatory rhetoric and the virtual national hysteria over George Zimmerman’s shooting Trayvon Martin, one very relevant factor has been largely overlooked: Who is George Zimmerman?

It’s said that appearances are often deceiving and that adage applies in spades to Zimmerman.

We know for a certainty that he is a killer because he shot and killed 17 year old Trayvon Martin on February 26th, 2012 on a dark, rainy street in a gated, Sanford, Florida community.

Zimmerman freely confessed to killing Martin in self-defense with a single shot from his legally registered Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm handgun, a weapon obtained at a cop’s suggestion, while on his rounds as captain in a neighborhood watch group.

Since that evening, Zimmerman has been demonized by the local and national media, persecuted by racial agitators, and threatened with execution by various radicals. He has had a price put on his head, his family has been forced to relocate, and their lives have devolved into a living hell.

Even with new information trickling out proving the details in the case have been wildly distorted by the MSM which still chooses to feature photos of Martin as a child rather than as a 6 foot 2 inch teenager with a murky background, even as new evidence has emerged supporting Zimmerman’s contention that he was viciously beaten and bloodied, even though it appears his prosecution has been politically motivated in order to bring racial peace to Florida, the demonization and threats persist and the bounty has not been lifted.

George Zimmmerman may have killed another human being but he is anything but a murderer.

With all the attention lavished on the unarmed Martin over the past two months, short shrift has been accorded the other victim in this tragedy, Zimmerman.

Surprisingly, the international news agency Reuters, long known for its liberal slant, has finally provided what has been largely and starkly missing from the tragedy’s picture, the humanization of the shooter.

According to Reuters’ “George Zimmerman: Prelude to a Shooting,”, the prologue to the events of that February night as it relates to Zimmerman stands in marked contrast against his portrayal in much of the MSM as well as by black politicians and by those more interested in dissension than in justice.

Rather than a racist vigilante who stalked and murdered Trayvon Martin in cold blood ”like a rabid dog,” George Zimmerman is shown to be a caring, sensitive, community-minded individual from a very religious and socially-involved family. He had been studying criminal justice and hoped to be a judge down the road.

Seriously puncturing the racist charge, the 28 year old Zimmerman is in fact half Latino with ”black roots through an Afro-Peruvian great-grandfather” and his maternal grandmother babysat two African-American kids who for years took their meals with the Zimmermans and attended school with young George.

At 18, while studying to be a realtor, he worked in Sanford for Lee Ann Benjamin and her husband John Donnelly who said, “George impressed me right off the bat as just a real go-getter. He was working days and taking all these classes at night.” Zimmerman later “partnered with an African-American friend and opened up an Allstate satellite office,” which went bust.

Still, anymore than Trayvon Martin was a saint, George Zimmerman wasn’t saintly either.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mah Buddy Barry, aka Barack (Part Two)

Mah Buddy Barry, aka Barack (Part Two)

(This be the second part after the first part on mah buddy Barry. You can read dat first part here if yo wants to and if yo dont wants to who cares!

In One ah wuz talking bout all dose emails ah gets from my bud Barry an his homies moochin fo money. Dey piss me off. Dis is a lil differant.

On Monday, Jimmy, (dat would be Jim Messina, head honky honcho fo da “Obama for America” campaign), emailed me for “input,” my sugestions in a survey on how we can make shure Barry gets fo more years in the White House.

We damn well don’t want dat moron Mormon guy moving on up to our place with all his ugly wives and his jerk-off ideas about people working for a livin and not survivin on food stamps. Do we?

On top of everything, ah heard dat Mit Romney believes in poligmy tho ah dont see nothin wrong with having a haarem of bitches. We all do dat, right? Why he would marry them tho is stupid.

Barrys fam back where he wuz born in kenya all had a bunch of wives–da men folk that is–and his daddy liked wut we call VARIETY, if yo catch my meaning and no one made a big fuss about dat!

As my new bud Jimmy put it, “Together, we’ve done some amazing work building this campaign so far. But I know that we’re in for a tough fight ahead, and we’ll need your voices and leadership if we want to win on Election Day.”

Ahm not exactly sure what “amazin work” has been acomplished and I ain’t been a leader since my dayz in the hood but, hey, if Barry’s boy Jimmy says so it must be so and if my boy Barry needs me, I’m there! But not there with money!!!! Dat boy has enuff of dat!!

As for fights, ah agrees with Barry when he said if da honky bring a knife to a fight, we brings a gun even tho we always have a knife on us, as dey say, just in case. Dat was good advise tho.

You can hep Barry and Jimmy by completin Jimmy’s survey. It has questions on what we think about the Buffet Rule, “taking the fight to al-Qaeda,” and “Ending ’Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ “. (

Look, ah never pay any taxes but if dose dumbass Repubs would jest stop being assholes and pass dat Buffet Rule, Waren would pay as much as his secratary and we could run the gubmint for a while, a few days mebbe but a few days is a few days right? . . . (Read more at

Susan Sarandon Blacklisted!

Susan Sarandon Blacklisted!

You would think that with his past, sleazey connections President Barack Hussein Obama would be ultra-tolerant of fellow leftists-liberals-radicals but that’s not always the case, especially when they become an embarrassment in an election year.

It was perfectly acceptable in 2008 for Obama to be bosom buddies with revolutionists William Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, and other professed anti-Americans. Most voters knew about those illicit associations–or should have known– yet they elected Obama anyway.

When Obama appointed to high offices such reprobates and revolutionaries such as Harold Koh, Kevin Jennings, John Holdren, Van Jones, Dawn Johnson, Mark Lloyd, Chai Feldblum, and a slew of other sick fruitcakes, it seemed obvious that our president didn’t give a damn what Americans thought of his extremist background or of his far out nominees and his supporters didn’t seem to give a damn, either.

That view now turns out to be incorrect. Obama is in fact occasionally selective as to who is awarded the Obama imprimatur and who is consigned to executive oblivion. Apparently, the aging actress and radical poster “girl,” Susan Sarandon is now on the Anointed One’s S-list.

Denied a White House security clearance, Sarandon also claims her telephone has been tapped and that the government maintains a dossier on her. It all sounds like paranoia except that her whining might have a basis in fact. . .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mah Buddy Barry aka Barack (Part One)

Mah Buddy Barry aka Barack (Part One)

Ah ain’t used to writin much but ah tries and dats da main thing right? Ah gots lotsa help with dis so don’t complane bout my speling, ok? I jest wanna share mah o-pinions an complaints about our most awesomest president.

