Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mah Buddy Barry, aka Barack (Part Two)

Mah Buddy Barry, aka Barack (Part Two)

(This be the second part after the first part on mah buddy Barry. You can read dat first part here if yo wants to and if yo dont wants to who cares!

In One ah wuz talking bout all dose emails ah gets from my bud Barry an his homies moochin fo money. Dey piss me off. Dis is a lil differant.

On Monday, Jimmy, (dat would be Jim Messina, head honky honcho fo da “Obama for America” campaign), emailed me for “input,” my sugestions in a survey on how we can make shure Barry gets fo more years in the White House.

We damn well don’t want dat moron Mormon guy moving on up to our place with all his ugly wives and his jerk-off ideas about people working for a livin and not survivin on food stamps. Do we?

On top of everything, ah heard dat Mit Romney believes in poligmy tho ah dont see nothin wrong with having a haarem of bitches. We all do dat, right? Why he would marry them tho is stupid.

Barrys fam back where he wuz born in kenya all had a bunch of wives–da men folk that is–and his daddy liked wut we call VARIETY, if yo catch my meaning and no one made a big fuss about dat!

As my new bud Jimmy put it, “Together, we’ve done some amazing work building this campaign so far. But I know that we’re in for a tough fight ahead, and we’ll need your voices and leadership if we want to win on Election Day.”

Ahm not exactly sure what “amazin work” has been acomplished and I ain’t been a leader since my dayz in the hood but, hey, if Barry’s boy Jimmy says so it must be so and if my boy Barry needs me, I’m there! But not there with money!!!! Dat boy has enuff of dat!!

As for fights, ah agrees with Barry when he said if da honky bring a knife to a fight, we brings a gun even tho we always have a knife on us, as dey say, just in case. Dat was good advise tho.

You can hep Barry and Jimmy by completin Jimmy’s survey. It has questions on what we think about the Buffet Rule, “taking the fight to al-Qaeda,” and “Ending ’Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ “. (

Look, ah never pay any taxes but if dose dumbass Repubs would jest stop being assholes and pass dat Buffet Rule, Waren would pay as much as his secratary and we could run the gubmint for a while, a few days mebbe but a few days is a few days right? . . . (Read more at

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