Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An Abbreviated Round-Up of Gross Incivility in Obamaland

An Abbreviated Round-Up of Gross Incivility in Obamaland

We all want to be civil, right?

Just last year, with the deepest sincerity, our president implored Americans to engage in more civil discourse, to be more tolerant of disparate opinions and less confrontational, to “sharpen our instincts for empathy,” and to search our souls for answers to America’s disunity following the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords.

Either many of Barack Hussein Obama’s rabid supporters didn’t get that civility memo or they interpreted it as a veiled call to arms since they immediately ratcheted up their uncivil, vile, mean-spirited invective after the president’s Tucson speech in total disregard of his heart-felt appeal.

Almost three years later, with a national election looming, Obama’s armies have taken to even more reprehensible rhetoric and, to supplement their words, have launched an unprecedented wave of deadly violence.

Cynics like Robin Leach foolishly think the president of the United States craves that gross incivility and mindless violence serve as tools to create civil unrest and a possible race war to help pave his way to a second term. He may be right.

A few selected instances reflecting the ratcheting but precious little soul-searching:

. A tourist in Baltimore was assaulted by a black man and, adding severe insult to his injuries, he was beaten, robbed, and stripped naked on a public street by a crowd of blacks who later boasted about the crime they had committed.

. Former world heavyweight boxing champion and disgraced, convicted felon Mike Tyson weighed in on the Trayvon Martin affair by opining that “It’s a disgrace that man [George Zimmerman] hasn’t been shot yet. Forget about him being arrested–the fact that he hasn’t been shot yet is a disgrace.”

. Obama buddy, black Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree, suggested on Al Sharpton’s National Network Convention that whites would be given preference had a black killed a white man instead of the half-hispanic Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. . .

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