Most people call him Barack Obama or mebbe include his middle name, Hussein, but dat just be too Muslim, if yo catch mah drift. Anyways, to me he’s just plain ol’ “Barry,” the name he used fo years befo he got uppity and went to Columbia and Hahvard with a little help from his friends and learnt about his roots like Kunta Kinte.

I can call him Barry since him, Mishelle, and his honky veep an his dago campaign manager adress me by the name mah momma gave me when they email me once or twicet a week.

Ah signed up to be on Barry’s emailing list years ago and, since den ah be most proud to say I been invited to the White House a buncha times. Well, dey wasn’t invitations, dey was “opportunitys” to be invited if ah sent him money but ah consider them pretty real, specially dose extra-special invites to Barry’s and Mishelles birthday blasts.

Ah didn’t go because ah couldnt buy presents after we spend all our food stamps on some goodies, Ha, Ha, ya know wut ah mean. Ahm a responsibble person. Ah needed what was left to feed all my kids.

Yep, ahm what dey call a forty-seven percenter cuz 47% of Amerika is on food stamps and Barry is da food stamp prez and whats wrong with dat? They ain’t stamps no more, anyway. Now dey give us a credit card thing that makes us look like we’re acshully payin for our food!

Now, I can unnerstand the prez’s Wall Street friends like Goodman Sax are pissed at him for calling dem ”fat cats” but, c’mon, dey are fat, but why is it all about the green alla time, man? The Obama emails always go back to money like when ah was sorta invited to a party jest yesterday by some beatch, Ann Marie Habershaw.

She was nice tho and she gave me some good advise. She told me to ”Choose your guest wisely” when ah send her three my bucks–which i didn’t–to enter a raffle “to go to a party for the President at George Clooney’s house.” He’s dat actor that everyone thinks is gay but ah think he’s a lyin’ hypocrit for tryin to say he’s a ninety-nine percenter and we all know he’s a stinkin zillionire!

Just today, ah gots anudder emails what sez dey will pays mah aeroplane fair, dat is if ah coughs up dat tree bucks an ah wins da contest. Ahm not gonna tho. Ah jest don’t think no grate man like Barry shoud be rafflin hisself off like dat for 3 lousy bucks!

They all seem to have this thing about dat three number. My buddy hisself sent me an email last week. He sez, “The other side thinks they can win by trashing me” and axed me to give him three to help stop that damn trashing.

Ah couldn’t figger whose been trashing . . .

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"The Hunger Games"

"The Hunger Games" The movie based on Susan Collins’ young adult trilogy, The Hunger Games, has less to do with hunger and games than it has to do with violence, mayhem, and just plain silliness. The entire premise of the film is predicated on an absurdity and the action punctuates that absurdity with such elements as arbitrary rule changes in the 74 year old government-mandated tradition of kids killing kids for the entertainment of the elite and teenagers making decisions that are even dumber than the choices often made teens. As the teens pursue one another, two contradictory rule changes that radically alter the games are implemented via strategically-placed loudpeakers in the forest; when a group of five form an unlikely alliance to track down and kill the protagonist and trap her in a tree, they decide to build a campfire and party rather than smoke her out with a fire under said tree. To backtrack, in a futuristic, apocalyptic world, the all-powerful, wealthy, centralized “Capitol” government of Panem conducts nationally-televised annual holiday festivities featuring 24 poor kids aged 12 to 18 chosen by lottery from twelve, outlying, impoverished “districts.” With no consideration of their physical prowess to fight to the death of all but one participant, following a few days of training, the two dozen “tributes” are let loose to wreak havoc on one another while the ruling class watches the progress of the blood-letting on TV. The winner? After murdering all the others, he or she gets to go home to the dismal life of poverty he or she had left before getting “lucky” in the macabre sweepstakes. The winner’s reward after grueling, bruising days of being hunted like an animal is more akin to a booby prize. “The Hunger Games” does incorporate redeeming features, including the central character, Katniss Everdeen, played by 21 year old Oscar nominee Jennifer Lawrence. . . (Read more at

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Extinguishing Trayvon's Bonfire

Extinguishing Trayvon's Bonfire (See “The Trayvon Martin Bonfire,”, which drew parallels between the Trayvon Martin killing and Tom Wolfe’s 1987 novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, and “The Whitewashing of Trayvon Martin,”, which made the case for, well, Trayvon’s whitewashing.) From the outset, the media coverage of the February 26th, 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida has been skewed, biased, and journalistically disgraceful. The prosecution has demonstrated it is equivalently skewed, biased, and disgraceful. Now that Zimmerman has been arrested and charged with second degree murder, the whole truth is finally seeping out which should dampen the Trayvon fires but I wouldn’t count on that. At the beginning of this racial and legal fiasco, the only surety was that Zimmerman had shot Martin, which he freely admitted. The hype and lies that he was a racist, that he stalked Martin, etc. was just that, hype and lies manufactured by the MSM and exploited by black race hustlers in order to stir up racial unrest. A reputable media would have reported the known facts in the case devoid of editorialized “news” stories designed to paint Zimmerman as a bloodthirsty murderer and Martin as a defenseless youth “hunted down like a rabid dog,” according to Democrat Rep. Frederika Wilson. Instead of objectively reporting the known truth about the case, most of the broadcast, cable, and print media consistently distorted the facts. That distortion was epitomized by the MSM featuring photographs of Zimmerman looking more like a white man when he is actually half-hispanic and depicting Martin as an innocent child when he was actually full grown. In reality, at the time he was killed Martin was anything but a child. He was a strapping, 6 foot, 2 inch 17 year old with a history of school suspensions, drug and gang associations, possession of a burglary tool, and possession of unexplained woman’s jewelry at school. In an unorthodox move, on Friday the shackled Zimmerman courageously waived his Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination and took the stand at his bond hearing. He said to the Martin family, “I am sorry for the loss of your son. I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. I did not know if he was armed or not.” The apology was immediately rejected as “self-serving” and “an outrage” by the family attorney, Benjamin Crump, and the prosecution described his testimony as “a media stunt.” Zimmerman was granted bail in the amount of $150,000, a far cry from the million dollars the prosecution sought. More relevantly, Zimmerman never said he was guilty of any crime. Nevertheless, indicative of the state’s intent to convict him of all charges at all costs, the prosecuting attorney then asked him a totally unethical and inappropriate question under cross examination. It’s remarkable that the defendant’s attorneys didn’t strongly object to the misleading question: “After you committed this crime and you spoke to the police, did you ever make that statement to the police? That you were sorry for what you’d done or for their loss?” Equally remarkable is the prosecutor’s apparent obliviousness that no “crime” had yet been established and that Zimmerman is considered innocent under the law until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Now that a cell phone photo has surfaced substantiating Zimmerman’s contention that Martin had slammed his head into the pavement, one would hope the media would be more objectiveis. However, they are still as committed as the state of Florida to exonerating Martin and hanging the defendant. The photo, taken by an eyewitness three minutes after the altercation, graphically shows blood streaming from two deep gashes in the back of his head, wounds that supplement neighbors’ statements that Zimmerman also had a bloody, swollen nose. ABC World News’ Diane Sawyer displayed the picture then proceeded to effectively dismiss it as exculpatory evidence that Zimmerman feared for his life before he shot Martin. . . (Read more at

