Monday, April 16, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama Will Win Re-Election (Part One)

Barack Hussein Obama Will Win Re-Election (Part One)

As difficult as it is to concede, barring a disaster or intercession by an almighty power, President Barack Hussein Obama will win re-election on November 6th. The final vote tally will be far from a landslide but a sufficient proportion of the electorate will ensure the president serves another disastrous term.

That prediction is based on a variety of factors not the least of which is the widely-held expectation that Obama and all the president’s men and women will wage the dirtiest campaign since the populist Andrew Jackson beat the Democrat-Republican John Quincy Adams in 1828.

Obama will also win on a populist platform predicated on calculated distortions and misrepresentations supplemented by his hole cards of racial and class warfare and he will be bankrolled with a billion dollar campaign treasury.

However, the principal reason he will emerge victorious is not the nefarious tactics he and his minions will employ but that he has locked up various constituencies which will cast Democrat ballots because they almost always have and despite compelling reasons to vote otherwise.

Those constituencies in order of Democrat allegiance:

. African-Americans. Understandably, blacks chose a fellow, if semi, African-American in 2008 because, well, because he was almost black. If I were a black man, I would have supported him simply because of his race and centuries of oppression and disenfranchisement. However, the second time around, I would have supported the candidate who would best serve the interests of the country.

Thirteen percent of the electorate, fully 96% of blacks, voted for Obama four years ago versus 43 percent of whites. While the 96% was anticipated, the 43% reflected the amazing number of “white guilters” who felt it was time for a minority presence in the White House regardless of his lack of qualifications and experience as belated recompense for the enslavement of Obama’s forebears.

In spite of the fact the president has done as little for blacks–aside from hiring them in record numbers and for highly visible positions–as he has for other races, the African-American community is a sure bet to go for Obama in 2012 by margins approximating 2008 particularly but not exclusively due to his politicizing the tragic death of Trayvon Martin.

Chalk up around 13% for Obama.

. Jewish Americans. Jews are by nature and history liberal since they have been discriminated against even longer than blacks. They have endured oppression and slavery for thousands of years, and have been Democrats for as long as there has been an America.

Nevertheless, there is ample cause for Jews to abandon their loyalties to the Democrat Party this year , . . .

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