Saturday, April 28, 2012

Big Sticks and Big Boobs

Big Sticks and Big Boobs

There are many truisms in life–realities that need no further explanations or elaborations to be understood. For example, we all agree that ducks quack and dogs bark and cats retain humans only as pets.

There are also truisms in the entertainment and political worlds that reasonable people fully grasp as almost biblical truth. For example, we know that most entertainers hail from the liberal side of the political spectrum and that most politicians lie. Ok, to be generous, pols tend to dissemble.

Anyone who expects Dirty Dave Letterman to be objective in his political “humor” has to be very confused when Letterman inaccurately and consistently mocks Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney for being cruel to the family dog while never making even a passing, comical reference to Barack Hussein Obama’s eating dogs whose meat was “tough.”

Likewise, anyone who believes White House press flack, Jay Carney, when he says with a straight face that he “never” lies in the face of multiple and proven prevarications in defense of his boss must be bewildered over the serious possibility that virtually everything the Obama administration says and does is a lie.

Sometimes, perceived truisms merge in the entertainment and political universes when politicians inadvertently become entertainers.

All but the most braindead Democrats realize that Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was chosen for that position because he was guaranteed to play the role of the administration’s entertaining clown prince in order to deflect attention from Obama’s frequent gaffes and outright deceptions which make GWB look like a genius.

Senator Biden’s surpassed his pre-nomination ”storybook” description of Obama as ”the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” a classic put-down of blacks, when he lauded Obamacare on a live mic as “a big, #$%@-ing deal,” without the #$%@.

The clown prince may have outdone himself once again and established himself as the biggest boob ever to hold the office that John Nance Garner called “not worth a bucket of warm spit.”

This time, Biden didn’t just come across as obliviously stupid as much as he reflected the oblivious stupidity of the Obama Team who picked him in the first place. . .  (Read more at

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