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Progressive Education Malpractice

Progressive Education Malpractice

The sorry state of education in America has been documented ad nauseum in this space as have numerous stories of male and female teachers who have sexually violated underaged students. Other less sensational but almost equally disturbing activities are going on in Amerca’s schools and also demand attention.

Many public schools and school districts have been taken over by so-called progressives who have undermined the primary purposes of education by focusing on creating a false sense of self-esteem in students, accenting diversity and multiculturalism over teaching, and hiring liberal nicompoops.

The results have been failing schools, failing students, and declining standards and the situation is getting worse.

Out on the Left Coast, that bastion of unreconstructed liberalism, the Los Angeles United School District, where dropout rates average 20.3%, is considering a smoke and mirrors change in graduation requirements. (

Under the proposed changes, by 2016 all LA public high school students would be required to take and complete “advanced courses” including a third year of math plus two years of a foreign language with a minimum grade of “C” if they want to graduate and to prepare them for college-level courses, all admirable new standards but flawed even if they are implemented as proposed.

The fly in the education ointment is that under the plan, high schoolers would only be required to take 170 education units instead of the current 230 thereby reducing their course load by a whopping 26%.

The effective consequence of the innovations is that kids will learn significantly less and taxpayers will get less bang for their tax bucks while the LAUFSD can boast it is modernizing curriculum and discouraging dropouts.

The probabilities are that course standards will be lowered to assure students attain the coveted “C” grade and the dropout rate won’t be measurably reduced since failing, semi-literate kids still won’t be able to meet any challenging standards.

Meanwhile, Virginia music teacher Jean Flaherty is making a progressive stand for diversity and against old-fashioned, non-politically correct values and beliefs. Ms. Flaherty has taken it upon herself to delete God. . . (Read more at

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dogs in Politics

Dogs in Politics

Anyone who doubted the 2012 election has gone to the dogs should read on.

For months now, Dirty Dave Letterman has regularly featured a spoof of Mitt Romney driving a car with his dog pathetically dangling from the roof patting a side window.

In fact, there’s a grain of truth in the spoof. Almost 30 years ago, Romney had installed a carrier replete with a windshield on the roof of the family car so that they could take their irish setter, Seamus, with them on vacation rather than send him to a kennel for two weeks.

It was all in good fun for Letterman who likes to ridicule Republicans–but never maligns Democrats–for one thing or another as when he mocks Herman Cain for his alleged dalliances, Newt Gingrich for his double chins, Chris Christie for his weight, Rick Santorum for his campaign against pornography, etc.

Letterman even finds raucus humor in the names “Herman,” “Newt,” and “Mitt” though he finds nothing funny about “Barack.”

Romney’s “Dog on the Roof” story, of course, gave rise to fierce attacks on the governor for his falsely perceived insensitivity toward animals which numerous Obama mainstream media outlets extrapolated to showing evidence Romney has contempt for the human animal.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA, found Romney’s actions disgraceful and cruel.

Contrast that insensitivity to Michelle Obama’s confession on Letterman that the Obama clan’s portugese water dog, Bo, is her son: “I have two girls–and a boy.”

And, he doesn’t look anything like Trayvon Martin!

There has been no comment from either the FLOTUS or the White House or from most of the MSM on her hubby’s boyhood diet as revealed in his memoir, Dreams of My Father.”

That diet included “small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat . . ."(Read more at

An Abbreviated Round-Up of Gross Incivility in Obamaland

An Abbreviated Round-Up of Gross Incivility in Obamaland

We all want to be civil, right?

Just last year, with the deepest sincerity, our president implored Americans to engage in more civil discourse, to be more tolerant of disparate opinions and less confrontational, to “sharpen our instincts for empathy,” and to search our souls for answers to America’s disunity following the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords.

Either many of Barack Hussein Obama’s rabid supporters didn’t get that civility memo or they interpreted it as a veiled call to arms since they immediately ratcheted up their uncivil, vile, mean-spirited invective after the president’s Tucson speech in total disregard of his heart-felt appeal.

Almost three years later, with a national election looming, Obama’s armies have taken to even more reprehensible rhetoric and, to supplement their words, have launched an unprecedented wave of deadly violence.

Cynics like Robin Leach foolishly think the president of the United States craves that gross incivility and mindless violence serve as tools to create civil unrest and a possible race war to help pave his way to a second term. He may be right.

A few selected instances reflecting the ratcheting but precious little soul-searching:

. A tourist in Baltimore was assaulted by a black man and, adding severe insult to his injuries, he was beaten, robbed, and stripped naked on a public street by a crowd of blacks who later boasted about the crime they had committed.

. Former world heavyweight boxing champion and disgraced, convicted felon Mike Tyson weighed in on the Trayvon Martin affair by opining that “It’s a disgrace that man [George Zimmerman] hasn’t been shot yet. Forget about him being arrested–the fact that he hasn’t been shot yet is a disgrace.”

. Obama buddy, black Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree, suggested on Al Sharpton’s National Network Convention that whites would be given preference had a black killed a white man instead of the half-hispanic Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. . .

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama Will Win Re-Election (Part Two)

Barack Hussein Obama Will Win Re-Election (Part Two)

Part One of this very mini series examined some reasons why Barack Hussein Obama is virtually guaranteed to win his re-election bid.

My opinion–which I pray to God is wrong– was based on the probability of Obama conducting the dirtiest campaign in over a century, his faux-populist platform setting class against class and race against race, and plans to spend a billion dollars or more to fool the American people into giving him four more years.

However, that prediction was made not as much on those factors as on the fact Obama has locked up various constituencies that will cast their ballots for more of the same no matter what the president has done to the country to date or what else he will do before November 6th.

Most African-Americans, Jews, and homosexuals will vote for Obama seven months from now, giving him some 17% of the electorate.

