Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dogs in Politics

Dogs in Politics

Anyone who doubted the 2012 election has gone to the dogs should read on.

For months now, Dirty Dave Letterman has regularly featured a spoof of Mitt Romney driving a car with his dog pathetically dangling from the roof patting a side window.

In fact, there’s a grain of truth in the spoof. Almost 30 years ago, Romney had installed a carrier replete with a windshield on the roof of the family car so that they could take their irish setter, Seamus, with them on vacation rather than send him to a kennel for two weeks.

It was all in good fun for Letterman who likes to ridicule Republicans–but never maligns Democrats–for one thing or another as when he mocks Herman Cain for his alleged dalliances, Newt Gingrich for his double chins, Chris Christie for his weight, Rick Santorum for his campaign against pornography, etc.

Letterman even finds raucus humor in the names “Herman,” “Newt,” and “Mitt” though he finds nothing funny about “Barack.”

Romney’s “Dog on the Roof” story, of course, gave rise to fierce attacks on the governor for his falsely perceived insensitivity toward animals which numerous Obama mainstream media outlets extrapolated to showing evidence Romney has contempt for the human animal.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA, found Romney’s actions disgraceful and cruel.

Contrast that insensitivity to Michelle Obama’s confession on Letterman that the Obama clan’s portugese water dog, Bo, is her son: “I have two girls–and a boy.”

And, he doesn’t look anything like Trayvon Martin!

There has been no comment from either the FLOTUS or the White House or from most of the MSM on her hubby’s boyhood diet as revealed in his memoir, Dreams of My Father.”

That diet included “small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat . . ."(Read more at

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