Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Susan Sarandon Blacklisted!

Susan Sarandon Blacklisted!

You would think that with his past, sleazey connections President Barack Hussein Obama would be ultra-tolerant of fellow leftists-liberals-radicals but that’s not always the case, especially when they become an embarrassment in an election year.

It was perfectly acceptable in 2008 for Obama to be bosom buddies with revolutionists William Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, and other professed anti-Americans. Most voters knew about those illicit associations–or should have known– yet they elected Obama anyway.

When Obama appointed to high offices such reprobates and revolutionaries such as Harold Koh, Kevin Jennings, John Holdren, Van Jones, Dawn Johnson, Mark Lloyd, Chai Feldblum, and a slew of other sick fruitcakes, it seemed obvious that our president didn’t give a damn what Americans thought of his extremist background or of his far out nominees and his supporters didn’t seem to give a damn, either.

That view now turns out to be incorrect. Obama is in fact occasionally selective as to who is awarded the Obama imprimatur and who is consigned to executive oblivion. Apparently, the aging actress and radical poster “girl,” Susan Sarandon is now on the Anointed One’s S-list.

Denied a White House security clearance, Sarandon also claims her telephone has been tapped and that the government maintains a dossier on her. It all sounds like paranoia except that her whining might have a basis in fact. . .

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