So, too, will a sufficient number of Latinos and those still suffering from the malady of white guilt to give him the 270 electoral votes he needs to be “flexible” in order to accomplish his goal of changing America into a land that would have caused the Founding Fathers to retch.

In addition, many Republican conservatives will choose to shoot themselves in both feet by staying home on Election Day and thereby help re-elect the president out of pique that Mitt Romney isn’t conservative enough or because he has flip-flopped on issues almost as often as Obama.

. Latinos. Due to Obama’s policies and those of his immediate predecessor, George W. Bush, with regard to illegal immigration, hispanics in America now constitute 16.3% of the population, over 50 million people, an estimated 11 million of whom entered the United States illegally.

Regardless of which president is most responsible for the illegal influx, the reality at this point is that they are here and only an unprecedented, massive, federal deportation program will change the situation, and that’s not going to happen under any administration.

Legal or illegal, with notable exceptions Latinos are an industrious, hard-working, religious, and fundamentally conservative group, characteristics that should classify them as Republicans yet 67% voted for Obama in 2008.

The reasons for that majority are multiple and complex but boil down to the successful Democrat Party effort to make hispanics, legal and illegal, feel at home in the U.S., feel that Democrats care and will take care of them, feel they should vote for Obama because Republicans don’t make them feel at home and won’t “take care of them.”

According to a recent poll from the Democrat campaign, 73% of them will vote Obama in November, adding as many as 10 points to Obama’s tally for a total of 27%.

. White Guilt. The “white guilters” are the wild card in the coming election. They consist of Caucasians who were torn in 2008 over the long-ended horrors of slavery, felt guilty that some white guys like Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, and sought absolution for the sins of their long-dead forbears by voting for the son of Marxists.

White guilters rarely admit . . .

Monday, April 16, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama Will Win Re-Election (Part One)

Barack Hussein Obama Will Win Re-Election (Part One)

As difficult as it is to concede, barring a disaster or intercession by an almighty power, President Barack Hussein Obama will win re-election on November 6th. The final vote tally will be far from a landslide but a sufficient proportion of the electorate will ensure the president serves another disastrous term.

That prediction is based on a variety of factors not the least of which is the widely-held expectation that Obama and all the president’s men and women will wage the dirtiest campaign since the populist Andrew Jackson beat the Democrat-Republican John Quincy Adams in 1828.

Obama will also win on a populist platform predicated on calculated distortions and misrepresentations supplemented by his hole cards of racial and class warfare and he will be bankrolled with a billion dollar campaign treasury.

However, the principal reason he will emerge victorious is not the nefarious tactics he and his minions will employ but that he has locked up various constituencies which will cast Democrat ballots because they almost always have and despite compelling reasons to vote otherwise.

Those constituencies in order of Democrat allegiance:

. African-Americans. Understandably, blacks chose a fellow, if semi, African-American in 2008 because, well, because he was almost black. If I were a black man, I would have supported him simply because of his race and centuries of oppression and disenfranchisement. However, the second time around, I would have supported the candidate who would best serve the interests of the country.

Thirteen percent of the electorate, fully 96% of blacks, voted for Obama four years ago versus 43 percent of whites. While the 96% was anticipated, the 43% reflected the amazing number of “white guilters” who felt it was time for a minority presence in the White House regardless of his lack of qualifications and experience as belated recompense for the enslavement of Obama’s forebears.

In spite of the fact the president has done as little for blacks–aside from hiring them in record numbers and for highly visible positions–as he has for other races, the African-American community is a sure bet to go for Obama in 2012 by margins approximating 2008 particularly but not exclusively due to his politicizing the tragic death of Trayvon Martin.

Chalk up around 13% for Obama.

. Jewish Americans. Jews are by nature and history liberal since they have been discriminated against even longer than blacks. They have endured oppression and slavery for thousands of years, and have been Democrats for as long as there has been an America.

Nevertheless, there is ample cause for Jews to abandon their loyalties to the Democrat Party this year , . . .

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taxes: The Price We Pay for What?

Taxes: The Price We Pay for What?

Just about everyone has always hated what Oliver Wendell Holmes long ago called “the price we pay for civilization,” taxes.

All the phony Washington yammering over billionaire Warren Buffett’s tax rate as opposed to his secretary’s makes as little sense as the president’s foreign policies since taxing every millionaire in the country 100% on their earnings wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans to reduce Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. Still, it’s worthwhile to consider the whole concept of governments siphoning money from its citizens.

The ancient Romans resented paying their precious coppers to the emperor and hid in public urinals to escape the dreaded tax collector, thousands of modern Romans avoid kicking in their euros to support their corrupt leadership, yet most Americans dutifully if not happily file their 1040′s on time every year.

Whether it’s still just the price we pay for civilization or the price the majority of taxpayers pay to keep peace among the underclasses, the price we pay others to pay less as we pay more, or simply the price to insure the government is able to provide cradle to the grave subsidies for those not interested in providing for themselves, is debatable.

What’s not debatable is that good citizens had better pay up by April 17th or be hit with penalties and be hounded to distraction by the American version of the gestapo, the Infernal Revenue Service. This year we have the grace of an additional two days to cough up what we owe instead of paying by the date that fittingly coincides with the fateful day Lincoln died and the Titanic sank to the bottom of the Atlantic.

Sure, federal taxes serve constitutional purposes of providing for the national defense, etc. but the tax code is now larger than the iceberg that sank the Titanic and almost as deadly.

The code, rife with loopholes and exemptions and gifts and penalties, now encompasses over 9 million words requiring more than 90,000 IRS employees to administer it with a budget in excess of $11billion, . . .

Friday, April 13, 2012

Politically Prostituting NASA

Politically Prostituting NASA

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden is a graduate of the Naval Academy, a retired, highly decorated Marine major general, and a former astronaut. Bolden is also a dutiful politician.

NASA’s website cites the agency’s aim to “pioneer the future in space exploration and aeronautic research” and outlines its “vision”: “To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind.”

There is no mention anywhere on the NASA site of getting involved international politics, such as improving relations with Islam, or promoting the global warming scam but both are on its agenda.

Bolden demonstrated that NASA’s mission had radically changed a year after he was named administrator when he said during an interview with Al Jazeera, the Arabic language news network. Under Bolden, NASA’s is being politicized and its “foremost” mission is to improve relations with the Muslim world, and not space exploration or aeronautic research.

He told Al Jazeera that he was “ordered” to effectively forget NASA’s historic mission of space pioneering, etc. and to adopt a totally new and markedly different goal. As Bolden admitted to the voice of Islam, “Obama wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science. . . and math and engineering.”

