Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh's Sweet Victory

Rush Limbaugh's Sweet Victory

After the FOX News Channel, Rush Limbaugh has been the most potent voice of conservatism in America for a generation, a virtual dagger in the sides of liberals who, until the advent of FOX and the growth and popularity of talk radio, had enjoyed a decades-long monopoly on what and how news was reported and whose opinions would be heard by the public.

FOX has long been in the liberal crosshairs as has Limbaugh but, most recently, Rush has been the liberal target of choice since they believe they could more easily take down and destroy an individual than a billion dollar cable network.

As with the lib campaign to discredit Glenn Beck, who completely recovered after a concerted effort by Media Matters for America, George Soros’, and other left wing organizations to silence him, they have failed miserably in their quest to destroy Limbaugh by targeting his advertisers.

The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi admitted that the claim that over a hundred advertisers had dumped Limbaugh was a fraud and he conceded the defeat of the left’s six week boycott on those advertisers even if they haven’t yet given up the fight.

The end result of the battle? Rush lost 2 small market stations of the 600 total that carry his show and 5 advertisers, some of which have tried to return and have been told where to go, and it isn’t to Rush.

The mistake the left consistently makes is underestimating the commitment–and the intelligence–of America’s conservatives. Liberals are so devoid of . . . (Read more at

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