At the behest of his boss, Bolden was abandoning NASA’s position as the world’s pre-eminent scientific body in order to serve “foremost” as cheerleaders for ancient Muslim achievements, that is, to fulfill Barack Hussein Obama’s political ambition to suck up to Islam and help Muslims “feel good” about themselves.

That extreme departure contradicted the president’s own words spoken in March, 2009.

At that time, he said, “Let’s be clear: promoting science isn’t just about providing resources–it is also about protecting free and open inquiry. It is about letting scientists . . . do their jobs, . . . It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda–and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.”

Except when those decisions and facts conflict with Obama’s ideology.

NASA has again departed from its mission on another Obama pet issue–the lie of anthropogenic global warming. . . (Read more at

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trayvon Martin and the New Black Panther Party

Trayvon Martin and the New Black Panther Party

Now that Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey has met with and prayed with the family of Trayvon Martin followed by Corey’s decision to arrest George Zimmerman, jail him, and charge him with second degree murder, it would seem that the inflamed passions that have surrounded the case would come to an end, at least until Zimmerman is tried.

Don’t bet on it.

Thursday morning on the “Today” show, Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, made her own, surprising announcement saying unequivocably, “I believe it was an accident, I believe that it just got out of control and he [Zimmerman] couldn’t turn the clock back.”

That was a fair enough assessment.

By Thursday afternoon, Fulton had retracted her statement and declared with an equivalent lack of equivocation on MSNBC-TV that “George Zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood.”

An “accident” is a far cry from charges of stalking and cold-blooded murder.

That monumental reversal leads one to suspect Trayvon’s mother either experienced a sea change in her opinion over the course of a few hours or someone sat her down and told her to shut up about accidents if she wanted to hang Zimmerman and maybe earn a few bucks by suing him, the city of Sanford, the Sanford P.D., and anyone else even remotely connected with the case.

A cynic might think the latter scenarios were more probable rather than a considered reassessment of an accidental shooting.

Of course, even the lawless New Black Panther Party changes its mind.

Michelle Williams, the NBPP “chief of staff,” also reversed course in a matter of a few days. . . (Read more at

Titanic Excuses?

Titanic Excuses?

The April 15th, 1912 sinking of the “unsinkable” RMS Titanic in the North Atlantic has become the stuff of legend, a tribute to man’s arrogance, testimony to man’s fallibility, and proof of man’s vulnerabilities.

The ultra-luxurious Titanic launched on her maiden voyage from Southhampton, England one hundred years ago today with some ten millionaires and scores of the wealthiest people on the planet on board as well as over 2,000 lesser human beings.

Three days later 1,514 would be dead–including many of the elite, First Class passengers–from drowning, exposure to frigid ocean waters, and various other catastrophic events.

The story of the Titanic tragedy has been told and re-told for a century.

The Titanic story has been replete with accounts of bravery and cowardice, with tales of First Class passengers given priority to board the woefully insufficient lifeboats and the pathetic souls in steerage largely left to die, with evidence the majestic ship had been poorly engineered and built and that its collision with an iceberg had been avoidable.

Two new studies have now virtually exonerated Titanic Captain Edward John Smith and his crew from responsibility in the tragedy.

One argues that nature was complicit . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Resurrection of "Nigger"

The Resurrection of "Nigger"

Five years ago, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and other leaders of the black community staged what had to have been one of the most fatuous exercises in the history of language: They “buried” the word “nigger.”

As with anything buried alive, the word has scratched and clawed its way to the surface once again proving that premature burial is usually not permanent or productive.

It was a selective internment anyway since most African-Americans never participated in the funeral and hip-hop “artists” never ceased using “nigger” as well as “bitch,” ”ho,” and other less-than flattering terminology toward women in their “art.”

At the 2007 ceremony in Detroit, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick gravely intoned, “Today we’re not just burying the N-word, we’re taking it out of our spirit. We gather burying all the things that go with the N-word. We have to bury the ‘pimps’ and the ‘hos’ that go with it. Die N-word, and we don’t want to see you ’round here no more.”

Perhaps Kilpatrick wasn’t the ideal spokesman for the obsequies. He wasn’t exactly a role model either before or after he became Detroit’s mayor, what with a plethora of corruption, perjury, obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, and fraud scandals and serving time in federal prison.

The first evidence that nigger was making a comeback fortunately didn’t happen on FOX News which would have been castigated by the left wing media had someone on FOX employed the term.

Last month, CNN special investigator Drew Griffin was reporting on an alleged hate crime in Mississippi and cited a cell phone call by one of the suspects: “At the end of this, Deryl Dedmon is laughing with his friends and actually called on a cell phone and, pardon my language but there’s no other way to say this–‘I just ran over that f—ing nigger.’ ”

Of course, there were myriad other ways of saying it but none had nearly the shock value of Griffin’s usage of a buried word.

Likewise, there were various other ways for Susan Candiotti, a CNN correspondent, to report on the recent Tulsa shootings than by quoting a Facebook entry by one of the accused on Easter Sunday: “And it reads like this: ‘Today is two years that my dad has been gone, shot by’–and please excuse the language, it’s very sensitive–‘Shot by a fucking nigger.’ “

Apologies were duly accepted for both the use of the F-word and the N-word . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Anti-Christianity in the News

Anti-Christianity in the News

The age-old admonition against ever discussing religion or politics never held any water, except maybe for atheists and for those who consider politicians spawns of the devil.

Especially in A.D. 2012, with the first serious Mormon candidate running for president, a president who is desperate to establish his Christian bona fides in the face of continuing doubts, and Rep. Paul Ryan saying on Tuesday that his Catholic faith is the foundation of his budget plan, religion has taken center stage in America although that stage is noticeably tilted against Romney and Ryan.

For example, Mitt Romney is often subjected to negative stereotyping and commentary from both the left and the right because of his membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, reactions that haven’t been seen in this country since the first Roman Catholic ran for the presidency fifty years ago.

Indeed, it would seem that all Christians come under greater scrutiny than adherents to other faiths, which has given rise to charges that there is a war on Christianity raging in America, a war apparent to any thinking person.

What do New York Jets quarterback Jeff Tebow, former sitcom star Kirk Cameron, and “American Idol” hopeful Colton Dixon have in common? Actually, all three share the same distinctions of being devout Christians–and all have been roundly criticized for their beliefs.

Tebow, of course, is the most visible figure among them and has been attacked for his outward displays of faith since his days as a Florida Gator through his two years with the Denver Broncos. Since his trade last month to New York, the belly of the liberal beast, many sports pundits have ramped up their ridicule and critiques and have gleefully predicted he will fail miserably.

However, failure doesn’t exist in Tebow’s playbook any more than the thought of changing either his character or altering his public demeanor exists.

Tebow took his show on the road to celebrate Easter Sunday to Georgetown, Texas, appropriately at the Celebration Church where he delivered a heartfelt sermonette in the form of a Q and A session with the pastor before a congregation estimated at 30,000 faithful.

The gist of his sentiments was reflected in his proud admission that he said, “Win or lose, it is most important that I honor my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.” (

Not that it would bother Tebow but that line will surely be seized on by his detractors the first time he throws an interception or the Jets lose a game.

It’s doubtful Kirk Cameron can toss a football as far as Tim Tebow but he created almost as big a stir when he frankly expressed his Christian moral views last Friday on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.”

Cameron tread where few celebs would dare to go when the”Growing Pains” star and now a Born Again Christian gave his opinion on abortion and gay marriage.

Concurring with millions of other Americans, Cameron believes abortion is “wrong, under any circumstances. I think that someone who is ultimately willing to murder a child, even to fix another tragic and devastating situation–like rape or incest or things like that–is not taking the moral highroad.”

He may have gotten away with that statement but his non-politically correct Christian view that homosexuality is a perversion, without using that term, caused an uproar from the ultra-liberal, pro-gay set. Cameron forthrightly said, “I think that it’s unnatural . . . (Read more at

Monday, April 9, 2012

Trayvon and Crystal Mangum

Trayvon and Crystal Mangum

“Trayvon and Tawana,” (, drew a number of parallels between the shooting of Trayvon Martin and the 1987 racial hoax perpetrated by Tawana Brawley and aided and abetted by career African-American agitator, Rev. Al Sharpton.

Just as Martin’s shooting by George Zimmerman has created a firestorm of protests against assumed racist profiling and bigotry, Brawley’s case was accompanied by the involvement of Sharpton and others of his ilk seeking publicity and an unquenchable thirst for racial unrest.

Just as with Trayvon Martin, the bases of Brawley’s claims were false, a tissue of lies that unraveled under official scrutiny.

Both Tawana Brawley’s inflammatory and destructively false accusations and those of Crystal Mangum provided templates for the never-ending campaign to tar white Americans as hateful bigots in the face of facts that prove the exact reverse.

Crystal Gail Mangum, an enterprising, black 27 year old student at North Carolina Central University, helped pay the bills by working as an “escort” and stripper for her pimps at the Allure Escort Service.

Long, seamy story short: Mangum was hired by members of the Duke University lacrosse team to “perform” for them at their off-campus residence for $800. She showed up gloriously drunk, and engaged in 5 minutes of lesbian groping with another “escort,” an Asian-American named Kim Roberts.

Mangum proceeded to exchange words with the team, exited in a huff, stormed around the house shouting and half-naked before driving off into the night with her associate whom she soon tried to kick out of the car, and was subsequently taken into custody by Durham, N.C. police.

Actually, that wasn’t the end of the story. It was more the beginning of a misbegotten tale of fantasy rape, manufactured deceit, and baseless charges of racism and violence, all of which were later disproven.

It was also the disgraceful tale of a district attorney who lied repeatedly and a prestigious university that opted to believe a prostitute rather than its own students in the interests of political correctness. . .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Trayvon and Tawana

Trayvon and Tawana

The mainstream media just love scandals whether they have any basis in fact or not. If those scandals involve race or sex, all the better. If they have both, it’s a bonanza. If they serve to perpetuate racial division, it’s orgasmic!

Scandalous rumors sell papers and entice viewers to tune in and instigate many to use up their copious spare time by taking to the streets and protesting, regardless of whether they understand the issues or not. It’s something to do.

In view of what rumors tend to arouse the demonstrators and cause them to protest, wave placards, and chant mindless slogans, their protests should be classified as expressions of selective indignation since not all terrible reports bother them in the least.

For example, frequent and verifiable news stories of African-Americans brutally attacking and killing Caucasians or blacks murdering their fellow blacks never bring out slews of blacks to march and condemn the violence which is tearing apart the black community as well as the fabric of American society.

I guess there is just so much time for agitators to stage demonstrations and protestors to protest and certain violence doesn’t merit attention from them–or from the national media.

Phony scandals inciting mindless protesting has become one of America’s favorite outdoor sports. The Trayvon Martin affair is the latest divertissement for the protesting class but it is hardly the first example of selective indignation and certainly will not be the last.

The chief problem with African-American upheavals is that they have so often been proven to be outrageous lies.

The jury is still out on the Trayvon Martin affair. Black race-hucksters have already tried, convicted, and sentenced George Zimmerman to death in a rush to publicity but the truth of that tragedy is slowly leaking out that Trayvon Martin was hardly an innocent saint and George Zimmerman is far from a racist demon, despite initial MSM reports to the contrary.

Eyewitnesses have confirmed that Martin assaulted Zimmerman and uttered death threats and he is alleged to have been a low-life, drug-pushing thief and gang-banger.

Both blacks and whites have defended Zimmerman, he is on record as lodging a racism complaint against the same white cops who responded to the scene of the shooting, and ABC and NBC have admitted they intentionally doctored reports and audio tapes to falsely show he is a racist.

The networks never admitted their unethical, biased purpose of sanctifying Martin and crucifying Zimmerman in the interests of political correctness and placating black demagogues.

When the Florida special prosecutor announces the results of her findings, the hucksters will no doubt reject the truth just as they denied the realities in the notorious cases of Tawana Brawley of Wappingers Falls, New York and Crystal Gail Mangum of Raleigh, North Carolina.

Agitation always trumps reality for race-baiters.

In the event Tawana’s racist fabrications have been forgotten, back on November 27th, 1987, 15 year old Tawana simply had to see a former boyfriend, Todd Buxton, then a prisoner in a local jail. As any self-respecting teenage girl would do, she skipped school and took a bus to visit him.

Four days later, Tawana returned and was seen secreting herself in a large green garbage bag. When she was finally “rescued,” her clothing was ripped, torn, burned, and covered with feces and and “KKK,” “NIGGER” and “BITCH” were emblazoned on her chest and torso.

Tawana claimed she had been “abducted by several white men shortly after she got off the bus; the men, one of whom wore a badge, took her to a wooded area and sexually abused her over a period of several days.” Amazingly she was unable to identify any of her attackers who had repeatedly raped and sexually abused her for four days. . . (Read more at

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter, the Reason for the Other Season

Easter, the Reason for the Other Season

Contrary to some modern perceptions, Easter really has nothing to do with bunnies, eggs, jellybeans, chocolate, or politically-correct “spring spheres.”

Coinciding with early spring, Easter can symbolically be associated with rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings but for Christians it is much more than that. It represents the central doctrine of the Christian faith without which little else makes sense. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead which Christians believe will also be their spiritual reward for a life lived well.

”On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches. Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. As part of the Easter season, the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus.” (

Easter week, from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, also represents an enigma to Christians and to non-Christians alike, namely, If Jesus is God, why did He have to die at all and why did he have to die so ignominiously, nailed to a cross?

The short answer is that He had to die because it was the Father’s will for a human being to suffer and die in order to atone for the sins of humanity from Adam onward. Both His death and resurrection also fulfilled scriptural prophecy and furnished meaning for His prophetic words to His disciples.

The long-contentious question of “Who killed Jesus?” is of far less consequence than the truth that He died and rose again. The Jews condemned Him, the Romans crucified Him, and we all shared the fruits of His ultimate sacrifice.

Few people will dwell on Easter’s deeper meanings and philosophical nuances this weekend as they celebrate what has become, like Christmas, more a holiday than a holy day. So, enjoy your finery, your bunnies, eggs, jellybeans, chocolate, or even those PC spring spheres. However, as with Christmas, it would be good to remember that there’s a reason for the season.


Unemployment Smoke and Mirrors

Unemployment Smoke and Mirrors

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.” (Thomas Jefferson)

Based on mainstream media reports and liberal pundit commentaries, one would think that America’s economy had turned a corner, that massive numbers of people were getting back to work, that the re-recession was over, that God’s in His heaven and all’s right in Obamaworld.

Much as all Americans would love to believe that rosy picture, it would be as accurate as believing Obama reveres the United States Constitution.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released data on Friday showing that 120,000 jobs opened up in March and that the official unemployment rate declined from 8.3% in February to 8.2% last month, the lowest rate in over three years.

That was the good economic news, deceptively good and the only good news.

In point of fact, those 120,000 jobs represented a 107,000 decrease from February’s numbers and far less than the expected 205,000 and were the fewest jobs added in five months, people are leaving the workforce in droves with a record 88,000,000 now not employed at all, the Institute for Supply Management’s factory index was 53.4 in March, down from a high of 59.9 in January, 2011, and Americans are working fewer hours and earning less money.

If this is a recovery, what’s a recession?

CNBC’s voice of reason, Rick Santelli, . . .

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Twisted Tributes to Trayvon

Twisted Tributes to Trayvon

Hysterical black congresswomen haven’t been heard from in a few days after venting their rage at the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida but agitators such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, the New Black Panther Party, and Rev. Al Sharpton haven’t skipped a beat in their vitriolic abuse of George Zimmerman.

Jackson absurdly said Wednesday morning that, ”If a white kills a black we revolt, if a black kills a white it’s jail time, we kill each other it’s Miller time. It’s as if somebody has the right to kill us,” the NBPP reiterated its million dollar bounty on Zimmerman’s head, and Sharpton has been invited to the White House for Easter.

As the city of Sanford nervously awaits the ruling by the special prosecutor assigned to investigate the shooting, Angela Corey, it’s preparing for the worst.

After all the baseless, inflammatory rhetoric that has been spewed, Sanford officials are expecting social upheavals that could rival the aftermath of the Rodney King riots of twenty years ago.

Sanford’s emergency management team has met frequently with Attorney General Holder’s Department of Justice, extra police and fire department officers are on standby, and neighboring towns have been asked to be at the ready.

Considering the extremist and violent threats already made in the matter, Florida’s National Guard could be called out should the special prosecutor find that Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin and that his jailing would be a miscarriage of justice.

Can’t we all just get along, at least until the investigation is complete and justice served?

Apparently not, based on recent events in Florida and elsewhere.

. To show their solidarity with Trayvon, dozens of students from North Miami Beach Senior High School followed a protest demonstration at the school a week ago by marching through the streets of North Miami and ransacking a Walgreens to the tune of $1100.

. Just east of Sanford, two black men, Julius Ricardo Bender and Yahaziel Isaac Israel, have been charged with attempted first-degree murder, . . . (Read more at

Muslims in Our Midst

Muslims in Our Midst

The issue of Muslims in Europe has been widely described as a metaphorical demographic time bomb, an apt figure of speech which, within our lifetimes, could become a literal fact of European life.

At the current rate of Muslim influx, Europe should become an Islamic continent long before America, an altogether fitting scenario since European nations have for decades been blithely and blindly inviting more and more Muslims into their countries and accommodating their traditions, their values, their mosques, and their sharia law.

Italy seems to be the latest European nation to come to the realization that Islam is becoming a pervasive presence, establishing the Italian branch of the planned worldwide Islamic caliphate, and preparing for the return of the 12th Imam who has been in hiding since the 13th century and will emerge to conquer the world.

That’s the bad news for Italy.

Worse news is that the Italians will no doubt follow the leads of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany and do nothing substantive to forestall or prevent the Muslim invasion and takeover of their lands.

Like most of Europe, Italy has evolved into a very liberal state and all liberals deeply believe in the principle of live and let live, of permitting everyone to fully exercise their God- or Allah-given freedoms and do as they please.

Europe is enamored of the misguided and discredited PC idea that multiculturalism will solve all its immigration problems by integrating and absorbing Muslims into society even as it’s been proven most Muslim immigrants haven’t the slightest interest in assimilation.

By ignoring that reality, Europeans are allowing foreigners to seize control of their governments and cultures and determine their futures.

In Italy, which still has a relatively low Muslim population of 1.5 million, native Italians seem shocked that “mosques are springing up like mushrooms” as very fertile Muslims reproduce like rabbits and the natives are more interested in the trappings of modernism than traditional marriage and making babies.

When it became apparent . . . (

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh's Sweet Victory

Rush Limbaugh's Sweet Victory

After the FOX News Channel, Rush Limbaugh has been the most potent voice of conservatism in America for a generation, a virtual dagger in the sides of liberals who, until the advent of FOX and the growth and popularity of talk radio, had enjoyed a decades-long monopoly on what and how news was reported and whose opinions would be heard by the public.

FOX has long been in the liberal crosshairs as has Limbaugh but, most recently, Rush has been the liberal target of choice since they believe they could more easily take down and destroy an individual than a billion dollar cable network.

As with the lib campaign to discredit Glenn Beck, who completely recovered after a concerted effort by Media Matters for America, George Soros’, and other left wing organizations to silence him, they have failed miserably in their quest to destroy Limbaugh by targeting his advertisers.

The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi admitted that the claim that over a hundred advertisers had dumped Limbaugh was a fraud and he conceded the defeat of the left’s six week boycott on those advertisers even if they haven’t yet given up the fight.

The end result of the battle? Rush lost 2 small market stations of the 600 total that carry his show and 5 advertisers, some of which have tried to return and have been told where to go, and it isn’t to Rush.

The mistake the left consistently makes is underestimating the commitment–and the intelligence–of America’s conservatives. Liberals are so devoid of . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Leaking SCOTUS, Sinking Obamacare

Leaking SCOTUS, Sinking Obamacare

(Late Tuesday, Judge Jerry Smith of the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals demanded that the Department of Justice immediately produce a letter of explanation regarding the president’s recent criticism of the United State Supreme Court “stating specifically, and in detailed reference to those statements, what the authority is in the federal courts in this regard in terms of judicial review.” He added, “The letter needs to be at least three pages, single-spaced and it needs to be specific.” The demand was reported by Fox News and on ABC’s blog but nowhere else in the mainstream media.)

There’s only one rationale for President Barack Hussein Obama using the occasion of a visit by heads of state to try to intimidate the Supreme Court into deciding that Obamacare is constitutional: He got a tip that the Court will trash the Individual Mandate, if not the entire 2700 page mess that is the “Affordable Care Act.”

Canada’s Stephan Harper and Mexico’s Felipe Calderon attended a presser at the White House on Monday to discuss NAFTA, trade, security, etc. and were treated to an exhibition of Chicago-style bullying against the highest court in the land by their “constitutional scholar” host. It must have made them think Obama had gone off the deep end when he launched into a pre-emptive attack on SCOTUS’ authority and integrity.

The president’s salvo was replete with distortions and outright lies comparable to the distortions and lies that have surrounded the ACA ever since the law was first proposed and narrowly passed by a highly partisan Democrat Party.

The bill was pushed through the Senate on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2009, 60–39, with every Democrat voting in favor and every Republican voting against, and passed the House of Representatives on March 21, 2010, 219–212, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting nay.

Based on the president’s Monday bullying, you would think Obamacare had passed in a landslide vote and that the American people loved the legislation when the precise opposite is the truth.

As Obama said, “Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”

“Confident?” Not bloody likely or he would have kept his mouth shut! ”Unprecedented?” SCOTUS overturns unconstitutional laws every session! “Strong majority?” The bill squeaked through the House and passed in the Senate only because Senate Democrats marched in lock-step with Obama after heavy-handed cajoling and bribery!

Obama went on to another major distortion, alleging that conservatives had been arguing for years over the “unelected” Supreme Court’s judicial activism, i.e., making rather than interpreting laws. In the Obamacare matter, SCOTUS is doing just that–interpreting, not making law.

In a tone remniscent of the Chicago politics . . . (Read more at

Monday, April 2, 2012

Exploiting and Fearing Trayvon Martin

Exploiting and Fearing Trayvon Martin

Commenting on the February killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, Stephanie Cutter, Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, said on MSNBC last week that President Barack Hussein Obama’s ”Republican opponents have jumped all over him because they do want to play politics with this issue.”

In apparent reference to Obama’s inappropriate intrusion in a local matter and making it personal by saying, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon,” Ms. Cutter went on to add that, “The President spoke from his heart on this, it was trying to empathize with some parents who had just lost a child. By any measure, this was a tragedy and we need to let the investigation take its course.” (

Ms. Cutter is in serious need of a reality check.

As with the 2009 incident between Cambridge cop, Sgt. Joe Crowley, and Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., when Ms. Cutter’s boss rushed to judgement and alleged Crowley acted “stupidly” without knowing any details about the confrontation, the president has again acted stupidly by intruding himself in the investigation.

Coincidentally, that intrusion occurred just eight months before a national election as Obama is trying to shore up his black and minority bases.

It is the president, his rabid supporters such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and the New Black Panther Party, and his mainstream media who have shamelessly exploited the death of Trayvon Martin.

Even if Republicans wanted to politicize Martin’s death, what political gain could be achieved by exploiting the shooting a black youth?

The only advantage that could be gained would accrue to Democrats and their media lapdogs to use the shooting to tar Republicans with a racist label and as a tool to push for tighter gun control, both of which efforts have already begun and neither of which makes much sense.

First of all, George Zimmerman is a registered Democrat and half Latino so, if blame must be assigned, blame Democrats and minorities.

Second of all, since the Democrat Party is hell-bent on gutting the Second Amendment, their focus should be on the African-American community where most gun crimes are committed and where there exists justifiable fear of black men.

In a rare excursion into honesty, Rev. Jesse Jackson said in March, 1996, “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody White and feel relieved.”

As President Barack Hussein Obama admitted in March, 2008, his white grandmother . . . (Read more at

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"October Baby:" A Failed Abortion, A Wonderful Life

"October Baby": A Failed Abortion, A Wonderful Life

Nothing disturbs liberals more than a perceived assault on their most cherished, radical feminist sacrament, abortion.

They consider the right to murder a pre-born baby sacrosanct and inviolable and venomously attack any and all thinking to the contrary, especially when that thinking is incontrovertible.

Thus, the liberal reaction to the movie “October Baby” was entirely predictable since the film undermines their most fundamental precept that a woman’s rights supersede a baby’s right to life.

The reaction rivals the negative, leftist reception accorded the films, “Act of Valor” which, despite its violence, is an affirmation of American values and our armed forces, and ”The Passion of the Christ,” which aroused the passion of anti-Christians everywhere.

Positive affirmations of virtually anything good tend to make libs queasy.

Just released on 390 screens nationwide, “October Baby” is what Hollywood would call “a small film,” produced with minimal publicity and with major budgetary constraints.

Filmed in four weeks not in Tinseltown but in Alabama and on the Gulf Coast, ”October Baby” nevertheless garnered eighth place and an estimated $1.7 million gross for its first weekend with a per-screen average of $4,352, finishing third behind ”Hunger Games,” which debuted on 4,137 screens.

However, despite its outstanding early success at the box office, the story of “October Baby” is not about gross receipts and screens. It’s about life, understanding, and love.

Loosely based on the actual experiences of anti-abortion activist, Gianna Jessen, who was born with cerebral palsy and whose life was subsequently defined by pain, doctors, and medications, the movie focuses on Jessen’s persona, Hannah Lawson, who mistakenly believes her ”entire life is a lie.” . . .